
Brianna's POV

Faye was all over me.

She's been kissing me nonstop since my mother left this morning. It's not that I hate it but I really need to do something else than staying on the bed with her the whole day.

"Faye..." I tried to push her away from my neck. "I've got things to do."

Faye didn't listen and instead placed a hand between my legs.

"Faye!" I hit her on the head. "I said stop."

"Ah!" She finally pulled away. Disappointment was written all over her face.

"I've got things to do." I repeated. I got off the bed to go the shower. In the bathroom mirror, I saw how I was covered by her marks.

I rubbed my head. I didn't expect her to be that much. I'm not going to lie, I'm just trying my best to walk normally but it's been really difficult.

I shook the thought from my head. Focus, Brianna. We really have things to do. I've an incoming quiz next week and I need to study.

I turned the shower on and cleaned myself. After taking a deep shower, I made sure that I am fully clothed because I don't want to tempt Faye anymore.

Outside, I saw Faye fully clothed too. She's by the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Cooking lunch. You must be very hungry."

As she said that, my stomach made a noice.

She chuckled, "see?"

"Haha. Can I leave you here? Can I be comfortable leaving you here? Do not mess up the kitchen? So I can study at peace?"





She furrowed her brows. "I am no one to speak regarding that topic since I've never touch a single penny in my life since I became immortal but weren't you businesswoman in your other past lives? Don't you have memories of it? Shouldn't you be an expert?"

"I am?"

She finished chopping on the carrots and poured on the boiling water. "Yeah. You were Gregoria Florence."

My eyes widened. "The woman who built an empire out of nothing? She's the model of almost all women youth."

She nodded, "yeah. The woman with a very curly white hair and thick glasses."

"That was me?!"


"I thought she died in a car accident."

Faye stared at me looking a bit guilty. "I thought your memories are back. Why don't you know that?"

I guess she'sthe cause of the car 'accident'. "Well, I wouldn't really know unless I actually try to look back at my memories."

"Then maybe you can check now and free off your day."

"But there are new things that may be new to me..."

She shrugged, "whatever fills your cup." She continued to cook.

"Whatever. I'm just going to study to be sure."

I went to my room to grab my things so I could study in the living room to still have a view of Faye cooking. It's not that I don't trust her but I just really want to see her doing some house chores.

"I'm not going to wreck your kitchen, Brianna," Faye sounded disappointed and probably thinks that I don't trust her.

"Calm down. I just want to see you cook."

"Why? So you can check if I wouldn't ruin your kitchen?"

"Just cook, Faye." I opened my textbook and notebook to start studying.

She snorted.

After an hour, she called me to eat.

"What did you cook?" I sat on the chair in front of the dining table.

"Chicken curry," she placed the food on top of the table.

I sniffed the air, "mmm...smells good."

I started eating but she just watched me.


She smiled, "nothing. It just feels like the old times."

"Like the old times?"

"Seriously, you need to look back at your memories."

"I think it's better if you tell them to me so I would know your side of the story."

She breathed deeply as she prepares, "fine. There were other times that we're like this too. I'm your strange little secret then I do your house stuff while you do your thing."

"Oh...should I be sorry?"

She shook her head, "no. It was fun. Thrilling, if you want to call it that way."

I brushed my hair to the back of my ears, "but we never did anything other than that, right?"

"Our love was pure, Brianna. Sure, I messed it up in the middle but..."


"I want to go back to how it was before. Without Jessica and all of these problems."

"What do you mean?"

Is she planning to kill me again? I thought we're over that.

"Can I be selfish even just in this lifetime?"

" you mean, Faye?" I stared at my food. Did she poisoned the food? Is that why she hated it when I decided to study in the living room?

She propped her arms on the table so she could clasped her hands together. She stared directly into my eyes.

"Faye?" I dropped the spoon on the plate.

So far, I am not feeling anything. But I don't understand. I was watching her while she cooks, I'm pretty sure there's nothing strange that she put in there. But again, it's not like my eyes were in her the whole time.

"Why do you look scared?" Her expression softened.

"Why would I not be?"

"I am not doing anything to you." She pulled herself back.

"Did you poisoned the food? Is that why you're not eating?"

She grimaced, "are you okay? Why would I do that?"

"Because, you've been really adamant on killing me. So this is your chance to do it, right?"

She scoffed, "did you know how worried I was when you almost died yesterday?"

"You were worried because it's not you who killed me so it means you're not going to die." I pushed the plate away from me. I got up and went to the sick where I tried to vomit out the food that I just ate.

"Brianna," she tried to pull me away. "I did not poison you!"

I shook my head. I can't believe I let my guards down.

"Brianna! I was just about to tell you I don't want to kill you anymore. I don't mind living for another thousand years and wait for you to reincarnate over and over again. I realized what Jessica told me, okay? I don't want you to become an angel again. I don't want to become a normal human if it only means that I will never see you anymore."

I closed my mouth. What did she just say?

"God, Brianna..." she stepped back from me. "I messed up your head, huh?"

I looked at her. She looked hurt. "Faye..."

"It's okay. You don't have to explain yourself. I understand." She returned to our table and cleaned it.

"What are you doing?"

"You could just order take out."