Alright Part 3

Brianna's POV

And so I just followed her.

She guided me how to do it with her. She taught me how nibble at her n***les and how to play with them using my tongue.

I'm not going to lie, hearing her moan really turns me on. It's making me feel things I've never felt before.

"You like that, don't you?" She mumbled. "How about this?" Her hand sneaked its way inside my short. At first, it was nothing until I felt her tracing the line.

My legs uncontrollably tightened around her hand.

She chuckled, "how can I move if you're locking my hand?"

I bit my hand. I didn't mean to...they just acted on their own...

"Or maybe you want this instead." I felt her pushing a finger inside me.

"H-hey!" My hand grabbed her hand.


"I-it feels weird..."

It's not like I'm new to do this. I've watched these kinds of things before...but with two heterosexual people. I don't know how a girl and a girl would make this work at all.

"You don't want to do it?"

I gulped. I do. But I can't answer that. I might sound desperate.

She flicked my n**ple, "they seem to say otherwise."

I bit my hand harder.

She pulled her hand from me and stood up on the edge of the bed.

Oh no, are we stopping? Did I turn her off?

I propped my elbows on the bed, "Faye..." Do I sound desperate?

"Calm down. I'm not done with you. We barely started."

I thought she was really going to stop but I was wrong. She pulled my shorts and underwear away instead and forcely opened my legs.


She positioned herself between me as she pulls me closer to her.

"What are you kneeling for?" I asked.

"To pray." She closed the distance between my sensitive part and her lips.

My legs shivered as I felt her tongue around. She's not living any part untouched.

"F-Faye..." I tried keeping my legs open by I can't. I squeezed her head unintentionally but that didn't stop her. Instead, it made her go harder and deeper.

She even made me feel even better by inserting fingers inside me.

I grabbed a handful of her hair. "F-Faye, it feels really...weird...s-stop." I feel my stomach is tightening at her every touch.

But she didn't stop. She just continued. She's no longer listening to anything that I'm saying. I'm glad though. I really don't want her to stop anyway.

"I-I think...I'm c**-" I didn't get to finish what I'm about to say. I just uncontrollably flinched and shivered as I felt a heavy release.

Faye pulled herself from me, "that felt amazing, huh?"

I'm trying to catch my breathe. I just closed my eyes as I try to keep my body steady.

"Don't tell me you're tired already. We're not done."

Somehow, that made me feel scared but excited at the same time.


I opened my eyes to the sound of the door opening.

Who's that?

Faye is sleeping peacefully beside me while her arms are pulling me closer to her in a hug.

I blushed. I still cannot believe that I actually did that with her.

"Brianna?" I heard my mom calling my name.

My mom!

I sat up.

"Hmm..." I heard Faye groan.

"Shhh," I covered her mouth. "Mom is here."

She licked my palm. It made me pull it away from her.

"S-stop already..." My face is heating up again.

"If you're going to show yourself to her, I suggest wearing pajamas and longsleeve that also covers your neck," her voice was a bit hoarse. It only made her even sexier.

"What are you talking about?" I leaned to reach for the lampshade sitting on my side table. As soon, as the room got lit up, I understand what she meant. I've got kiss marks all over. Even on my arm.

"Art is amazing, huh?" I didn't realize that Faye already opened her eyes.

"Sh-shut up." I got out of bed and searched my cabinet for something I could wear. "Stay here. I'm going to check on my mom."

"'s not like I have the energy to go anywhere anyway."

I saw my mom standing by the door. She seemed confused.

"Hey, welcome home." I greeted her.

"Brianna, did you order this?" She pointed at the plastic bag in the floor.

"Oh," I forgot about that already. "Y-yeah. I was hungry but I felt tired."

"You shouldn't leave it by the door and on the floor." She picked it up and brought it to the kitchen. "It seems heavy."

"Yeah, I ordered lots of food." I took the plastic bag. "I'm going to eat it in my room."


I returned to the room and saw that Faye is still laying in the bed but she's no longer sleeping. She was just staring at the door probably waiting for me to return.

"We should eat," I said.

"Why? I thought we already ate?"

I blushed.

She smirked, "I forgot how fun it is to tease you." She sat up on the bed making the blanket fall. It's the only thing covering her.

"Mind wearing a shirt at least?" I opened the food container and placed it on the bed.

"No, I've got nothing to hide anymore."


"Sit beside me," she tapped on the free space on her right.

My bed is located by the wall so we could lean on it. I obliged and ate my food beside her.

"You're not touching yours," I noticed.

"I'm really not hungry yet."

"Or you just don't like Thai food."

"No, I like Thai food. In fact, it's my favorite. You should know by searching at your memories.

So I did. I tried looking back at my past lives and she's right. She does enjoy eating Thai food.

"Then why are you not eating yet?"

She leaned closer to me to lick me on the neck, "because I am really still full."

I winced, "stop already." I wiped the wet part on my neck with my sleeve.

She didn't stop grinning at me. I think she's still enjoys teasing me.

I can't help myself either. Even though we're done, I could still feel her touches and kisses around my body and each time, I feel something wet between my legs.

I guess I do still want more but I am already tired.

I chewed on my food.

"Do you have class tomorrow?" She finally took the chopsticks and started nibbling on her food.

I shook my head, "no. It's Saturday tomorrow."

"Is your mom going to be around?"

"No, she works from Monday to Saturday."

"Good. We have more time tomorrow then."

I stopped chewing. "What?"

"Come on, I've waited for this for a thousand years. You think one night would sufice?"

I gulped.

I guess we're both thinking about the same thing...