Alright Part 2

Brianna's POV

My face heated up.

"I told you, there's a towel in there!" I panicked.

"I have a towel," she pointed at her head.

"Yes, I am seeing that. But you can take another towel to dry your body with!"

"Oh, right. I forgot. I don't do it around Jessica's place so I got used to it."

I turned around, "just go to the room and wear some clothes!"

I heard footsteps closing by so while facing my back towards her, I also took a few steps away from my room but she caught me by my wrist.

"Faye?" I closed my eyes. I don't want to look at her. I am still not facing her.

She pulled both of my wrists and held them behind me as she pushed me to the wall.

I could feel her breathing on my ears as she leans closer to whisper, "how long are you planning to avoid me?"

"A-avoid? What are your talking about?"

"You're the one who started this, remember?" Her grip on my wrists tightened.

"Y-yeah. But you don't want to do it with me, right? B-because I'm an angel..." I tried to laugh my nervousness away. "I respect your decision, Faye. It's fine."

She's not letting go of me. Instead, her breathing just got heavier.


I felt her other hand brushing on my stomach. When did she snaked her way under my shirt? Why didn't I felt that earlier?


"Shhh, I have enough. I don't think I could stop myself anymore, Brianna."


What is she talking about? Just moments ago, she was against this. What made her changed her mind?

She nibbled with my ear.

"--ngh..." I tried to pull away but I am not that willing to really stop this.

Don't I want this to happen too? What's making me nervous now? Why?

Her arm found my breast. She cupped it and squeezed it tight.

I bit my lip. No. Don't moan. Don't.

Her other hand finally lets go of my wrists but only for it to fish itself inside my shorts.

"Ha..." I breathed.

Her lips found my neck.

My heart is beating fast. Is this really happening now?

"Wh-why are you doing this now? You were against this, remember?"

"Why are you suddenly nervous? I thought you want this?"

"Don't do it with me just because you feel obligated." I tried to removed her hands from me but she pushed my hands onto the wall.

"I am not. I really want to do this," Faye's voice sounds soft and yet aggressive.

She tugged on the hem of my shirt attempting to remove it only to be stopped by the doorbell.

"Thai food delivery!" The delivery man announced.

Faye groaned. She pulled herself away from me.

I turned around. Her stance shows how frustrated she is. She was furrowing her brows and the corner of her lips were curling downward.

"Coming!" I shouted to the deliveryman.

I rushed to my bedroom to get my wallet but my hands seem to not be cooperating with me. My wallet is shaking as I try to get money from it.

Finally, I managed to take some money so I went to the door and paid.

"Thank you," I said to the guy.

He handed me the plastic bag. "Thank you, Miss Cho."

I closed the door and sighed. When I faced Faye, she's still standing on the same spot as before.

"Wh-what?" I gulped. "Let's eat?"

"No," she drew her way towards me and took the plastic bag from my hand and placed them on floor.

"That's food. You shouldn't place it on the floor," I tried to make an excuse.

She pulled me by my wrist and brought us to my room.

She somewhat threw me on my bed making me face her as she sits on top of me. Her hands were gripping on my wrists so I can't fight her.

Though a bit nervous, I managed to stare at her eyes. There's a sign of hunger in them. These are not the eyes that Faye have. These are much darker.


I don't think I could fight this time. I don't think there will be other excuses. It's only 6 in the evening. At least that's what I saw on my phone when I last handled it before charging. How long has it been since? My mom won't arrive until 10 so...Faye really got me now.

I just closed my eyes as I waited for her to make a move.

This is what I wanted anyway. I'll just let it happen then.

I could feel her finally moving closer to me.

First, I felt her nose hovering on my face as if she was sniffing me then she stopped by my neck and felt something wet. She's licking me in there.

I winced. I felt a bit ticklish.

Her licks turned into a kiss. She's moving around my neck, "don't you dare push me away."

I don't understand what she meant by that. As if I have the strength to do that anyway.

She lets go of my wrists so she could pull my shirt and throw it somewhere in the room.

Her eyes stared atmy bare chest.

"There's...really nothing much to see in there..." I said. Somehow, I feel a bit shy being exposed like this to her. Ugh, again, why am I feeling nervous now? Didn't I show them to her earlier already?

She smirked, "I am also naked, Brianna. Don't you find yourself staring at me too?"

I almost forgot about that. How can I forget something that is already right in front of my face?

As soon as she reminded me of that, my eyes dropped to her chest.

I could feel my face heating up. She's more exposed than me but it seems like this is all nothing to her.

"That's right. Just look at me. You can also touch me if you want." She guided both of my hands to her breasts.

There's a weird feeling in my stomach. I'm really touching her...

She lowered herself to me for a kiss. I've never really kissed anyone before so I don't know how to respond to it.

"Relax your jaw," she mumbled.

So I did. I still don't know if I'm doing it right but I just followed her lead until I felt her tongue inside my mouth and I pulled away.

"What?" She sounded annoyed but I could also tell that she's trying to be patient with me.

"I really don't knke how to do this..." I stared at my hands. They are just stuck on her breasts but not doing anything. It's literally just a hand bra.

Faye chuckled, "just follow me, Brianna."