
Brianna's POV

Finally, a place where I could breathe. I may be showing a strong facade but honestly, my knees were weakening.

I threw my top and shirt on the laundry bin.

What was I thinking earlier? I jist got into an accident and sex was the first thing that came into my mind?

I leaned my back on the wall. I pulled my jacket close to cover myself. I feel ridiculous. I feel embarrassed. I feel ashamed.

I crouched and hugged my knees.

If Faye really didn't love me anymore...I guess she's got a reason to rightfully do so. The way I acted earlier was so immature.

But then her outburst in front of Jessica...I am not going to lie but I really felt happy to hear those words coming out of her mouth.

She shouted that she loves me.

I stretched my legs onto the wooden floor. Still, I feel really ridiculous. I don't think I have the courage to show myself to her right now. I wonder what's on her mind.

Then I asked her to stay with me. Where did I even find that kind of courage? I don't think I have that kind of strength to stop myself from trying to grt close to her later.

Now that I think about it...we are going to share the same bed!

I am done for.

Maybe I could sleep on my mom's room and when she arrives I'll just tell her that I am having nightmares and I want to sleep beside her.

Yes, that's right. That's a good excuse.

I got up and was planning to leave the laundry room when I saw Faye standing by the door.

"Faye..." I muttered.

"I-I was wondering what's taking you so long. I thought you fainted or something..."

"I'm fine now. You don't have ti worry about me." I walked past her. Get away from her, Brianna. Get away from her.

"Are you really alright?"

I nodded without looking at her. "Anyway, again...erm," I opened the refrigerator. Ugh, why do I keep forgetting to buy groceries?

"Take out?" She asked.

I closed the refrigerator door and took out my phone. Luckily, it still has battery. Fifteen percent is good enough to make a call.

I dialed the restaurant I usually buy take out from.

"Hello?" The person on the other end answered.

"Hi, this is Brianna Cho from 3C..."

"Oh, right. Miss Cho, the usual?"

"Yes, the usual...and erm," Iooked at Faye who is quietly watching me. "Do you want anything? It's Thai food."

"I'll just have what you'll have."

"Okay. Make it two," I told to the person I'm talking on the phone.

"Got it. 30 to 40 minutes, Miss Cho."

"Okay." I put down my phone. "30 to 40 minutes." I informed Faye. "Meanwhile, make yourself feel at home. Mom usually arrives around ten so you could just watch the TV for now while we wait." I went to my room to find the charger of my phone.

Maybe I should clean myself too. The jacket smells damped because of the rain from earlier. I removed it and hanged it on the backrest of desk chair. I took some clothes from my cabinet and attempted to go to the toilet when I noticed Faye standing by the door.

"Seriously? Are you a ghost? Why am I not hearing you?" I covered myself with a towel.

I may have the courage to expose myself to her earlier but that was Brianna from an hour ago and that's not me anymore. The Brianna in front of her now is the embarassed Brianna who just wants to the earth to eat her already.

"I followed you because I was going to ask if you want to watch together. I didn't expect that..." Her face turned red. "Sorry."

I shook my head, "it's fine. It's not like you haven't seem them yet."

What am I saying? Shut up, Brianna. Just shut up and go take a shower.

I walked past her again and went directly to the bathroom. I slammed the door close.

I just cornered myself, didn't I? I am literally suffocating myself by bringing her here with me.

I shrugged the thought and just cleaned myself.

The teenager's blood from earlier has dried on my pants. I tried washing it of but it's left a brown stain already. I don't know how I will explain this to my mother later. Period blood? But on the thigh part of the pants?

I shook my head. I think I need sleep because I am obviously not thinking straight anymore. All of my decisions today is messed up.

When I left the bathroom, Faye was silently sitting in the sofa while staring at the TV. I say staring and not watching because it's obvious that she's not paying attention to it.

Her attention shifted to mine when she heard my footsteps.

"You should clean up too," I told her. "If you want hot water, you should pull the knob." I informed her. "Also, there's an extra towel in the shelf. You can use that."

How long can I act stoic in front of her?

"Okay," she answered mundanely.

I went to my room and blow dried my hair.

From here, I could hear the bathroom door closing. Good, Faye is taking a shower. I have at least 20 minutes to think.

I stared at my bed.

I cannot share the same bed with her. I don't have a pillow that could separate us like before. The bed is also smaller than before so we will be sleeping really close at each other and again, that can't happen.

I guess sleeping in my mother's room is really the answer but not a permanent solution. Lately, I am noticing that she's on her phone too much and giggling. One time, I also saw a male's name on her phone and the content of their messages is regarding their date. So obviously, my mom now has a lover and one of these days, she'll bring him here. So that also means I cannot stay forever in her room.

Do we have an extra mattress around?

I should look at our storage room. I went out of my room and at the same time, Faye just got out of the shower too. Bare.