Her Part 2

Faye's POV

"H-How long have you been standing there? No, how did get here?" I asked.

Did I accidentally teleported her with me?

"You kinda brought me here," Brianna answered.

"Why didn't you say anything?" That question was for both Brianna and Jessica.

"I was going to point it out but she signalled me not to," Jessica shrugged.

"I was going to tell you until I realized that you didn't know what you just did. So I went with it," Brianna answered as if this is not a big deal.

"You are all over the place, Faye," Jessica stood up from her sit to stand in front of Brianna. "And you are also all over the place. Just admit it you two. You just want to let the other know how much you love the each other."

"This day has been a huge mess." I massaged my temples. "Not to mention that I still feel a bit groggy because of the pain I've experienced earlier."

"Yeah, physically, I feel fine but inside...not really." Brianna also massaged her temples.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask." Jessica chewed the inside of her cheek. "Faye felt your pain as if you really got into a car crash then how come you are physically alright?"

"The angels," Brianna answered shortly.

"They switched you with that poor girl?"

She shook her head, "we were both in the accident but the angels only healed me."

"Oh...wait, I thought they are not allowed to interfere with human lives?"

"I am an angel still."

"In a human body."

Brianna sighed, "I don't know their intentions either, okay?" Brianna studed Jessica's place. "So, this is where you live? Where are we?"

"Schewman City," Jessica answered.

Brianna's eyes widened, "the most expensive city?!"

"Hey, I thought you also live in a prestigious city. I mean, your university is there."

Brianna nodded, "but it's not as great as Schewmann."

Jessica shrugged, "I am going to live for etertnity. Might as well live in a beautiful city." Jessica went to her bar to refill her glass of wine.

"Where is your room? Or do you sleep in the same bed as her?" There is still an obvious tone of despise on her voice when she talks to me.

"I used to but not anymore," I answered honestly. I figured that if I want to get close to her and fix our relationship then might as well be honest with her.

"Okay. Show me," Brianna insisted.

I asked for Jessica's permission by raising an eyebrow at her. She just shrugged and made herself busy with the wine.

"Here," I lead Brianna to the door close to the main entrance of the condo.

"Here?" She asked when we stopped in front if the door.

I opened it to she her where I stay. Suddenly, I felt a bit embarrassed to show this to Brianna. Maybe I should start having the same mindset as Jessica. Maybe I should start scamming people for a living and live a beautiful life like hers.

Brianna's eyes studied every corner of the storage room. Fine, I admit. It's really a storage room with a bed and cabinet.

"How can you live like this?" Brianna asked.

"I really don't care about properties since I am planning to die anyway. So I see no point of it."

She entered the room and sat on my bed. Her hand brushed to the soft fabric. "I don't think I could survive living like this."

"It's not everyone's cup of tea. I understand."

"And it's been like this for the past what? Three hundred years? How did you live before Jessica even arrived?"

I bit my lower lip, "I secretly stay in hotels. I can hypnotize people, remember?"

"Why did you stop doing that? It's much comfortable than this."

I didn't answer. I don't know how to answer that.

"Because of sex with Jessica?"

I sighed. It always ends up with that.

"Okay, I'm done with this. Take me back home. I don't want to breath the same air as that bitch anymore."

"I heard you!" Jessica shouted from the living room.

"Okay." I nodded at Brianna. I held her hand to teleport her back to her place but she stopped me. "What?"

"Are you not going to take your things with you?"


"Live with me. I cannot handle another second of you staying in this place."

"Because Jessica is here?"

"Because this is such an uncomfortable lifestyle!"


"My mom is not around all the time anyway so hiding you wouldn't be hard."

"But what if she finds out?"

"As if she will say anything anyway. Mom never gets mad at anything or at anyone. I could just explain the situation with her once she founds out. Make an excuse or something."

"I don't think I'm comfortable with that, Brianna."

"But you're comfortable with this and with her?" She pointed her thumb outward.

Why am I even declining her offer. After my outburst earlier, I should be embarrassed with myself.

"Okay, fine. Let me just fix my things." I went to my cabinet and opened it. I don't really have lot of things. Most of the time, I throw away things that I don't feel like using anymore the I steal things when I want to.

"That's all?" She asked after I pack.

I nodded. "I could just steal things later."

"Okay," she offered her hand to me signaling me to teleport us back to her place.

I held her hand and within seconds, we are back to her place. I guess her mom is still not home yet because Brianna top and bra is still laying on the floor where she last placed them.

She noticed those and picked them up. "I apologize about earlier. I shouldn't have cornered you like that. Asking you to choose between me and her..." She laughed with an obvious distaste in the situation.

"It's okay." Okay? I don't know about that. "I understand why you feel like that. Things like that would have been prevented if I only became honest with you in the first place."

Brianna smiled timidly, "I'm just going to put this on the laundry. Go ahead to my room. It's the last door in the hallway." She pointed on my left. Before I could say anything, she already disappeared to the other room.