
Faye's POV

"What kind of question is that?" I asked her.

At this point, she has completely removed her top off and her bra. I watched as those things fell on the wooden floor beside her.

"Why? You can't answer? If I were Jessica, are you going to rush to her immediately? Because it seems like that's what's happening here. You don't want to touch me. No, you want to touch me but you're stopping yourself so you fulfill your thirst by going to her."

I cannot deny that.

"You can't answer," she chuckled. "I'm right then. Why? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with this body? Or my former body? Or the body before that?"

Right...that thing...I never did it with her. Ever. No matter which reincarnation it was, I never touched her.

"Why, Faye? Why? There was even a time when we were married but still, we never did it. But you are willing to do it with her? No second thoughts? Admit it, you agreed to that kind of arrangement because you were hungry."

I gulped.


"Because you're an angel!"

Her shoulders loosened, "that's it? But I'm human now. I don't understand. What else do you want? I am right here in front of you now. Bare-skinned. Are you not tempted to touch me? Even just graze your hand on my skin?"

"I am. It's taking me a lot of willpower to stop myself."

"I am giving you consent!"

"You are an angel!"


"It...it feels wrong."

"All of this is wrong from the beginning, Faye. The moment our hearts started beating for each other...that's the time it all went wrong. So why stop there?"

"The thing is, we already sinned too much. Let's not make things harder for either of us."

Brianna looked defeated, "fine. Go to her. This was my last chance for you but you obviously don't want it." She took her jacket that was laying on the sofa and covered herself with it.

"Brianna, don't do this to us."

"To us? Me? You think I want this? You're the one who started this, Faye. I don't care if you tell me even a thousand times that you love me or your heart is with me because that is not what your brain is telling you. Your brain thinks that this is all wrong. Your brain thinks that I am a mistake. That I am a regret. That I am a problem that needs to be fixed. That if you could turn back time, you will stop yourself from laying an eye on me."

"How did you get to that conclusion?"

"Because if you really love me, I will be within your hands right now."


"Shut up with that willpower or self-control bullshit, Faye. We both know that is just a lame excuse. You don't love me. You despise me."

"You're taking things out of proportion."

"Am I? Am I really? Then why are you so adamant to kill me, Faye? Whenever your hands get covered by my own blood, there is always that smile. A smile that as if...as if you've been waiting for me to die. That...finally, you could taste that freedom that you've been waiting for and I am the burden that you need to get rid of to attain it."

I tried to hold her but she pulled herself away from me.

"Go back to Jessica. I don't want you anywhere near me. This really will be the last time, Faye. This is it."

"Back so soon?" Jessica said as soon as I appeared in her living room. "I thought you two will finally do it after a thousand years but I guess not. You are still stuck with that angel part of her."

"Why can't she understand that?"

"Hmm?" She played with the wine in her glass.

"She keeps escalating things! That's not what I've been thinking. I love her! I really love her! But she won't listen to me. She won't believe me! Why would I tire myself to find her around the world if I don't love her? Does she really think that I don't feel guilty every time I stab her with a knife in her heart?"

"Actually, Faye..." she put down the glass of wine on the center table. "Why do you want to die? You do know that once this whole circle of life bullshit finally ends...she will become an angel again and you will not see her again. Are you okay with that? Is that what you really want?"

"Because...I am tired of being stuck in this world. I want to know how it feels like to finally rest."

"But you will lose her forever. That's the point of this punishment. No happy ending. At all."

I swallowed the saliva that was stuck in my throat.

"Do...you want the freedom that much that it doesn't matter if you're going to lose her in the end?" She brushed her hair to the side and studied my eyes. "Then I guess she's not wrong with your intentions. You don't love her. You're just stuck with her because freedom is when she finally dies."

"But I do love her."

"Maybe there was a time that you did, Faye. But I guess that time was long gone. I mean, you cannot really be in love with the same person for thousand years, right? You can't be that stuck up for a person. Joke, I mean, angel." She picked up her glass of wine and took a sip from it.

I shook my head, "no. I know what I feel. I love her. I am not using her or anything. If anything, I am doing this for her. This punishment is stupid. She doesn't deserve to die at her own lover's hands. She doesn't deserve to have that kind of life here on earth. She deserves better than that! If the only answer to end this hell is to let her become an angel again, then so be it! I want her to be free too! I don't want her to keep dying because of me! I don't mind not seeing her anymore. I just want her to be finally free. I know how I feel, Jessica. Stop telling me otherwise!"

Jessica clicked her tongue inside her mouth. "Well, I guess there's your answer. Did you like that?" Jessica tilted her head as if she were looking at someone behind me.

I turned around to see Brianna standing there.