I cried bitterly, 'How could you do this to us, Noah?' Still dumbfounded, I collapsed to the ground. 'Why?' I asked. What happened between us? Tears streamed down my face, my body shook, and my chest ached. It feels as though a dagger was plunged into my chest. It was excruciating painful; I had never felt anything like it before. 'What did I do to deserve this treatment from you.' I asked still crying. "I told you we were breaking up, and I can't do this any longer.' He took a step back and averted his gaze. 'Please tell me what went wrong, and we will work it out please. I swear, starting from today, I will do whatever you ask?' Kneeling in front of him, I begged him. 'Please, Noah,' I said. 'Please, don't leave.' I sobbed and grabbed his leg, but he kicked me and yelled at me viciously. When I fell and smacked my nose on a stone, I noticed I was bleeding. 'Leave me alone, he yelled. 'What part of that, you don't get. Okay, I'm tired. I'm tired of everything, and I'm ready to move on and start a new life. Let's not do something, we will both regret storm, so get out of my way idiot.' He went away, leaving me in the park. We had our first kiss and made Love here. He also broke up with me, in this same place. Was he unaware of our location, or did he do this on purpose? Couldn't he have shown some respect for me by doing this somewhere else? is it really over, I wailed furiously as I chased him down screaming his name. "NOAH" Sir,' I heard someone say, and I felt someone touching my shoulders. I leapt my face from the table and locked my gaze on my secretary. Then I realised a drop had fallen from my face onto my black trousers, so I touched my face with my palm, wiped it away, and glanced at it. I was crying, but I couldn't figure out why. Wait a minute, so it was only a dream, yet it appeared so real. Even after all these years, I couldn't get that Jerk out of mind. What the fuck is wrong with me. Years had passed, why do I keep on having these dreams. I Swiftly retrieved wipes from my drawer and used them to wipe my face, preventing tears from drying on my cheeks. My secretary was still staring at me when I looked up, which irked me. I don't want pity or compassion from anyone,' they can do it to someone else, not to me. 'You are fired?' I yelled. 'Please don't fire me,' I have children at home, I can't feed them without this work.' She pleaded with me. 'You have children and you're this young,' I mocked, not believing what she's saying to me. 'No, sir,' she said. 'I have younger brothers, and I haven't given birth yet. 'They are two of them,' she added, tears streaming down her face, aggravating me even more. 'To them, I'm like a mother. Sir, please don't fire me. I...I wanted to wake you up, because...because...' She bowed down her head, avoiding my gaze, as if she was afraid to look at me. 'Because of what, exactly?' I locked my gaze on her, eager to hear what this bitch had to say. She will be fired if she says what I expected her to say. Her face, looks terrible when she's crying. 'Because...' She grumbled, as the door slammed open. Look, who's here now? 'Hey, Storm, how are you doing?' what's up,' Leo said as he entered my office. 'Hi.' He said and smiled at me. It makes me curious as to how he gets inside my office. 'Can you tell me how the hell you got in here?' I came up with the question. He exclaimed, 'Come on, the Receptionist let me in,' He said. 'Without consulting me,' I frowned; this Receptionist appears to be overstepping her bounds. 'Na, I told her not to worry,' I wanted to surprise you, and after all I'm Richard Alacantra's son, Leo Alacantra. As a result, she will be happy to let me in. ''And,' he added emphatically. 'Please don't fire her,' I know that's the next thing on your mind, right now.' He said those words with his arms folded. And then he saw my idiotic secretary, he opened his mouth so wide it seemed like it was about to come off. 'Wait a second, you want this damsel in distress fired, right?' With one finger pointing towards her, he said. 'And how's that your business?' As I inquired, I raised my brow. 'Are you serious? You can't fire this lovely lady?' He went into detail about it. He let out a long sigh. 'All right, what did she do now?' He inquired as he sat across my table. "..." 'Seriously, what's going on here?' He continued to inquire. "..." I ignored him and leaned back in my chair, which had wheels and slid the chair sideways. 'I tried to... I tried... tried to wake Mr Storm up because he...was ...but he didn't...?' I interrupted her as she was stuttering. 'Will you close your trap,' I yelled angrily. 'And get out my office this instant before I fire you?' She quickly thanked me and exited the office. 'What's her Name?' He asked. 'I don't give a damn about her name,' I shrugged my shoulders. 'You mean you have no idea what your secretary's name is. 'Wow, Wow,' he said with a giggle and a hand over his mouth. 'Of course, I don't give a damn because she's my employee. I'm paying her money for it, so we don't have any business, so why should I care?' Now that I think about it, I have no idea what her name is. 'Didn't she introduce herself to you, before she started working here?' He inquired, grinning. 'Leo drop the act.' I shrugged my shoulders as I added. 'Yes, she introduced herself to me. However, I forgot her name; by the way, why does her name matter so much to you?'I inquired, Simply wondering as to why. 'It doesn't matter to me either.' He laughed. 'I was just curious about your reaction.' 'Poor thing,' Leo remarked, his gaze once again fixed on me. 'Please don't let her go; she's so lovely.' He looked at me with his idiotic puppy eyes. 'If you really like her, that much why don't you hire her and make her your sex toy or girlfriend instead?' I scowled and kept staring at him. 'Calm down, man. I had no idea you were so envious or should I say being Jealous. it would have been worse if you were my boyfriend; I'm sure you'd chop off that girl's head.' He grinned. I scoffed, 'Jealous.' 'Of who,' I made a gesture with my finger at him. 'You?' With a shake of head, I expressed my dissatisfaction with the situation. Because of what I just mentioned, but that doesn't I'm imply I'm jealous. I'm just irritated by the way he defends her. This guy is getting on my nerves. 'Yeah, I believe you are envious of what I said.' He gave me a wink and a smirk. I rolled my eyes, 'Don't wink at me, I'm not one of those people you are trying to impress or persuade to sleep with you?' I let out a sigh and scratched my temples. 'But seriously, just admit you're jealous and quit pretending to be cool,' he grumbled. 'I'm not trying to be cool, who you want to sleep with or who sleeps with you doesn't matter to me.' I stated it hesitantly. And that was the truth. Really, I don't give a fuck about who he fucks since it's none of business. I don't think so at all. 'Seriously?' He asked. 'Yep. Even if you kiss a lady or a boy in front of me, it won't make me Jealous in the least,' I murmured, my cheek resting on my fisted left hand on my chair as I smiled deviously at him. 'Seriously, stop that,' he whined. 'You're making me feel as though you don't care about me, storm.' He said. 'I'm concerned about you, but not whom you sleep with?' I laughed out loud. He is one funny guy. 'Whatever,' He got up from his seat and strolled over to me, rolling his eyes. He drew my seat away from the table, separating my legs with knee, and rested his knee in the middle. I noticed the lust in his eyes as he hand pressed on my crotch and massaged it, why it was still inside my trouser, and he moaned as he came near to my ear. His breath was so hot that it turned me on right away. I held onto his shoulders. He continued to lightly rub my crotch, and before I realized it, I was moaning. 'Do you want me, Storm?' In my ear, he asked seductively. I'm not sure, but I'd like to have him as well. 'Yes, I want you, Leo?' I said, still moaning. He's so hot, I can't stand him when he's like this.