Leo, makes me feel so good. He knows how to make me happy, but only when his energized. He was quite hot when he entered my office, but I kept my gaze away from him. I'm in my office, but I don't want to get turned on since it will be difficult for me to maintain my composure. When he comes to my office, it's either for sex, to wish me a happy birthday, or to carry a message from our father. He sighed, 'I want you too, Storm.' 'I want you; even when I was having sex with my girlfriend this morning, I couldn't stop thinking about you. Didn't you know you were on my mind the whole time?' He sighed and kissed me deeply.

We kissed for a long time before I tugged his trouser off; God, he's so hot and seductive. I carried him up to the black table and placed him on top of it. And when he extended his legs, his crotch began to drip.

'I didn't realize you were so horny, Storm,' I taunted, licking my lips with my tongue as I unzipped my pant.

'Leo, shut the fuck up. I can't wait any longer; we need to get this done quickly. We're in the office, so anything can happen; you know how much I despise people interrupting me, when I'm having sex?' He murmured, and motioned for me to put my crotch inside him.

'Come on, I despise it as well. Why don't we just take it slow?' I muttered something.

'We won't be able to.' Come over to my house if you want to continue. I want you to get inside of me as soon as possible, Leo.' He whimpered as he spoke. I took a small amount of lubricant from my pocket and poured it on my fingers. Then I dipped my two fingers inside his asshole to loosen it up.

'Leo,' he moaned again. 'I can't wait, Leo.' He's very attractive, and the way he calls my name turns me hot. It's like I'm having sex with a beautiful anime boy below me because he's so seductive. He's very stunning.

'I believe you're loosen up now.' I groaned. I slammed my crotch into him with all my might. He likes it when I do that, but he doesn't like it when I'm gentle. Of course, it makes me nervous, because I don't know if I'm going to injure him. I know I should, ask him but I can't seem to find the courage to do so. He will snap if I should ask him that type of question.

I kept pushing because he's so fucking tight and warm inside. Fuck, I can't get enough of him. I'm at a loss for words when it comes to how beautiful he is.

He shouted, 'Leo, fuck go harder.' I pushed my crotch forward even more than before. I began to go faster and quicker, and he continued to scream and gasp my name.

'Fuck! You're the best baby, Leo. 'You're the best.' As I continued moving, he moaned, so I kissed him deeply, and when I pulled away, my saliva was still linked. I swallowed his saliva after wrapping it around my tongue.

I'm in love with Storm, and I know you're shocked. Yes, I'm head over heels in love with him and have been since I was a child.

I continued to thrust till he exhaled heavily. 'I'd like to pour, Leo.' He whimpered. 'Come for me baby?' I said and started going faster and harder, when I heard that. This feels so good. I was on the verge of doing the same thing. We both moaned aloud and shot a sweet load of release simultaneously. I sat down on the chair, out of breath, and he lay down on the table, also out of breath.

'I love...,' I quickly closed my mouth, relieved that Storm hadn't heard what I had just said. I could've have been in trouble, if he heard that.

Mr. Richard adopted me as his son, and that was the beginning of everything. Storm was the one who welcomed me the warmest of his brothers when I first arrived at the house.


This is ridiculous; why will my mother abandon me like this? Why would my mother do this to me? I begged her not to abandon me, but she didn't even listen to me. All she can think about is herself and her money. Sometimes I wonder if I'm her son at all. Tears streamed down my cheeks, but I wiped them away quickly. Aunt Beatrice said, "I have to be tough," which I believe she meant "strong." I'm not sure why, but I miss her. I just feel like my mother sold me. I'm not sure what this man is going to do to me. He might treat me like a slave or something. Mom used to tell me that the wealthy always get what they want. That I should do whatever the man tells me to do. Even if he says I should lick his feet. Why does my mother despise me so much? Is this how I'll be tortured for the rest of my life?

I'm terrified; please help me. I wish those movie superheroes would just come and bust me out of here and whisk me away to a faraway land. Spider-Man, in particular. But, that's just my wishful thinking. I'm feeling really stupid right now. I don't want to go, and I certainly don't want to be Richard's son.

'Don't cry, everything will be fine,' In the car, a young man sat next me and patted my head. 'My name is Sebastian, but everyone refers to me as Seb. 'At least, that's how the kids refer to me.' He gave me a friendly smile. He was really attractive, 7 feet tall, with powerful features, white smooth skin, and pink lips. Brown eyes and brown hair. He was far too attractive to be a bulter.

'Are there any other kids in Richard's house right now?' I asked, hoping to avoid being alone once more.

It made me nervous; I don't want to be left alone again. But, Seb seems really caring.

'They're three of them, and they are friendly too,' He smiled at me. And I'm curious as well. If the place I'm going to is a prison, but it appears that I'll enjoy it, and it still gives me the creeps.

'Really.' It has piqued my interest, and I am eager to see them.

'Yes,' he replied with a smile. 'And you'll be delighted to see them.' 'They also had cousins,' He continued to smile as he explained. 'I can't wait to see them, Seb.' I shouted it joyfully, but then I felt terrified. 'What if they don't like me?' I was on the edge of tears when I asked.

'They'll like you,' he said. 'So, From now on, Mr Richard will be known as your father.' He informed me. 'However, why does Richard have to be my father when I don't want a father. I don't want a father?' I sighed and averted my gaze.

'You will, once you see how well he looks after you and you will realize that he isn't a bad man.' He will treat you as if you were his son, which is why he adopted you. So, please don't refer to him as Richard again.'

'Trust me, you'll love him,' he said with a wink. 'You think so.' I inquired cheerfully, folding my legs on the seat and staring at him. 'Of course,' he said with a smile.I'm not sure why, but I feel at ease talking to him. He has this aura around him that makes people feel calm and at ease. *I wish he was my dad* I thought.

When we arrived at the mansion, it was just stunning. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. The door was opened for me by one of the bunky guys in which I believe to be the bodyguard with his black eyeglass. When I got out of the car, I noticed two maids speaking in unison.

"WELCOME," they greeted, as I glanced at them, their beauty making me smile.

'You must be Leo, right?' One of the maids smiled and inquired. 'Yes, I'm Leo. Leo Smith.' I smiled and nodded. I'm still looking at her.

'Mr Leo, please come in.' She grinned and pointed me in the direction of the mansion's entrance.

As soon as we entered, I noticed five people seated at the dining table. It's made of glass and gold. There are ten chairs around a long table. Everyone was staring at me. Then I heard Richard, oops, my father, say something. 'Come on, you guys should give him a warm welcome.' He's your new sibling. 'Please introduce yourself.' He stated this while smiling at me, then got up and moved towards me.

'Welcome, Leo; you've arrived at your new home. 'Feel at home,' he replied, still smiling, patting my head and kissing my brow. Then I heard something. 'My name is Henry, and I am fucking fourteen years old.' He remarked this while rolling his eyes. He introduced himself in such a way that it is clear he dislikes me. Henry is 5 feet tall; I'm not sure if he's too tall or too short for his age. I honestly don't know, and he's also quite attractive. I'm sure he has a lot of girlfriends. He's also a little arrogant. His hair is three inches long and green in color. He has dark eyes, smooth white skin, and pink lips. He also has a tattoo on his arm that looks like a small dragon.

'Would you mind your language?' Father calmly warned him before turning to face the others.

'The rest of you should say hello.' He stated. Henry kept eating at the table, pretending he didn't notice father's correction. This is making me nervous; Seb lied to me. They are not friendly at all. My previous house was, in my opinion, superior to this one. How am I going to live in this huge mansion? I wish I'd suggested staying with aunty Beatrice; at the very least, I'm familiar with her. But the only person I see who is friendly is father. Is that his wife? She does, however, appear attractive. She even ignores me. Why do I get the impression that I'm not welcome here?

'I'm Jasper, and I'm 12 years old,' he said cheerfully. When I turned to face him, he winked at me and added. 'It's a pleasure to meet you, Leo.' He smiled and resumed eating right away. But, I'm not sure if it was just me, but that greeting didn't seem genuine, but rather forced. But I think I'm exaggerating, so no worries.

"Didn't your mother of a slut teach you how to greet your elders.'