"Tell me everything, Lily," Rose demanded solemnly. Lily felt scolded like a child, and she didn't know where to start. She had to tell her everything or else who else could she open up to, to keep her secret and not gossip about it to other people, and she couldn't tell her other friends either or else the media would announce it on TV the next morning. Rose was Lily's best friend, and she keeps a lot of the secrets Lily ever tells her, and she's mature enough to know that it's not everything you gossip about to people. "When I picked up the phone...' Lily paused. "You saw sexy messages and bikini girls," Rose concluded. I laughed softly. "No, not that." "So, then, what did you see?" Rose inquired, folding her arms across her chest. Lily's face became solemn as she locked her gaze on Rose. "I saw pictures of a lot of guys with Six Packs wearing their underwear and… "Was that the only thing you saw there?" Rose frowned. "Yes, but it was too much, and some of them were wearing lingerie, which was awkward, and Storm was there as well," "Huh?" "Yes, he was present as well. The only difference was that he appeared to be in a hotel or something. I'm not sure, and he was almost there, and I don't think Storm knew that Leo took a photo of him,' "It's strange,' Rose remarked after some thought. Could it be, what she's thinking about right now? "Yes, it's strange. And he likes to talk a lot about guys but not so much about girls. There was a day when one guy appeared out of nowhere and grabbed his ass, and he also did the same thing to Storm,' Lily sighed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I'm not making any sense, Rose?" "Stop crying,' Rose said, pulling her head to rest on her shoulder. "I'm not making sense,' Lily said again. "It's as if I'm looking for flaws in him. It's possible; he's in love with another woman, and he's keeping her hidden so well that I won't find out.' Lily kept sobbing and wiping away her tears. "He doesn't love me anymore; all of our years together have been for naught, and he doesn't want to marry me. Isn't it true that I'm not worthy, Rose? Or is it that I'm not satisfying him sufficiently...' "Shut up, Lily, and calm down,' Rose said as she patted her on the back. Rose frowned as she reflected on everything Lily had told her. Rose had a feeling something was wrong from the start of her relationship with Lily and Leo. That's why she wants to do everything she can to find someone who can assist her in investigating this matter. She urgently requires the services of a private investigator. She saw Leo as a nice guy, but she sensed something was wrong and dismissed it, thinking she was overreacting. Seeing Lily in this state hurt her; it's one of the reasons she dislikes giving everything in a relationship and being heartbroken. Because of foolish things like this, trusting a man, and so on. Rose suspects Leo of cheating on Lily, and if he is indeed cheating on her, only God knows what she will do to him. Her relationship was strange to say the least. "I'm not going down without a fight, Rose,' Lily said, raising her head and staring at Rose. "I'll deal with the lady with whom my man is cheating on me. I'll make sure I teach her a lesson so that the next time she sees a man, she'll make sure he's not in a relationship before going out with him,' Lily said with venom in her voice and a glare. Rose realized then that this was a serious problem, not that she didn't know it was serious before. She could tell this was going deeper than she had anticipated, and she also knew that when Lily acted like this, she was determined and serious about what she was going to do. And they will have no mercy on anyone who comes into contact with her property. "Rose, please assist me in my investigation," Lily said as she stood up and staggered, and Rose quickly caught her. "I'm going to see Leo's father; I saw his message this morning, and he said I should come see him," "Are you sure, you can still go, with the way you are now,' Rose said. "Yes?' "OK, I'll help you," Rose agreed, eager to discover who Leo truly was. That's how all wealthy men are; once they have money, they believe they are on top of the world. Rose despises them and will never love them. She despises them vehemently. *** Fear gripped Liam as he fell to the ground and stared at Storm's nakedness. What has he done, why has he come here in the first place, he should have just pretended he didn't see anything and walked away. But, instead, his stupid leg slipped. This is so humiliating. "I had no idea my secretary liked seeing his boss naked," Storm said, taking a tissue from beside him to clean himself. This is fascinating. "I'm truly sorry; please accept my apologies. I just wanted to see if you were around so I could give you the documents,' Liam said, lowering his head and silently praying that he would not be fired. "Do you want me to fire you?" Storm asked as he stood in front of Liam as soon as he walked away from the bathroom. "No way, sir. Please don't let me go. I'll do anything to keep you from firing me,' Liam said, he's in big trouble; if he's fired now, how will he explain it to his brother, let alone his sister? God, he was screwed. Storm smirked as he knelt in front of Liam, still naked, his crotch dangling. He stroked his face, lifted him up, and unbuttoned his sleeve with the tip of his finger and opened it with both hands. Liam kept staring at Storm, puzzled as to why he was unbuttoning his sleeve and what he wanted with him. He was becoming terrified, and the way Storm was staring at him seemed unusual. "Sir,' he addressed Storm. "Has a man ever touched you?' Storm asked, and Liam got up and rested on his knees because Storm told him to. "A man, what do you mean, sir?' Liam asked, shaking his head. This is not going to happen. Storm stared at him and asked, "Are you straight or gay?'

"Straight, Sir,' Liam said.

"Huh. Storm said, "That's so boring.' He moved closer to his face and kissed him on the lips.