I don't know what happened. I got dumbfounded, when I noticed Storm's lips were on my mouth. What the hell is he doing, how can he do this and expect me to just keep quiet and watch. I quietly pushed him away from me, should I have done that, he is messing with me, right. "What is it, don't you like it,'' he said lustfully as he was getting closer to me and then he started unzipping my trousers and then he squeezed my crotch and a moan came out of my mouth. What did I just do. I rapidly covered my mouth with my left hand and was still in shock and surprised too. What is going on with me? "Umm...Sir...we're not supposed to be doing this, and I'm not..." "Gay. I understand, and let's keep this our little secret, please. Remember, you don't want to get fired, so just do this with me and let's get started,' Storm said as he licked his lips and kissed me while rubbing my crotch inside my trouser. Why does this feel good instead of disgusting? I don't want this at all; it's humiliating, and what if my sister finds out? So the rumors about him being gay were true. Did my sister ever find out about this and decide to keep it from me? Why didn't she tell me if she was aware of it? "You're so big down here, and I love it,' Storm smirked, and I said. "Sir, I don't mean to offend you; I'm one of your employees, and we're not supposed to...' "Did you think of that before coming to spy on me?" he asked, still smirking. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I was just looking for you,' I pleaded. " I will never…' "I know you wouldn't do something like this to a man, and I'm guessing you prefer a lady's pussy to a man's. Isn't it,' he said, licking my neck. "Don't worry if you don't like it. Close your eyes and pretend this never happened, okay?' He muttered. I kept closing my eyes and enduring it. I told myself that I had to endure whatever he did because I needed to keep my job. I had to resign from all of my other jobs in order to take the job offered to me by my sister. If I don't listen to him, he will fire me. Shit! I regretted it, for snooping on him. This is the worst day of my life, letting a man touch and kiss me the way he wants and probably wants to fuck me as well. I don't know how I'm going to face my sister and tell her all of this. I think I should keep this from her and keep it a secret, and I'll make sure she doesn't find out. Before I knew it, he was sucking my groin, curiosity got the best of me, so I opened my eyes to see how he was doing it. His mouth was so warm, and the way he kept going up and down with his saliva dripping from his mouth and his face looked so erotic. I looked up and started moaning, wondering how a man like this could be so beautiful. At the same time, I was forcing myself not to and telling myself that he is a man. He kept going up and down my length, getting faster and faster. I closed my eyes again, I couldn't keep it in any longer and let it out through his throat. I was out of breath and I finally opened my eyes again and saw that he had also released himself. "Did that feel good?" he winked at me, my cum still in his mouth. Then he got up, took a tissue from the table, spat my cum on it, and said. "Let's forget this ever happened. I was in the mood, and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I had to let it out, through you, and just let you know that I don't normally do this to my employees; it's obviously not my thing, which is why I don't have guys as my secretaries. Or else I'll fuck them.' He looked at me once more and said. "Pretend this day never happened and go fucking clean up and stop looking like a drained cat," he said as he sat down in his chair and chuckled. The way he chuckled was lovely, and it was the first time he seemed so nice to me, which made me happy. He was always rude and nasty to me when I first started this job. It surprised me that he was so nice to me, and it made my heart happy. I quickly got up, grabbed a tissue from the table, and cleaned myself. I walked quickly to the bathroom, wearing my trouser, and shut the door as I heard him laugh. What have I done, he said, I should act as if this day never happened. How can I pretend it never happened when my groin is still up and begging for more? This is insane; I had no idea doing this with a man would feel so good. Or is it just a case of adolescent hormones, and after all, I'm an adult? Is it because I haven't had sex in a long time? Days went by. Storm and I continued to act as if nothing had happened between us, and he returned to being this rude and nasty. When I got home from work, I took out my extra keys and went inside, where I sat on the chair in the sitting room and relaxed on my back. For the past five days, I couldn't get Storm off my mind; it was always on my mind, and I tried to brush it off, but it wasn't working, and whenever I see him in the office staring at some paper, it's always on my mind, and he appears more beautiful and attractive these days. I noticed someone open the door, walk inside, and shut it. It was my brother. "Welcome back, brother.' I greeted him, and he smiled back. "How are you?" "I'm fine," I shrugged, still smiling. "Seems like you just got home from work, and you look like Doctor in black?' he teased. "Stop that, I'll never be a doctor in black,' I said, rubbing my temples. I hate anything that involves science. "Are you thinking about a girl right now?' He raised an eyebrow as he sat in the chair in front of me. "What are you talking about?' I inquired. "You've got a boner,'' he said, pointing to my trouser. I was so embarrassed that I covered it up with my jacket. I feel like a horny dog now that this stupid thing has raised its head. I couldn't hide my embarrassment when he burst out laughing. Could he just have seen that and kept his mouth shut. Should I tell him what happened between Storm and me? I didn't want to tell him because I've needed someone to talk to these past few days and I know if I do, he'll keep it a secret from my sister. "Bro," I said. "What is it?" he finally stopped laughing and looked at me. "Have you ever been with a man?" I asked and as soon as I said it. I immediately regretted it and closed my eyes, then decided to change what I had just said. To ask such a question, I must be a moron. What is the matter with me? Oh, shit! "I'm sorry, I was just kidding.' I rubbed my temples again, got up from my chair, and said. "Umm...I'm going to my room," I said and started walking towards my room, when he said. "Did your boss harass you at the office,'' he asked and I turned back and stared at him. "Ummm.. it's not ...he didn't harass just…' "It feels so good, you can't just stop thinking about it. Am I right, Liam,' he finally looked at me, while he folded his arms across his chest. How did he find out? "' I couldn't finish what I was going to say. "Did you sleep with him?' he inquired quietly. "No, I didn't,' I said. I responded, and he stood up and began walking towards his room. His phone rang, and he answered it. "I'm at home right now," "Come see me because I'm completely exhausted. He began to laugh and then said. "Don't be concerned; I'm the only one at home. Yeah, you can start coming now, okay bye, and be careful on your way. Okay. He said those words, hung up the phone, and turned to face me. "So, what did he do to you?' he inquired. Did he just lie on the phone to someone that he was the only one at home? I assumed he was going to his room for a while. "He just...did something to my...," He let out a sigh and nodded his head. "Don't tell sis about this because she'll freak out," he warned. "That's why I don't want to tell her," I explained, lowering my head. "I get it, Liam. And you should just go with your feelings,' he said, which surprised me. "I had a relationship with a man, Liam, and he fucked me. He was 32 years old when I started university, and we were both drinking before we knew it. We were in bed together, and his crotch was inside my buttocks. So I was surprised at first, but after that, I began to like it, and we continued to meet and sleep with each other. Then I learned that he had recently divorced. He fell madly in love with me, but I broke his heart instead.' He said. "Why did you break his heart,' I find myself asking. "He was a teacher and I was a student. I had a lot of things I wanted to do in life and you know, explore a lot of things. And I was not ready to give that up for someone, who has seen life already and I didn't want to be tied down. He was so good in bed and he has a good character, but I was not ready to fall in love. So, I broke his heart and I know that was cruel of me, but I had to do it.' He sighed and fixed his gaze on me. "I'm telling you all this, because I want you to learn and accept it. If you can't get him out of your head?' He said. "But, he said, I should pretend like…' "It never happened,' he interrupted. "Do you want him,' he asked. I couldn't answer that question, this was not how I wanted it to be. I'm not gay, there is no way I will want my fellow man. Or, am I just telling myself that. "When you've gotten the answer to your question, you can come meet me,' he said and started walking away. I just stood there and stared at nothing. This is madness, I got to get rid of these feelings. But, I was still shocked, how could my brother get so attracted to men, I never was attracted to men and I never saw the signs in him, he hid his sexuality so well. Nobody can even suspect, he is sleeping with a man. I went upstairs to shower and eat my lunch. These Storm-related thoughts, as well as learning that my brother was gay, were still surprising. What could I possibly do? Storm, Storm, Storm. His name keeps popping into my head, and I'm wondering what's so special about him, and I recall what he said, a few days ago. *That's why I don't hire male secretaries, or else I'll fuck them* He said those words in a hot tone. Is this how I'm going to spend the rest of the day dreaming about him? This is extremely aggravating.