Clara sat in one of the dining room chairs after Richard left. No, she was not going to let this happen; she couldn't just sit back and let Henry be kicked out from the company. She worked so hard to raise her children to always be at the top and at the bottom. At the beginning, she didn't want to marry Richard because he was in love with someone else when she was younger, so she agreed to her parents' request. Because she believed that if she got married to him and treated him as her husband, he would fall in love with her. But she was mistaken; Richard did not fall in love with her, and she was only his wife on paper, not in heart. She became filled with rage and began misbehaving toward Richard, eventually giving up on him. She cried every night, hoping Richard would fall in love with her, but it was all in vain. She had his children and it remained the same. She had given up on Richard years ago, and her children were the only ones left, and they were all she had. As a mother, she will fight for her children and will not allow anyone to bring them down. She has done her best to raise her children, and she will continue to do so, so that Henry can return to the company. She will not allow anyone to speak ill of her children or try to bring them down. And what about that secretary who told her husband about her son? She's going to the office right now to deal with that piece of garbage. Who had the audacity to inform her son's father? She was going to deal with him. **** Liam couldn't stop thinking about what his brother had said to him. He was still surprised by what his brother told him; his brother turned out to be gay and hid it from them for a long time, and if he hasn't opened up to him. He wouldn't have known about it if he hadn't been told about it. Liam kept working for Storm, but it was exhausting and he didn't know where to begin or where to end. Standing in front of his desk, staring at the documents piling up day by day, was exhausting. When was he going to finish all of these papers? It was becoming too much. When he picked up the telephone, Storm told him to come upstairs. He was so tired that he couldn't get this feeling out of his head for a few days, about what happened between Storm and him. Everything he did, his thoughts and mind were consumed by Storm, and he still couldn't fucking get him out of his head. He got up from his chair and began walking upstairs, and when he arrived and opened the door, he was taken aback. Storm folded his white long sleeve and he saw a tattoo in both of his arms, he never knew Storm had a tattoo and he was wearing a bright red trouser and a quality black shoe with diamonds hanging at the top of it, his lips were so red and his hair was still so white like snow, and he had blue eyes. He was the most incredible thing he had ever seen, in fact the best thing he had ever seen in his life. Liam just stood there staring at him, he was so beautiful, he looked like those K-pop singers, and his skin was flawless. Storm raised his head and noticed Liam staring at him. He walked up to him and kissed him, leaving the table he was hanging his butt on while sitting down. Liam was surprised and kissed him as well. He didn't know what to do, so he just decided to kiss him back, and Liam was surprised to find his hand going to Storm's waist. He smelled incredible, and Liam couldn't believe Storm was still kissing him. Is he dreaming, or is this his reality? The kiss felt so good, and Liam couldn't take it any longer, so he pushed Storm up against the wall and rough kissed him, and his hand went to Storm's crotch and squeezed it. What was he doing, and what had gotten into him? How could he do such a thing to his own boss? Was he insane? Liam became terrified and came to a halt. He backed away from him and apologized. "Please accept my apologies, Sir." He bowed his head and looked down at his feet. Storm burst out laughing. "You look so cute, Liam, with that face." Storm said, and Liam looked up, surprised that Storm remembered his name, despite the fact that he had heard in the company that Storm doesn't remember any of his employees' names. It was also surprising to hear Storm call his name. "Please accept my apologies, Sir." He lowered his head once more. "Don't be sorry, You look so sexy and I can't seem to resist you." Storm said seductively as he took a step forward, stroked the tip of his fingers on his chest, and licked his lips. "I want you, Liam." Storm whispered and kissed his chest, and Storm unzipped his own trouser and exposed his crotch.


Lily paced around her house, dialing Leo's number again and again, but his line was still going to voicemail. She was determined to find out who this slut was who had stolen her man, and she was determined to teach the woman a lesson for stealing her man. She walked out of her house, banged on the door, and went outside. She flagged down a taxi and informed the driver of her destination. She was worried about how this woman would be and what would happen. Leo was and always will be her boyfriend. She was becoming concerned that she would exacerbate the situation. What if Leo breaks up with her? Will she be able to leave without Leo in her life? Will she be able to survive? Leo had always been the first thing on her mind, and how she was going to deal with everything that was happening to her. She never imagined this day would come, and tears streamed down her cheeks, which she quickly wiped away and blew her nose in her handkerchief. She didn't want Leo to leave her because she loves him, and then her phone rang. "Hello,' she said. "Hello,' Richard said emphatically. That's when Lily realized it was Leo's father speaking to her; she had no idea he was the one, and she had answered the phone without looking to see who was calling. "I'm truly sorry, father. I didn't realize you were the one on the phone, so I answered it without checking. Please accept my heartfelt apologies, Father?' She elaborated and gripped the phone so tightly that tears streamed down her cheeks, and she tried her hardest not to cry in front of him. "Don't be concerned. I understand, is Leo with you?' Richard laughed before he asked a question. "No! Father, I haven't seen him and I think you should try calling his number,' she replied. "Okay, I've tried calling him and he's not answering me so I thought I should check on him and besides I want to see you and Leo about your marriage, since you said you've both decided to get married. And, he has been neglecting his duties at the company and I need to see him immediately. Tell me, when you've contacted me OK?' He said. "Alright, father.' He hanged up and her head lolled back against the car seat. Is she acting correctly? She picked up her phone and dialed the number again, but it went to voicemail. **** "Storm, pick up the pace. Storm.' Storm continued to go up and down Liam's length, causing him to mutter. When Storm pulled out his crotch, he pushed Liam against the table and unzipped his trouser. "Sire, I believe..." Storm sucked his crotch after dipping his hand inside his trouser. Liam was so turned on that he began moaning, and Storm directed his hand to grip his hair. Storm kept sucking him and licked his balls continuously and then he went to his crotch and licked it and then he began sucking him. "Mr Storm...I think…' "Call me, Storm.' He kept going up and down and he started going faster and faster and Liam couldn't hold it in any longer and released in his throat. He panted and Storm pulled away from him and looked up at him and smiled. "How was it.' "It felt good.' Liam answered him and suddenly felt nervous. "Oh, I see.' He said and got up and stared at Liam with Lust. "I'm inviting you to a party and meet me there at 8pm?' He continued smiling and Liam stared at him. "Sir, I can't go with…' "Yes, you're coming with me and I want you in my bed,' he said and Liam stared at him in shock. He couldn't believe Storm said that to him to his face. "Are you surprised.' Storm smirked at him. "Did you think I was going to forget about what happened between us and I guess you couldn't forget it either,' he still smirked. "I ...could…' "You couldn't forget about it and I can see the lust in your eyes whenever you look at me and don't expect me to look over that.' Storm smirked and zipped up his trouser. Liam still couldn't stop thinking about what he said. He is not gay, and he never will be. Storm simply sucked him off, leaving him dizzy. What was wrong with him, and why is he so happy that Storm has invited him, and when did it become this way? Isn't it strange? Instead of a woman, he was allowing his fellow man to suck him, and it felt good. Why was he acting in this manner, and why was he allowing this to happen to him? Was it because of his brother, or because he desired him? But he's a man, not a woman. And he's heard he has a fiancee. Crap! He does have a fiancée, and he allowed this to happen. What if something bad happens, and he is caught with Storm? Oh, he's a man, and he's not going to be suspicious. Should he be doing this to a man who is about to marry? This is so wrong. The door burst open, and Liam was terrified, hoping that no one had seen them. A pretty lady in a red tight long gown entered and smiled. "Hello, darling." She smiled and catwalked over to Storm. Liam stared at her, astounded by her beauty. What does it mean when wealthy people always get the best things in the world? "What are you doing here?" Storm glared at her, and Liam wondered what had happened between them and who was she? "Come on, darling. I'm missing you and I came to see how my husband is doing.' She said this as she drew closer to him and hugged him. Storm, on the other hand, was not hugging her back and instead stood staring at her. He didn't like where this was going, and he was already getting irritated. He was perplexed as to what had drew her here in the first place. Man, this woman was so fucking annoying.