Storm simply walked away, motioning Liam to follow. He doesn't care about such trivial and insignificant matters. This is why he despises women. They're overly emotional and clingy. Their emotional state has an effect on the brain at times. He doesn't have time to talk to her and console her, and it was Leo's job to do so. And, besides she is his fucking girlfriend. Liam followed him, like a puppy and turned back to see her and Sofia was touching her shoulders. Maybe she is consoling her, he thought. Before Liam knew it, he was outside the building with Storm and a lot of journalists started taking pictures of them and Liam quickly held his both hands on his face and quickly followed him inside the car. He sat down beside and suddenly he got nervous and was sweating profusely, even when the Air conditioner was on. He didn't know why he was feeling this way and Storm's face was no Joke and he was seriously angry. The car drove for almost thirty minutes and they got to the bar. They both came down from the car and went towards the bar and entered inside. Storm sat down on one of his chairs and Liam stood in front of him. "Stop standing and sit down beside me,' Storm said sarcastically. Liam sat down and some groups of boys came over and sat down opposite Storm and chattering with each other, like they've known forever. Except for Storm, he was just quiet, but he talked though. Liam kept getting drinks from Storm, and he was perplexed as to why Storm was giving him drinks to drink when he is unable to handle alcohol. He began to feel dizzy, and his eyes eventually closed. **** "Can you people start talking right now?" Richard asked, folding his left leg over his right. He received a call from Leo, who apologized for not answering the phone and explained that he was busy. He told Leo to come meet him, and because he already knew where Lily was, he went there with Leo, and he also saw Lily coming out of Storm's office. But what surprised him was that both of them turned away from each other, Leo frowned, and Lily appeared to be on the verge of tears. He was aware that they were both arguing and decided to take them to a quiet location. He chose a restaurant and a VIP room for them both, and they sat. But, before they arrived at the restaurant, there was quite a commotion, what with the reporters, journalists, and all. "Father, there's nothing wrong here, and what are you talking about?" Leo asked, rolling his eyes. "And how did you know, I was asking you what was wrong here," Richard rolled his eyes. He was aware of what Leo was up to. "Because you called us out here and told us to start talking. So, something must be wrong if you ask us that kind of question?' He shook his head. Richard laughed. "OK, what's going on between you two?" he asked, turning to Lily. "And please don't tell me there's nothing wrong, Lily. I'd like an explanation,' he said. They both stared at each other, for sometime and Lily didn't want to say anything, she didn't want to involve Richard in their affairs, and she's mature enough to deal with problems on her own. While Leo didn't want to say anything to his father, he knew that if he remained silent, his father would not let this matter go and would bug them until they opened up and said what they were supposed to say. "Father...nothing is going on..." "Father, I'm not ready to get married," Leo interrupted and blurted out. For a split second, Richard was startled by what his own son had just said to him. "And why aren't you ready to marry?" As he stared at Leo, he asked. "I'm just not ready," he insisted. "And what is your reasoning for that?" Richard inquired. "Father, I'm not ready to settle down. I still have a lot of goals to accomplish, and getting married is the last thing on my mind right now. I just wanted her to understand...' Lily interjected. "What do you mean? She was on the verge of tears because she had given her all to him and had done everything for him. "That, you don't want to marry me, that you're in love with someone else, that there's someone giving you good sex, or that I'm just not good enough for you," she yelled angrily, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You never say anything to me; I waited for you to tell me you loved me." She shook her head, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand. "You left the house without picking up my calls for days.' She yelled. "For days, Leo. You ignored me, I stayed with you for almost four years now and what do you want me to do, Leo. When you're not ready to marry me?' She was yelling, she couldn't help it. It hurts, to be in love with someone and that person isn't returning your feelings. "Will you shut up,' Leo roared and turned to face her. "Lily, just shut up.' He glared at her, he'd had enough of her and was sick of it all. "Leo, when did you start yelling at me? You barely raised your voice at me,' Lily wiped away her tears. This was excruciatingly painful, and it was piercing her heart. "Yes, that is something I rarely do. But I'm not sure if you'll get what I'm saying. I haven't returned your calls in days, Lily, and I have a good reason for that. So, if you can't wait for me to propose to you, then forget it.' Leo stated emphatically. "Forget it,' she was perplexed. Did she hear correctly, she couldn't move and her body was stiff; her mind went numb and her face turned white for a brief moment. "Lily, I'm talking about our relationship. Let's break up?' Leo asked solemnly. Sofia looked at Leo and burst out laughing. "Please tell me you're kidding." She continued to laugh until she realized she wasn't dreaming. "Are you serious, Leo?" She enquired. "Yes, I'm dead serious about this. I'd like for us to move on, Lily. I don't want to keep you with me because I'm not ready to get married, so move on and find someone better who will stay with you…' "Noo! She yelled and yelled. "You're not going to be able to do this with me. We've been through a lot together. Why do you want to end everything with me? Tell me what is wrong and what am I not doing. Or is there anything about me that you don't like? Tell me so we can fix things and decide what to do, or is it me or...' "This isn't about you, but about me." Leo also yelled angrily. "What!!! "Yes, you heard me. Let's end it, Lily and I hope you find someone better to love, respect and cherish enough to want to be with you,' Leo said and walked out of the VIP room and left through the door. As soon as he walked to his SUV, and entered inside it. He started weeping, he had done it, he has finally let her go. It's for the best, rather than wasting her time with him, instead of using it to find a good man and maybe get better opportunities. He did as Sean instructed. "Sire, where do you want us to go,' his driver asked. "To Storm's office,' he ordered. He wanted to go to Storm's office earlier and it was because of his father, he couldn't go and meet Storm. He cleaned his face with his napkin and smiled at himself. When was the last time, he cried. The last time, he cried was when Storm saved him from those bullies back then at School. Leo continued smiling at himself and all of a sudden. Suddenly, the SUV he was in collided with another car, raised up and turned sideways, splashing the entire supermarket, and caught fire, prompting some people to rush to the SUV and assist Leo and the driver. The driver was bleeding profusely, particularly from his head, and a shard of glass had pierced his stomach. While Leo's head was injured, he was dizzy and his legs were immobilized. Some tried to put out the fire, while others called an ambulance and others quickly dragged Leo out. Because the fire was spreading inside the car, they needed to act quickly or else the car would blow up and they would all be caught in it. When some people saw Leo, they started shouting and bringing water. They recognized him right away and tried to help him by telling him not to sleep and to wait for the ambulance. Leo couldn't stay awake; he tried everything, but he couldn't keep his eyes open. *Is it time for me to die? Who are these people, and why haven't I told Storm about my...feelings for him? Storm* he thought to himself as tears streamed down his cheeks, and Storm's face was the last thing on his mind before he blacked out. ****

"Ahhh...whooo...hun, Keep moving, go faster,' Ethan moaned, continuing to hold the sofa with his hands and his legs wide open, kissing Henry passionately. He missed him so much that he couldn't help but smile when Henry approached him. Henry kept thrusting and thrusting, getting faster and faster while kissing Ethan. "You're so cute, babe.' He continued to bang his ass, then he poured his juice inside Ethan, and moaned as Ethan called his name. They were both out of breath and then they stared at each other. "I miss you,' Henry whispered and hugged Ethan and Ethan did the same too. "I miss you, too,' Ethan said, kissing him. "Can I stay here for the night?' Henry inquired. "You have to leave. My sister is coming here today, and your wife will be concerned about you.' Ethan snickered and poked his nose with the tip of his finger. "Don't bother reminding me; I just want to spend the night here. I miss being with you.' Henry said as he kissed Ethan passionately on the lips. Ethan missed him terribly and adored him, but Henry wasn't ready to be with him. They've been together since high school. They did everything together, traveled to different countries, fucked themselves wherever they wanted, and he remembered a time when they were driving and their car broke down. They were waiting for the mechanic to arrive to fix the car. They both yanked off their pants and fucked while waiting in public. But, luckily they were close to a garden where no one and the place was isolated. They didn't care, they both opened a bottle of wine and smoked cigarettes and at the same time having sex on the ferrari's front bumper. Those were the best times for Ethan and Henry as well, but he chose to get married rather than be with Ethan.