Chapter 14 Such A Tease

Arriving at school...

She arrived at her class and sat on the front bench alone as Reena was not coming today.

Opening her phone, she connected her earphones and started listening to music ignoring the voice of class.

And slept because the lecture was too boring.

Sensing someone's presence, she looked up to find the school hunk standing there with a teasing smirk like he finally catching his prey.

She raised an eyebrow, ignoring her sped heart beat at his smile.

Then the school hunk sat beside her

For goodnes's sake he.. S A T.. B E S I D E... M E

"What Mister, this seat is booked!" She said lie without betting an eye. She doesn't want to attract trouble because of him to sit beside him as in her previous life. Or his fan girls will surely murder her.

It's not like she was afraid of him or his fan girls, but she hate troubles.

But looking at me, he smiled and said "Oh!" and ignoring her, he just sat and slept on the bench.

With a frustrated sigh she said again, trying to let him leave this seat but to no avail.

She also chooses to ignore him as she doesn't think he will listen to her.

Looking at him, Si yean was indeed very handsome with long eyelashes like a girl's and his eyes black with a hint of blue like he can see through everything and his alluring lips. His face was like that God had specially carved it from jade with sharp eyebrows and had black hair matching his eye colour. With causal jeans and t- shirt, he look carefree but had a cold aura around him that was suffocating.

But this time he was looking at her but something was different, the smirk on his face with a hint of teasing like challenging her for something.

She really wanted to wipe the smirk on his face, but her heart was still beating after seeing him. 'Uhhhhhh so frustrating...' She thought.

"Looked enough or planning to look more!' He said, opening his alluring eyes with a teasing smile.

She was so much lost in describing his handsomeness that she forgot she was looking at him continuously with a blushing face.

"Yes! Any problem!" She rebutted.

She was not the one to be easily teased.

But she doesn't understand one thing: why is the school hunk teasing her?

"No, if you can't see properly, I can let you see it more properly." He said, coming near her ears, almost touching her ears with his lips.

She now really can't stop her beating heart and blushing.

"I don't know School hunk was such a tease? Where do you have taken classes? I would like to go too?" She said, making distance.

"Ah if you want, I can teach you," He said with a smile.

Ignoring him or she will go insane, she again put her earphones and closed her eyes, completely ignoring him.

Sensing her intention to ignore him, he too closed his eyes and there again gone to his dreamland.

After some time....

The professor looked at us and said "Huh! you sure have guts to sit in front and then sleep.

Haven't you slept enough at night" The professor asked me. "Now explain to me about pho..... process or you can go out of the class." He said again.

Looking at the professor and the guy beside her with accusing eyes, she stood up and started answering the question- "In this process....." and in front of him she repeated the two page answer that he had not even explained.

Under the eyes of the shocked teacher and completing her answer, she said "Now, Can I sit teacher?"

"Ha.. Ah.. Ok! You whole class learn from this girl and listen to the lecture properly and don't sleep all day long,," He said, looking at the school hunk.

Sitting, she can't control her laughter looking at the school hunk and listening to the teacher.

"Huh fun yeah!" Si Yehan said, looking at her.

At the time, the school bell rang.

She hurriedly went out of the class as she can sense his anger.