Chapter 13 Business

If you are wondering how can she have a business as her family's business had already gone bankrupt.

So you are right, that's her own business as in her previous life due to the regret of not saving her father's business. She started her own business trying to make up for it.

Her father had opened his own business from scratch. And due to being a legitimate son of my grandfather, he was not in favor. And was treated like air in his family. He didn't have any support. And My father doesn't want to fight with his brothers for the family's business and property.So he started his own business.

The company was my father's own flash and blood. How late at nights he had worked hard to make it stand high. But a despicable daughter like me even can't save it.

She knows it as her mother told her that she was with her father in his hard times and due to his hard-working nature she fall for him.

Her mother had told her about their love story many times.

Her mother had a fiancee, but she had fallen for my father and she also doesn't need to do much as her fiance also had fallen for someone else.

So one day they both secretly cancelled their marriage. When their parents know this they were disappointed with their children but they also can't do anything as the both sides were at fault. And they too were not that old-fashioned too separate two love ones. So they agreed too.

And also my grandmother and grandfather also didn't discriminate against my father because of his title of legitimate son.

And were impressed by his polite and hardworking nature and can see the potential in her father's eyes.

After marriage my mother also helped my father in his business.

And finally, with both of their hard work they succeed.

But she failed to save their hard work.

So she opened her own company going on the path of her father and she was also successful in it

Don't know because she was her father's own blood but somehow she likes business too.

So she started her own career with it.

Back to reality.....

"Ah! ok Riva, now you can go and you can also start designing some dresses and yeah you can also make some dresses for me.'

After taking out some money from her pocket, she gave it to her and said, "You can take it as advance and there is also my number in there. You can call me anytime if you want."

"And you can also consider me your family and if your step brother or your family disturb you again. You can contact me." She said with a smile to reassure her.

"Thank you sister!" She smiled happily. I can see that she is not scared anymore.

"Ok bye! I will be going on and you also go or you will be late."

"Ok sister!" She said.

She too came from there as she was also getting late and her teacher would scold her if she was late but anyway she was happy to find a cute treasure today and maybe she can start her brand soon, maybe.

She beamed happily on her way

The unconscious man that was ignored all along -_-"