Chapter 18 Operation

Waking in the morning, she did her daily routine.

Today she wore a pink half knee length dress with sleeves.

Looking in the mirror, two phoenix eyes were staring back at her in her previous life. If she wore, it she would surely look cute.

But the women in front of her was looking charming with a mysterious aura around her. As she had experienced the whole world maybe because of her rebirth but along with it was also aura of care freeness of a teenager because this body was still of teenage girl.

But their contrast added a unique personality to her.

She arrived downstairs to have breakfast. Seeing her mom and dad, she hugged them and said "Mom dad you are back! I miss you so much."

She said with a pout, acting cute and spoiled.

"Yes, honey! We missed you too, ", they smiled and hugged her back. Seeing her looking like this, their heart melted.

"Now eat breakfast. You are feeling, hungry right?" Her mom said.

"Ok mom!" she said as she obediently sat on her seat.

All of a sudden she asked "Ah! Dad I was asking how is the company doing is it right. There are no problems, na."

"It's all right, but why are you asking?" He asked.

"No, I was just asking." She said with a smile.

Even though the company had some problems near after two years but maybe there was anything suspicious or from my rebirth anything had changed.As the school hunk also has a weird behaviour.

Remembering his teasing smile, she can't help but blush.

Looking at her daughter like this, her mother asked- "What happened honey? Why are you so red? Are you having fever?" She said, touching her head with confusion.

"No, nothing mom ah... it was just that suddenly I was feeling hot. That's why anyway there is no problem and my breakfast is done.

I am going upstairs. My assignments are pending" She replied and ran away from there as fast as she could.

Her mother and father were confused, as they don't even feel hot.


'Oofs, she was just caught by her parents.

But then slapping her head, she thought why was she being so nervous as did a bad thing.

This is all because of him. Even remembering him, her face always flushes like a tomato.

Ah.. she was so frustrated.'

Then, forgetting it, she opened her computer as she searched information and location of William.

'Aah, if you are wondering who he is, then he is one of her targets to start her own company.

According to her previous life he had graduated in business and was a very successful man in the future. He works as a manager for a famous company.

But in his early years he was nothing but a student struggling to earn money for his tuition fees and mother's diseases but he can't save her and it was his biggest regret.

But in this life, she was going to change it and let him work in her company.

And according to her calculation he need money for his mother's operation now and the operation was very important and due to being delayed he can't save his mother.

and in her previous life, this operation had been delayed because of money.

And Now she was going to help him.