Chapter 19 Beauty saving The Hero

She wore a black knee-length black dress with a high ponytail. And black gauges too because it looks cool, and the dressing makes her look a little more mature because if she was going to offer him to work in HER company than anyone who looked at her childish face they would surely laugh their teeth out.

She then came to her parking lot and told the driver to take her to the hospital.

In the hospital.....

She came in the hospital and yeah, her entry was cool and everyone was staring at her like a celebrity. 'Ah.. she don't want it like this, but what can she do if I am beautiful?'

She thinks after her rebirth she have an illness of being narcissistic.

She came to the reception and asked the receptionist about William's mother ward.

When she reached the ward outside, there was William sitting with a distressed expression.

She reached him and stood in front of him.

Seeing he looked at her with a questioning gaze.

She smiled and said "Hello Mr William! May I have a moment,, please?" She said with a respectful and professional smile.

He continued looking at her with a questioning gaze.

"I want you to work in my company as a manager." She said, coming directly to the point.

He looked at me with a confused gaze and asked, "Which company?"

"Ah... It is not started yet and I want you to help me and I will tell you more details later."

He looked at her like looking at a fool.

'God! Doesn't he know to speak? She was going insane with his gaze.

Finally he said, opening his mouth, "Why would I do it and even in a newbie company whom I don't even know of? And how can I belive it is not a scam?"

Still, she patiently explained him because he is a future treasure.

"Because of your mother." She said, giving him the black card that she had prepared in advance.

"Take it, it. have enough money for your mother's operation and there is some extra too."

He looked at the black card and then looked up at her and asked, "Why me?" He asked, "And Aren't you afraid that I will run with all your money?"

"Because you are capable and running away with money, you will not do it as you are grateful to me. And IF YOU,", She looked at him with sharp eyes and said "Then you can prepare for the consequences."

And then she smiled and returned to normal like the one who said this was not her and all was an illusion.

"And now, I will get going then. Take care of your mother and I will contact you when will the time." She said and came from there.

But all this time she really felt hero saving the beauty.'s beauty saving the Hero.


William's (P.O.V)

The doctor said that the operation is necessary to perform on my mother today or the consequences will be dire.

I was sitting outside the ward waiting for the doctor and thinking about how to arrange the money.

But then a girl came into my view. l looked up to see a girl standing there with a smile looking at me.

She was looking like 17-18-year-old and she really was beautiful.

I looked at her with a questioning gaze as I don't remember if I knew her and I am also sure that I haven't met her. I don't know what a teenager has to do with me.

Then she told me to join her company.

I asked her about which company maybe she was working in some company and came here to offer me the post.

But she told me that it hasn't started yet and I have to help her and I really was shocked as first she really did not looked like opening a company and second why I will help her to a newborn company? and Why in the whole world she came to looking for me?

There were many questions in my mind.

I looked at her because I think she was a spoiled child that has come to an interest to open a company and in a few days it will be over. And I asked her the reason for why will I help her.And if she is not a scam. He knows it is harsh of him to talk to her like that but still he has to be careful.

But without saying anything, she took out a black card and gave it to me, saying that it is money for my mother's operation.

Seeing it, I decided that even if this is a willful act of this teenager I will help her. But looking at her I think that she was serious and the company will be very popular in the future.

Totally Ignoring the fact that how she knows about him and his mother's operation.

Then I asked her the question that was in my mind: that 'Why it is him and is she not afraid I will run with her money?'

But she answered me that because I am capable.

It really was shocking in my whole life. No one had said it and only he knows how hard work he is doing for his mother and tuition fees.

When all students were enjoying, he was doing part-time jobs, but still no one had said that he was capable. Somehow his heart was touched, but her next words made it disappear instantly.

And looking at her cold eyes, he feels a sharp chill behind his back. She really looks scary.

And in the next moment she smiled like that chill was all his illusion.