Chapter- 38. Their "Second" Date

It has been a few days, almost a week, since she has been admitted to the hospital.

She was somewhat bored only reading all day. If it was not her parents and also Si Yehan visiting her every day, she would have been bored to death.

She has to make this guy with a lot of efforts go home because whenever he comes every time, he doesn't even move till evening. If not for her dad, he may even stay in the hospital at night too.

But she has to accept that their relationship has gotten a lot closer than before after spending time with each other. This guy was a good person. She doesn't know but in her heart his opinion has changed a little.

Though the doctors had recommended her to rest a little days more in hospital but she was feeling perfectly fine and was afraid that only her bored skeleton would left after a few more days staying here, she insisted to discharged early and after a again through checkup of her body, listening to her parents nagging and taking a lot of time and cute drama to persuade them. She was finally going to be discharged today.

She also has to contact William, his exams should be over till now and she thinks she should give him some job too. According to her news, his mother is also fine now. She is happy for him and his mother. And she was more happy that her rebirth saved someone's life but she was afraid that if it would affect the time and god's will. But what has to be done has been done. She can't change it now.

She was now standing outside the hospital feeling the fresh air pass through her, she instantly felt refreshed like a new energy feeling her. Staying in a hospital for that long time was a suffocation for her. And she also doesn't have any good memories with the hospital either.

Last time….she came here was in her previous life.. where..she got to know about her parents death…it wasn't a good memory and remembering it, she felt her heart scarred. Putting a hand on her heart, she moved ahead walking towards the gray car standing in front of her.

Ok, this was Yehan's car and she was going home with him because this guy tricked her to promise him that she would go out with him today. And she doesn't have any idea how he also managed to persuade her parents. And dad because her mom was already perdue by him even ready to make him her son in law. But she doesn't know how her dad agreed. This guy is smart.

She moved towards the car as she saw Si Yehan coming out and standing out with a mischievous smile on his lips. He was wearing a black T shirt pairing up with his jeans in contrast to her black crop top and skinny fit jeans matching his outfit. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail and her outfit was both cool and comfortable matching his carefree and cool outfit.

As she came near him without even greeting him she said "Why are you wearing this?" As she noticed both of their outfits which even a fool would understand as the popular 'couple outfits.' and for what she doesn't at all believe in this huge coincidence that even both of their sneakers were of same white color.

Si Yehan just raised an eyebrow as he looked towards her his face smiling and said in a teasing manner "Hi Ryna! You are looking beautiful today." He spoke her name for a little longer than it should be spoken intentionally highlighting it.

Ryna felt a sweet feeling as at the same time goosebumps arrived in her body making her feel uncomfortable. She was suddenly feeling a little cold in her body and hot on her face and she was sure that her foolish face must be blushing now making it look more foolish. She directly entered the car, opening the car door behind him. 'Why she is always defeated by him and his words.'

Si Yehan too followed behind her not intending to let her take his car in anger. No trust, she could do that and leave him behind.

Si Yehan too entered the car, till he was in Ryna was back to her expressionless and careless face.

Si Yehan just left her in own. He doesn't dare to pick her again if his little rabbit has too sharp teeths. Can't afford to poke again and again. He started the car engine and got out of there driving.

Just as they were in their way, he listened to her voice saying "Where are we going?" She said and looked toward him.

``How can a human make a face without any expression at all?" He thought forgetting that he himself is the one making others think about him when he is without any expressions.

He still said "Where do you want to go? I will take you for lunch. You would be hungry for sure right?"

Ryna looked at him as her face finally showed some signs of excitement but her face suddenly dimmed over again.

Yehan got confused seeing her sudden dimness and said "What happened? You don't want to eat?" He said making his next sentence amused.

Ryna just looked at him and humbled in anger as she said "It's all because of you."

"Why me???" Si Yehan said.

"If you and dad haven't bought a lot of food. I haven't gotten fatter. I'm fat now from all the eating." She said her face was pouting. Seemingly sad about her weight and she can't eat more now.

She is a normal girl. She gets fat too. And if she was a foodie the chances of getting fat are obviously more. If not for the exercise she was doing which was stopped because of her admission in hospital she would have gotten a lot fatter.

And because of not exercising she has indeed gotten a little fatter as she was afraid. 'Have to do exercise and lose the gained weight.' Ryna thought determined.

Si Yehan chuckled seeing her cuteness and said "I think it won't be a big problem with just a little treat. See, you have gotten discharged too today. We have to celebrate it." He said laying his trap.

Ryna seemed to be thinking about it too.

'It won't be a bad thing too, it's just a little meal and anyway she could do more exercise afterwards. Eating comes first and more when the other one is treating you." Ryna hesitated at first and said "Your treat?" Her voice was serious but she didn't know how cute she looked.

"Yeah, my treat." Si Yehan said driving seriously looking in front as his eyes were smiling. "Where do you want to go?" He asked.

"Uhh….let me think." Ryna said lost in her thoughts of where to go.


"Oh..yes" Ryna suddenly said "Let's go to your friend's Italian restaurant." She wasn't able to taste all the delicias there, let's do it today then. Ryna thought beaming.

"Okay!" Si Yehan said, moving his car towards his friend's restaurant direction.

Some time later…..

Ryna happily walked out of the car as she saw her favorite restaurant where her favorite thing is made "food."

Yehan also came out as they both entered the restaurant with many eyes on them seeing and thinking them as celebraties on date.

"Hey beauty.." Si Yehan's friend came near their table as he greeted Ryna. "You are looking awesome today." Sam said.

"Thanks." Came Ryna's indifferent voice. Her personality is mostly cold with others but it was a little cool because she knows him and the main thing he is the owner of her favorite restaurant.

Sam smiled as he looked towards Si Yehan who was sitting at her other side nonchalantly. He looked at him as he beamed, showing his white teeth and silly smile. " Hey Si Yehan, buddy, how is your relationship with your teacher going?" His voice was in full intention to tease him.

Si Yehan just looked at him and just looked at him. "Ok, that's it, I was just asking." Sam suddenly shut up as he muttered these words under his breath.

Ryna wanted to laugh seeing their conversation which ended before even starting.

Si Yehan then eyed his friend who was dumbly saying something under his breath and said "I think you are really free to come and become a light bulb everytime."

Sam suddenly had a bad feeling about his friend's words. He understood the underlying meaning of his words of his friends as he hurriedly got up where he just sat and prepared to run from there.

"Ok sister-in-la… Miss Ryna I should go now. There are some guests left to greet. I hope you won't mind."

"Yeah, just send the food early." Ryna said, raising her head from her phone where she was playing games long before, being bored.