Chapter 39 The Boy

As they were coming out of the restaurant after eating the food Ryna got bumped into someone. She looked up only to find a boy standing there with his mask on. He waa just a little longer than her. She looked at him and found that his eyebrows and eyes looked almost seventy percent similar to her. She hurriedly chased the thought away as she said sorry and reached Si Yehan as he called her.

The boy looked at the chasing figure of the girl that just got bumped into him. His brows were furrowed as he had the same suspicion as Ryna but he too got called away by his sister.

"Liam, come here mom and dad are calling you." Lily said.

"Yeah, coming." Came the boy's indifferent reply as he put his hands in his pocket and stored towards his sister's direction.

Ryna sat in the car as suddenly she saw Si Yehan coming towards her. The distance between them was very close. She looked at him and met his dark black pupils looking toward her, her face was shocked as her lips were open because of the sudden closeness.

"What..what are you doing?" Ryna flustered trying to make their distance a little more but failing as she was trapped between his hand and the seat.

So Yehan just smiled as he gently put a seatbelt on her. "Don't worry I won't eat you." He said taking his hand and face back starting the car.

"I would have done it myself." Ryna muttered, her face scrunched up.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. Focus on driving."

"Ok" Si Yehan smiled.

"Do you want to go anywhere else?" So Yehan asked her.

"No, take me home." Ryna said.

"Okay" Yehan said, side glancing at her as he too understood that she wasn't really healthy too, and would have been tired till now.


Ryna entered her room as she directly laid on her bed, tired. "Sigh…so tiring…"

She closed her eyes to relax for a bit as she opened them again and after sitting, she took out her phone.

She messaged William to meet her tomorrow near a coffee shop at RL branch which was a part of her father's business.

After massaging him she massaged her forehead as she got ready to sleep after a quick warm shower which was really relaxing for her after a week. She laid on her bed and closed her eyes only to see that boy's face once again before she fell into her dreamland.

After a quick evening nap, Ryna was again called by her mom in the dining room.

Ryna, in her pajamas, was now walking down the stairs, going towards the dining hall. As usual, she saw her mom and dad sitting there waiting for her. But this time she also saw a middle aged man, maybe in his thirties sitting with them. He was emitting a strong and powerful aura. But he was also looking like an experienced man, a butler.

She walked slowly toward there, as she greeted her parents. "Mom, Dad."

She turned towards the man and nodded her head "Uncle."

The man smiled and nodded his head back acknowledging her.

"Ryna, sit honey." Her mom said.


Ryna took her seat. Her dad after a minute, said "This man, would be your chauffeur and bodyguard from now on. His name is John. You would stay in his protection." His voice was rather strict, leaving no room for rejection.



"Dad! Sorry, but please….Ryna said sending her message that she doesn't want a bodyguard with her.

"I haven't asked about your opinion. I am telling you." Her dad said eying her. She was not usual with his strict side.

"Ok dad!" Ryna said. She turned towards the man as she said "Uncle John."

The man just smiled as he continued sipping his tea.

"You could also learn a lot from him. He is a retired general officer. And he is also a wise man." Her dead said, nodding his head, showing his aporetiance for him.

"Ok dad." Ryna said.


After dinner…..

"Ufff….." Ryna voiced out. "Not a bodyguard." Ryna muttered. It was now a real problem for her to handle a man with her watching her all moves. She has so many things to do and if her dad found out that she is planning to open a company behind his back, then it would be over.

She has to meet William too tomorrow.

Ryna was finding a way to sneak out.

"Let's do this, after school I will run away from the back door. Yeah, that's a good idea." Ryna thought as a smile bloomed on her face.


Ryna was now ready for her school and sitting in her car. Maybe it was her lucky day but due to some work uncle John hasn't come today. So, she could easily do her work.

She took out her phone as she saw William's reply of agreement at the fixed place. She then started scrolling the phone reading current news and passing her time. She saw the SCL projects being in top again as a motivation to work hard again.

At school...

Ryna was now sorting on her desk with Reena. She also saw Lily there with a sweet smile sitting at the front desk. Once in a while she also caught her looking at her. But ignored her lingering gaze though her suspicions were there.

Just as the teacher came in with a boy behind her back. She looked at the boy as her brows furrowed and a frown came on her face. The boy was looking carefree, rebellious and indifferent walking with his hands in his pockets behind the teacher. The boy was the same as she had met yesterday, at the restaurant. She had recognised him at a glance because of the similarities between their faces. The main shock was, with his full face he was almost looking the boy version of her. Reena was also looking at the boy with some shock and at her.

"Ryna, did you suddenly have a brother whom I don't know of?" Reena said with suspicion , still comparing her and the boy's facial features.


"Students, this is a transfer student who had joined with Lily." The teacher said pointing toward the boy. She looked at him telling him to introduce himself but the boy just stood there.

"His name is Liam and he is Lily's brother." The teacher said at last giving a little but a lot of information about him, that he was Lily's brother. There were whispers starting everywhere mostly pointing at Lily and the boy, discussing the boy's handsomeness. Some people with acute eyesight were also looking towards her and trying to guess her relationship with him. Ryna just kept silent all the while.

The boy looked at the emerging discussion as he too followed their line of sight only to see a girl which looked almost similar to him glancing at his direction with furrowed brows.