Chapter 41 "Are you planning to do something funny?"

Ryna was on her way to home. She hurridely catched up with the bus. She directly boarded for her home, there was no benefit for her to go to school again. The driver should have informed her father till now. It was impossible for her to make any reasonable excuses. But she had beforehand messaged her Mom telling her that she was going with her friend. Now, she can only pray that the excuse worked and her mom would manage to control her dad's anger. Or she would be doomed.

She rubbed her forehead, tensing over. She somehow managed to keep her heart beating till she reached home.

Ryna entered the big hall, which can be called the living hall to see her dad sitting on the sofa, her mom was just beside him sitting with her hands on her lap. Both looked equally tensed. Her mother was consoling her father, and her father...he looked terriblly....angry.

She was doomed.

No more life.

No more missions.

She swear if she leaved here alive today it would be a miracle.

Looks like this time, she terribly angered him for to look that cold chairman who was always funny and cheerful in front of his daughter to express his coldness.

She slowly, not hurried at all, moved towards him. Making sure to not look the slightest nervous or even scared.

"Good evening dad! Mom!"

She slowly said trying to keep her voice as cheerful as she can. Looking normal as nothing happened even though everything happened.

Her father's gaze slowly landed towards her scanning her, as a sigh escaped his mouth. Her mother too came forward and hugged her petite body.

"Where were you Ryna?" Her mother asked trembling.

She patted her mother's back slowly consoling her, she never thought that her dissapearence would make them so worried.

"I was with my friend mom, you remember Reena, right?

Her mom looked up at her face, her face scrunched up seemingly trying to remember.

"The flower girl mom. Remember, in my childhood she had sometimes visited our home. And she always brought you flowers from her garden. Because you said you liked them?"

Her mother's face got bright instantly as she remembered her. "Oh..your only and best friend?" Her mom asked.

She nodded her head feeling her mom's words sounded wrong.

Her mom seem to misunderstand her for not having more then one friend because of silent nature. She felt slightly angry thinking about it but knowing that it was not right for her to get angry now and act spoiled because her own parents are angry with her. What will happen if both of their anger collide, It will only bring tsunami. So, better be quite. Let her mom know afterwards that she gas many friends, not only one 'huff.....

"Why don't she visit home nowadays, invite her home and tell her that aunty misses her." Her mom said with a smile.

"I will remember it Mom!" She nodded her head.

"By the way mom, I am tired today, so I will go upstairs now. Don't wait for me for dinner, I already ate with Reena." She said glancing behind her mother at her father, seeing his expressions easing up.

"Ok Dear" Her mom said smiling with relief.

She started walking towards her room, climbing the stairs, listening her father words

"I don't want it to happen again."

She raised her pace hurridely coming in her room. She knows what he means, What? He doesn't want her to escape like this again. It is easy to console her mother then her father. Her mother completely believes her daughter and pampers her, she is almost blind in it. And from childhood, naturally the role of desciplaining her as gone to her father.

"Sigh" She sighed with all the stress and tiredness and after changing she got into her soft bed. "Only it can make me relaxed." She thought and got ready to lose in her sleep with tiredness of all day.

"Ding" The sound of message woke the half asleep Ryna, as she frustratingly took her phone to teach the late-night messanger a lesson.

Seeing that it was a reply from Yehan, the anger and frustration in her heart lessened and even a little eagerness appeared. She opened his message. It was a reply of her message she sended him after school asking about his absence.

"Dad called me home today"

She glanced at it and was ready to put down her phone, but after a moment she gave a short reply.


Looking at her short reply, Yehan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Atleast ask him why his dad called him or show a little concern. He was feeling rather happy when he saw her intiative to send him a message and ask about him but.....Well, baby steps..

He, does not wanting to end the chat in a few words, leaving the opportunity to have chance to talk to her, directly dialled her number.....



"How are you dear"

Ryna felt goosebumps in her body listening to his address.


"What are you doing?"

"Was sleeping"

"Did I disturbe you?"



Such a straightforward answer made him silent for a while.

"Well, it's ok, Something happened over there? Did you dad finally beat the hell out of you?" Ryna said after seeing that he didn't said something.

"Fortunately, with your "kind" blessings, No" Yehan said.

"Haha.." A chuckle escaped Ryna's mouth listening his answer.

Yehan smiled listening to her laughter.


"Ryna did something happen to you? Why haven't you slept yet?" Came her mother's worried voice.

"Oh god"

"Mom just sleeping, I woke up to drink a glass of water, I will sleep now." Her mom must had saw her room's lights turned on. In hurry she made a lousy reason to explain to her mother.

"Ok! Goodnight sweetheart"

"Good Night Mom" She replied and turned the lights off.


She prepared to sleep but listening to her name she suddenly remembered that she was talking on phone.

"Why haven't you slept yet? Where are you?" Ryna instantly asked in a low voice. What was he doing calling her late at night, and why haven't he slept yet.

"Are you planning to do something funny?" The words escaped her mouth before she had time to ponder it.