Chapter 42 Something Funny, What?

"I was planning to sleep after repl..." The words stopped in his mouth listening to her later words.

'Something funny, what is she thinking'

With a playful smirk, he asked her in a low teasing voice which sounded very pleasent to her ears.

"Oh, something funny....what do you think that funny thing I am doing is Ryna?"

She felt her name became more good after listening from his mouth. If any other girl listened to his voice now, she would surely go pregnant.

"Cough, cough"

"Nothing, Well, I remember I had something to do suddenly, So I will call you later. Bye, Good night." Ryna hurriedly said before he can say anything further and hanged the phone.


She noticed something unusual with her but she dismissed it as something unimportant.

"Well, what was she so nervous about?"

Forget it, now she just wants to sleep rather then thinking. Let's think about it another time.


She came towards her car to go to school but seeing the extra person her brows uncontrollable furrowed.

"This is not good" She thought.

Still with a smile she moved towards him and greeted him "Good Morning Uncle John"

He looked towards her and nodded his head and then sat on the driver's seat.

She sat on the backseat thinking about her next plan. 'Well, her freedom...was at a stake or it is already gone...sigh if it is not her father who dares to trap this queen.'

A few weeks were just gone like that of her being in a watch under her father. There was no way to do something extra then attending the boring classes or doing homework. She had seen the "boy" who looked like her few times with Lily. Their gazes met a few times but there was nothing that she can do, she was under "Extra care" of her father. William messaged her from time to time though, he had successfully signed up for the company, all the arrangements are made and was just waiting for her next orders. There were many things for her to do, time was less, curiosity was more and pressure was double. Let's see where this life takes her.

At night after dinner and changing into her pajamas, Ryna sneakingly went into her parents room, seeing that the lights were on. She knocked on the door.

Her mother opened the door and looked surprised with her sudden appearance in their room at this time.

"What happened Ryna? Do you want something." Her mother asked.

Ryna eyed her father who was behind her mother and a playful light crossed her eyes unoticed by her mother. She coqutishely held her mother's arm and said "Mom, can you sleep with me tonight? I miss you." She said looking at her hopefully.

Alina's heart melted seeing her daughter like this and she answered her positively without even thinking.

"Thank you! Mom" Ryna hugged her mom excitedly and smirked towards her father, challenging him. Her father only raised a eyebrow in response.

"Well, Mom father won't be scared alone, would he?" She asked innocently looking towards her father.

"Is he a child that need someone to sleep with." Her mother said disgustingly.

"Yeah, yeah if your daughter needs someone to sleep with her, it is because she is missing you but if I need someone to sleep with me, I am a child. Where is the justice?" Her father murmured in a low voice.

Ryna and Alina glared at him and got out of the room leaving him alone.

After a few seconds Ryna came again and said to him while closing the door "I will close the door for you dad, no need to thank me, good night!" She said with a playful smile.

After she was gone her father shook his head and murmured "Such a childish mother and daughter duo."

'Looks like he has to sleep alone today, his daughter's "Good intentions" were obviously a revenge she is playing on him. Don't know how many days will it go for."

Ryna had a little revenge on her father that night which was obviously not enough to let him surrender to her. But she had many tricks up her sleeves. Let's see who will get defeated in the end.


Next day...

Ryna got ready just like every normal day to go to school and went downstairs at the dinning hall for breakfast. She smiled at her mother"Good Morning! Mother" and looked towards her dad and said with an indifferent tone "Good Morning! Dad"

She added "Hope you enjoyed your night being alone." And sat on dining hall suppressing her laugh.

Her father looked at her and finally said nothing. Just like that the breakfast with unusual silence which seemed more like a cold war passed.

At school...

Ryna entered the school and like usual she took her seat beside Reena."Hello Ryna"

"Hi" She replied to her with a sigh putting her bag beside her.

"What happened? Haven't you got your freedom back?" Reena asked.

Ryna looked at her angrily.

"Don't sprinkle salt on my wounds dear, they are already deep enough." She said clutching her heart pretending to be in pain.

Reena looked at her seriously for a moment.

"Hey? What are you day dreaming about?" Ryna questioned seeing her lost look.

Reena came out of her dilemma and asked in the most serious tone she could muster "You really didn't thought about becoming a dramatist?"

Realising her "seriousness" Ryna looked at her and after saying a big "No", slept on the bench not intending to listen to her nonsense.

"Hey, do you know why she is here?"

"I don't know."

"I had heard that this time she wanted to talk to Ryna."

"Is there going to be a good show now?"

"Yeah, it would be fun to watch the love triangle."

"Only if the hero would be also present here."

"It would have been a blast if it could be"

"A good show ahead."

Ryna could clearly hear the whispers of the students around her which was getting louder and louder. "Looks like there is new drama for her to attend."

She thought with a sigh, she was tired already.