Chapter 43 Did something changed?

Ryna looked up and saw Luna approaching her. She stopped a few inches away from her desk.

Ryna looked at her with a questioning gaze. "Hello," Luna said. Her voice was cold, but if anyone listened closely, they could notice a hint of nervousness.

Ryna raised her brow, realizing that Luna had never been this cold to her before, or perhaps she knew how to say "hello" specifically to her. Noticing that Ryna was saying nothing, Luna continued, "I am sorry," and hurriedly said, "Thank you too."

"Sorry? Thank you? Why?" Ryna finally asked, realizing that the girl in front of her was nervous and had no ill intentions. Finally, she said, "'Sorry for bullying you all this time. Well, please forgive me.'" She looked at Luna, wondering if the rebellious phase of teenagers could be bypassed by having an accident. She was intrigued to find out. Luna expectantly continued to look at her, determined to get a positive answer today. Seeing that she had no intention to go until she answered her, Ryna said, "It's Okay."

Luna smiled as if she had won a lottery and took Ryna's hand, shaking it excitedly. "Thank you, thank you." Ryna looked at their intertwined hands with a serious gaze.

"Oh, sorry, sorry, and thank you. Well, I have to go now; it's class time," Luna said and walked away.

'Don't know if it was institution or something else, her guts say there was something different about Luna, like she was a whole different person. Even if she got out of her bad habits, Luna is not a girl who would say sorry and thank you so many times. Well, she was too lazy to care.'

'Sigh, she was feeling a new whole stock of laziness, she directly slumped on her bench resting.'

A few minutes later.....

"Algebraic expression...."

"May I come in ma'am?" A deep voice could be heard which was long-awaited by the girls of the class, of there prince charming, Yehan.

"Here comes the hero." The teacher whispered mockingly.

"Did you say something Miss Eva?" Yehan said looking at the teacher.

", I mean you can come in now Yehan" Eva said.

"Ok, Thank you."

"I would like if Mister Yehan can come a little early" Eva said patiently instantly regretting afterwards. 'Even if he attends is a blessing, how could she ask to come early?' She thought.

"Sure, Miss" Yehan said raising his eyebrow looking at the seat which was occupied with certain someone's friend.

If a glare could work, he would have done it already, but when it's someone related to her, Rule number 1, be polite, extremely polite, glare is restricted. So being the good friend he is, he would not use upper handed means like blackmailing others related to her but no one said that underhanded means are not allowed.

A smart glint passed across his eyes, a plan already brewing in his mind.

'Its time to give a visit to the principal."

Far away the principal sitting on his desk immersed in his work suddenly sneezed.

After classes....

"Ryna, Ryna, Let's go, what are you doing?" Reena said.

"Shhh.." Ryna said putting her finger on lips indicating Reena to be silent.

After coming out of the class like some theives, Reena finally burst out, "Hey, Ryna what was the sneaking up for? You made me really afraid that you have not done your homework or stole something. Say, what is it?

Hey, Hey stop, listen answer me first, why are you walking so fast. Is a ghost chasing after you?"

"Nah, not a ghost but I do think you are chasing after me. Are you referring yourself as a ghost?" Ryna said amusedly.


"Ok, Ok, Let's go grab a coffee."

"Are you sure, I thought you can't go out for a while now."

"Why" She said turning towards Reena.

"He...he...Look ahead"

Ryna turned around and saw Yehan standing there, hands in his pocket leaning at the door entrance waiting for someone.

She instantly turned towards Reena, held her hand and dragged her towards the other direction.

"Her, stop Ryna, do you take me as your partner in sneaking. I did not do anything not did I left my homework. Why you have to drag me with you, girl."

"No time for joking Reena, let's go from the back door."

"Hey, no hell, from that way, we have to climb the wall Ryna, my body can't handle it."

"Who is saying that, like you didn't do it when we got late."

"Hey, that's so time back."

"Go, go, my treat. Wat whatever you want."

"You are tempting me. I like the idea though. Well, I wanted to ask by the way, can I know why are we running from 'him'. Don't you think I don't know, something is brewing between you two. You know right puppy love is forbidden."



"You want to die, right. As a good friend I will let you choose the way of dying for talking nonsense."

"Well, did I say something?" Reena pretended to be innocent.

Some time later.....

"Sweetheart don't you think you ought to tell your boy before going, he must be still waiting for you at the entrance. Though you didn't manage to escape from your bodyguard." She said looking outside the cafe, sipping on her bubble tea.