Chapter 21: Age of Vigilantism Part 2 

*Kirari POV*

After taking care of that villain and doing a round a patrolling with Oz, I headed for the sewer entrance.

I arrived an hour before midnight.

It's been a while since I have last been here.

After killing that goblin Nomu over a year ago, as expected, I couldn't feel the drive to hunt rats anymore.

How could I after I got a taste of the delicious exp Nomu's gave?

I still farmed here to level up Oz for a while. He can earn exp by killing things, attacking things, or just by simply staying summoned, though not much exp is gained this way.

The best part is that when he kills things, a portion of the exp goes to my equipped character!

Unfortunately, I have to be within a certain range of him in order to gain the exp.

So, after I taught him how to hunt efficiently and the DOs and DON'Ts, I left him to do as he pleased, while I stayed outside of the smelly sewer and read some books.

Familiar? More like Auto Exp Farmer. Bwahaha~

When Oz reached level 10, he became able to change forms, thanks to the Special mod.

He could become big enough to carry me around while flying.

When he got this ability, I stopped coming to the sewers entirely for daily grinding.

Instead, Oz and I flew around during the night, hunting villains.

It was a big step up from rats, and when I first started, I was quite worried and restless.

The disguise I used back then was just a dark hoody, face mask, and sunglasses.

Sunglasses in the night? Ew.

I cringe at my childishness back then.

On my first villain hunt, I encountered some guy with a quirk that can clone himself.

He was trying to break open an ATM. Of course, I couldn't just take the guy out right then and there.

I had to make sure that he was an irredeemable villain that deserves death, and that killing him for exp would give me more good karma than bad karma. I did not have a method to tell a person's karma value after all.

When Oz dropped me right behind him, he got so spooked that he accidentally hit one of his clones with a crowbar and made it disappear into some sort of mud.

Funny guy.

After that, I tried talking to him while faking my voice like a certain bat superhero.

However, it got very annoying trying to keep up the conversation because his clones kept interrupting.

When I tried asking who the real one was so that I could talk to that one alone, all of them said that they were the real one.

Suddenly, it got really messy as the guy and his clones started attacking each other while claiming that they were the real one.

Honestly, it was a pretty brutal scene.

It was a classic case of instant karma. Totally not my fault in any way whatsoever.

In the end, the poor original guy looked so traumatized after seeing himself kill himself multiple times that I just left him alone. He looked too pitiful, and the authorities were about to arrive anyway.

After that encounter, I gained some confidence.

I can bring down villains just by talking to them. Bwahaha!

So, I continued my nightly villain hunts, occasionally upgrading my gear and disguise until I got what I have now. It was thanks to the help of Mei and Momo, not that they'll ever know.

During my hunts, I encountered other small-time villains that I just left alone after talking with them. Some, I even became friends with.

There were ones that I had to fight with and knock unconscious to let the police or heroes catch them.

It was difficult to find a villain worth killing for exp just by flying around and patrolling randomly.

My first kill only happened around a month after starting my villain hunting.

(Flashback no Jutsu)

"How is it Oz? See any targets worth investigating?"

"Nothing yet, my lady. Perhaps you should invite the one you call Mei. She has a power that's useful for reconnaissance."

I was currently sitting on Oz's back, flying in the night sky after he had transformed to his big bird form which I appropriately called, 'Zapdos'.

"I told you already Oz. We're looking for villains to kill. How could I let the adorable Mei-chan join in on such a horrendous act? I'm keeping my vigilante life a secret from her."

"It has already been one month, and we have yet to accomplish our goal… Also, this is the first time I have heard my lady call her friend 'adorable Mei-chan'…?"

"... I will deny all allegations saying that I stated those words."

"…" I could feel Oz roll his eyes through my sunglasses.

"… Sooo... How about those villains?" I said to change the subject.

"Still no-"


Our conversation was interrupted by a loud noise.

Oz and I could see a cloud of dust rising in the distance.

I didn't even need to instruct Oz before he started flying towards it.

"My Dio…"

When we got a good view of the place, I gasped.

At the place where the cloud of dust appeared, there was the site of a collapsed building.

It must have been at least four stories tall to be able to create such a mess.

With a quick glance using Electroreception, I was able to find many injured and wounded people trapped beneath rubble.

"Oz! Split up and save the ones in critical condition first!"

Without wasting time, I jumped off Oz's back after sharing what I saw to him.

The wind generated from my descent blew my hood off my head and caused my short blonde hair to flutter around.

I used the wires I got for my birthday years ago, which I modified by the way, to latch onto an intact window and land safely near an unconscious woman whose legs were pinned by a collapsed wall.

With my 15 Physical and Electro-therapy to enhance my muscles, I lifted the wall and brought her towards a clear area.

I used Electro-therapy on the woman to temporarily paralyze her nerves so that she wouldn't feel pain.

After doing some first aid, I told Oz through telepathy to bring the ones he rescues to this area since it was the nearest and safest place around.


After a minute of rescuing people, an explosion occurred around one hundred meters away from our impromptu medical area.

It was at an area where I had sensed a guy who was beneath some rubble, but he looked okay, so I ignored him and prioritized the other more injured people.

"AHAHAHA! Finally! That will show those bastards for firing me!"

The guy who came out of the rubble was speaking some nonsense.

I was about to ask him if he was alright, when Oz came flying over while carrying a rather large man in a bloodied suit.


The large man was groaning and making noise as Oz laid him down next to the others.

The noise attracted the attention of the guy from earlier and he started heading towards us.

"… Oi. What do you think you're doing?"

I was checking up the large man when the other guy spoke up.

"What do you think? An incident just occurred so I'm trying to save people's lives!"

Of course, I'm not doing this out of the kindness of my heart. I'm not some goody two shoes.

I'm doing this for the possible karma I could earn, so really, it's for my own benefit.

"Tsk. You shouldn't have bothered. Those people aren't worth saving…"

I sensed the man move. He pointed his hand towards me.

In this world full of quirks, you never know what kind of power someone has until they use it. By then, it could already be too late.

I didn't know what he was planning but, it's better to be safe than sorry.

As soon as I sensed his movement, I reflexively jumped back.


At the place I once stood, a small crater had formed… Along with the body of the large man who I was checking on… or what's left of him, at least.

The gruesome sight almost caused me to hurl rainbows, but I have developed a resistance to such scenes thanks to my villain hunts.

"Damn. More of them survived than I thought."

I turned towards the man, no, the villain who was looking at the other people that Oz and I had saved.

I could tell his intentions from the distorted expression he was making.

"Oz... I think we finally found our first victim."

Chapter End.


Ending a chapter in the middle of a flashback? The audacity...

As I have shown, Kirari is a grinder. She could have just killed all the villains she encounters, but she is also grinding for karma, so she is being careful of who or what she kills. She doesn't want to lose any good karma she might have due to a rushed decision.

That's also why she is saving those people. She doesn't really care about them since they aren't her family or friends, and only cares about the karma grind. She already knows that reincarnation exists after all.

Can she really get good karma with such a mindset? Who knows? Well, I do of course, but she has to die to find out.