Chapter 22: Age of Vigilantism Part 3 

*Kirari POV*

(Still in Flashback no Jutsu)

"If collapsing the building wasn't enough to get rid of you, then I will do it personally!"

While I was communicating with Oz telepathically about how to deal with this upstart villain, I saw him raise his arms towards the injured people.

I quickly pointed my index finger at him and used Thundershock.


"Argh! What the-?!"

While he was paralyzed from my attack, Oz flew over, grabbed him with his talons, and dragged him away from the other people and towards another area.

I checked on the others to make sure none of them were in critical condition before I followed them.


When I arrived to where they were, Oz had just dodged some sort of light ball that the villain shot out from his hand. It hit the ground and created another crator.

Oz retaliated by sending an Electro-ball of his own.

The villain fired another light ball with his other hand towards it.

The two attacks collided, and a large explosion occurred between them, causing both of them to be knocked back.

Luckily for me, and unluckily for the villain, he had landed right in front of me.

"Ugh… Damn stupid bird. *Bzzt* AAAAHHH!"

I paralyzed him with another Thundershock to prevent him from getting up.

I stood above the villain and telepathically told Oz to fly up and warn me if any police or heroes are heading towards us.

"So, since you brutally murdered someone in front of me, as well as cause this incident based on your earlier words, I have every right to believe that I can get a decent amount of karma by killing you." I said to the villain who was now glaring at me.

If looks could kill, I would probably be dead by now.

Unfortunately, his quirk doesn't seem to have that ability, as it can only fire some sort of explosive balls from his hands.

I stayed on guard just in case. This villain was able to bring down a building, and I didn't know if he had some sort of hidden ability.

… Wait, doesn't his quirk seem similar to Spiky hair's?

I thought about the guy who bullied Midori, and that I haven't seen him in a while.

Could this villain be related to him?... Nah. His hair isn't spiky at all.

"Kill me? ME?! You should be killing those a**holes from that hero agency! Not me!"

Hmm. Now that I think about it, wasn't this a place where a hero agency building was at?

'My Lady. Heroes are on their way and will be arriving soon.' Oz informed me.

Guess I have to hurry things up here.

"Why should I kill people from that agency? What did they do to make you hate them so much that you demolished their building and kill countless lives?"

I asked while trying to make the most menacing voice I can. It was hard because I had the high-pitched voice of a little girl... which I totally am.

Even though this man is definitely a bad guy, I still had some slight hesitation about killing him.

Unlike the mindless goblin Nomu, this man was an intelligent being that I was able to talk to and communicate with.


Ah... I remember seeing something like that on the news a while back.

A Pro Hero had recklessly charged at a villain who was holding a hostage and ended up getting the hostage killed.

Even though the villain was captured as usual, the death of the hostage caused a huge uproar.

It just so happened that a news reporter was in the area, so the hostage situation was shown live on TV.

In this day and age, heroes are like celebrities.

Once a hero is shown in any kind of negative light, it would cause a huge scandal. Just like all the scandals involving famous people in my past life.

This guy's hero career was basically over at that point.

Who could trust a hero that has a history of getting someone killed?

I can understand why no other agency would hire him.

Yet, he believes that it wasn't his fault at all and blamed his agency at the time. It got to the point, that he attacked the agency, causing this entire mess.

Immature, selfish, a narcissist. There were a lot of words that could be used to describe this villain, but I had a specific term in mind.

Exp Fodder.

Yes, these types of villains who only care about their own agenda and don't care about the aftermath of their actions don't deserve to live… Well, maybe they can have a chance if they haven't killed any innocents wrongfully.

But this villain does not fall in that category. He is worthless trash who's only redeeming feature is the ability to become my exp.

How many people has he indirectly killed after bringing down this building?

How many more will he kill if I let him go? He will probably go after the other agencies that didn't hire him after this incident.

I crouched down and brought my face closer to the villain's. I was constantly hitting him with thundershock and keeping him paralyzed so there was no chance he could point his hands and use his quirk on me.

I placed my hand on his chest.

"Wha- What are you doing?!"

The villain looked like he wanted to struggle but was unable to. I'm surprised he was still able to speak.

It's probably the adrenaline from all the hatred that's keeping him going.

I firmed my resolve to do what I needed to do next.

"Nothing much. I don't need to waste a lot of energy or do some flashy move to do… this." I answered the villain.

I used my quirk on my hand and delicately sent an electric shock to his heart.

I don't know if it was a result of his quirk or something, but this villain was quite susceptible to electric attacks.

He immediately went into cardiac arrest and his face twisted in pain.

I took off my sunglasses and stared straight into the villain's eyes as his breathing became short.

This was going to be my first human kill and it most likely won't be my last… I need to get used to it.

"Kuhk… *gasp*"

The villain's eyes were wide open and the spinning Electro sigil in my left eye was reflected in them.

May Dio-sama have mercy on your soul. Good luck on your next life.

I silently prayed for the villain after he breathed his last breath.


I stared at the body for a while and oddly, I felt… nothing?

Is it because of Gamer's Mind?

I was expecting a heavy heart or some sort of negative feeling, but I felt the same as usual.

At least, it was like that until I opened my level up system and checked my status.

"YOSSHA!!! Level up! The villain hunting finally paid off! No way a month of hunting rats can give me this much exp!"

I was so elated to see that I had leveled up, I forgot about the newly dead body I created.

I also saw that my Vision had leveled up twice, upgrading my elation to euphoria.

'My Lady. Heroes have arrived and found the people we rescued earlier. They are starting to look around for more survivors.'

Speak of the devil…

'We're done here, Oz. Extract me and let's get out of here before we get spotted.'

I happily replied to Oz while putting my sunglasses back on.

We quickly left the area by flying through the night sky.

(Flashback no Jutsu End)

Currently, I was walking down the sewer passages, heading towards the methane zone.

Oz went ahead and was hunting rats for old times' sake.

Meanwhile, I was preparing myself for the exploration.

I took off my black hair wig and let my unruly blonde hair free.

"Ah, much better." I said while shaking my head and brushing my hair back.

I removed my pierrot mask and turned off the voice modifying feature that Mei created before I reequipped it.

"Wires, check. Knives, check. Batteries, oops I should probably leave these somewhere…"

I kept most of my equipment hidden beneath my bulletproof, slash-proof, fireproof, and slightly blast resistant trench coat.

All the material for this took Momo a week to create, and it took me another week to put it all together.

It is by far, my favorite article of clothing. The sleek, clean look. The deep black color that hides dirt and blood stains and is easily washable.

Sadly, I won't be able to use it for my future hero costume…

I soon arrived at the entrance to the methane zone where Oz was waiting for me.

"How was the hunt, Oz?"

"Quite unsatisfactory, my Lady."

"I expected as much. How can rats compare to the high exp yielding villains? Once you take a bite of the cake that your rich friend brings over, the cake that was bought from a local store will taste like trash in comparison."

"Strange analogy, but I completely understand what my Lady means."

"Of course, you would, with all the cake Momo has been feeding you while doting on you."

"I am ashamed that I cannot control my devilishly good looks from charming others."

Oz's smug expression while feigning exasperation made me want to unsummon him for some reason.

Sadly, I needed him for the exploration, and I didn't want to waste energy, so I settled with just flicking his head.

I wonder where he learned such behavior? It can't be from me. I'm a genius, expert, teacher, trainer, inventor, and gamer after all.

It's probably because my mom keeps spoiling him. I hope she doesn't do the same to my soon-to-be-born sibling.

"Let's see... It's half an hour until midnight. My parents usually wake up at around six in the morning, so we have six hours to explore this place. Hopefully, we don't wind up blowing ourselves up…"

Before entering the methane zone, I opened my system to look at my status.

Chapter End.


If you were expecting a big, long fight, sorry to disappoint. The villain had already overused his quirk to bring down the building and was pushing it while fighting Kirari. I wasn't able to mention it since I was writing in Kirari POV.

Also, electric powers are too broken.

If the enemy doesn't have some form of defense or resistance, then Kirari can easily bring them down.

Even Horikoshi, the creator of MHA, had to nerf Denki because his quirk would have been too strong.

So, instead of a fight, I focused on character development and showing a dark side of hero society.

P.S.: You can try reading "One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean" by Master4thWall to see just how far electric powers could reach. It was a good read for me, but I don't think I will be making Kirari reach the level of the MC from that webnovel.

P.P.S.: I lost the 50/50 for the Raiden Shogun rerun... I'm still pulling for a chance at C1, but it would take a miracle for me to achieve my C3 Raiden Shogun dream.