|Wrong Place, Wrong Time|

I thought to myself, how could I end up someplace like this? How could I be in this position I am right now? This incident took me by shock. I only breathed in and out, my body trembling as I stared into a pair of black eyes. It was dead silent here. I could only hear our breaths and feel the cold gun pressed against my head and a strong palm pressed on my neck, coiled to choke me.

There is no word other than positively terrified that I feel right now, there is no other feeling than being ready to die in my mind.

Then he spoke. "Who are you? What did you come for? "

I shook my head, and he pressed his gun harder in my head; I whimpered. "I am no one. I-I ran into this place. I-I, It was c-cold and came in to get a-warm "

He clenched his jaw, taking a step further. I could feel his stomach press against mine. "Who send you?" He asked.

"No one! I-I am with no one. I came here myself. I-I don't mean trouble. "I heard someone chuckle behind the man who held me at gunpoint,

"Right." My breaths grew deeper and tears leaked through my eyes. He only stared at me, his expression unreadable.

"I-I leave, please don't kill me. I will leave, "I said. The other guy tilted his head up and rose to his eyebrows.

"I don't know, will you?" I tried nodding, but I couldn't.

"Please, Please. I-I"

"Shut the fuck up" The guy in front of me spoke. His voice was low, but good enough to scare me further.

He stepped back, grabbing my bag beside me and throwing it to the guy behind him. The guy started checking my bag; I wasn't scared for that, they only contained my clothes and necessities. "Take your jacket off," He said, not letting me move another inch. I gulped, taking my jacket off and putting it down.

"Where are you from?" He asked. I wince as I felt pain at the back of my head.

"The-the city..." He stared at me. My scream came soon after he fired a gun at distances enough to make me cry and tremble against his hold. "NO. Please, please, Florida, I am from Florida, I -I ran away. From my home. I- I have nowhere to go. I-I was just trying t-"

"Leave," He said. He didn't need to ask me twice. I bend down, grabbed my jacket, and made my way towards my bag. The guy who checked my bag smirked. "Nice panties." I felt harassed on that comment, but I knew better than to fight on it.

I ran out and walked away as fast as I could to get away from that abandoned-looking house. I had now where to go; I was running out of money; I had only eaten the food I took from the house. But it finished soon enough, leaving me starving for two days now.

I was lucky those guys did little. There was a possibility there would've done something which would've traumatized me for life. I was lucky to get away from it. Walking in a local mart, I grabbed some food and walked out; I had been searching somewhere to live for a day. I was already tired. I knew from the start this wasn't a simple thing to do. But I had no other choice.

I had enough money to go back home. But I won't. I won't be able to pull the trick I did to stay in a dorm. I snuck into a college party. Talked to some guys, and ran straight to the kitchen, ate something, and locked me in a bedroom. Suck out of the room from the window the next day.

No one could question me; the whole campus was filled with students giving no shit about who was coming in or out.

That was a lucky night. I feel like an idiot, but it worked.

I had to stay out of any trouble. I had to make sure I wouldn't be near any police station; I was already reported missing.

A man took me by surprise when he grabbed the back of my jacket and yanked me towards a wall. I scream but the roads were dead silent; He tried touching me, held a knife against my neck which dug in my skin, he yanked my hair back, but I took my chance of kicking him in the balls as running in an unknown direction.

"You little bitch!" I heard him. My energy was completely down. I leaned against a tree and that's when I had a complete meltdown. My tears ran down my cheeks. My throat became itchy; I was trembling out of fear. That feeling, when someone invades your personal space and touched you without your consent, was terrifying.

I cried. I was going to pass out, but I had to leave the place. What if he came towards me again? What if he tried to hurt me, worst, rape me? I was a good ten minutes away from that man. I could feel it. He would come to find me.

A car light flashed across my eyes, making me blind in seconds. The car door opened as I heard footsteps. I crawled back but was grabbed by my arm. Screaming and struggling became a reflex. But I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey! Shut your goddamn mouth up" That man.

"Kill me, just kill me please" I heard his chuckle.

"Just hours ago you were crying to be released, "He said, taking me by surprise as he picked me up. I didn't struggle. I had no energy. I was completely drained. "Now stay still, don't move." I bite my lip as he sat me in the passenger seat of the car and walked away. He then came back with my bag.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked. He gave a long stare before starting the car.

"This part of town is dangerous. I am surprised you are still alive." I struggled to breathe.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as I felt the blood from my neck trickle down on my shirt. He did not answer. I was in fear was being slaughtered. This man looked nowhere near being nice, "You checked my bag, I have nothing, why don't you just leave me alone! I did nothing. "He nodded.

"Yes, you didn't. We'll let you go once your background is checked."

"What? B-background, why!?" I yelled but hissed in pain. I realized the back of my head was hurt.

"If you aren't associated with our enemies, we will let you go. My name is Ruth, by the way"

"So you were following me," I stated, and he gave me a sigh. "Why? I asked again.

"We needed to make sure you weren't a threat." with that he spoke no more, I wrapped my hands around myself and cried silently.

I had passed out in the car; I was given a nudge to wake up; I realized it was a club.