|A Coward|

I gasp as a bullet hit the wall next to me and shattered glass, my eyes were on that man next to me wrapped his arm around my shoulder and drag me somewhere. I whimper as my ear hurt by the sound of bullets hitting.

"Get in!" He yelled as he opened a black door pushing me in. "Stay here!" He said I was out of breath, scared, and fears that I might get a bullet in my head after all. He just stared at me for a second before closing the door.

"What? Hey!" I bang on the door but heard a bullet fire right outside the door, making me back up.

I turned around to see an enormous sofa with a TV and a big dining table. The room led to a door; I didn't want to touch anything. I sigh and jumped at another bullet fire that was heard. I bite my lip in irritation. Great, I can't leave, anyway. I groan as I remember my bag and everything else was left in the basement.

Should I leave? No, that's the stupid decision.

I was just about to move and go sit on the couch when the door opened, catching me off guard and making me jump; He walked in; I was a couple of steps away from him; I watched him in utter disbelief.

He had blood on his face, His forehead was bleeding, and his shirt was torn with blood on it. I could see the huge tattoo over his chest as he threw the gun on the floor as Ruth and two others walked in, "Fuck them!" He yelled, making me freeze on the spot.

"Who told you to hit him with a forty?" He yelled when Ruth noticed me and narrowed his eyes at me. I looked away, feeling uncomfortable.

"They drew me too! You saw what he said about -" The guy stopped to stare at me. Suddenly, there was silence.

"I called the clear-" Another walked in with an enormous gun and stopped. The guns were making me dizzy, plus everyone suddenly stared towards me.

"Eve, leave us," That man who brought me in said, I gulp stepped towards the door slowly but was stopped by him grabbing my hand.

"Not there, in here," he said point his head at the door near the end of the room. "Now, "He said, making me move and opening the door to get in and closing in back.

It was a bedroom. I sigh, sitting on the bed.

Who the hell did he think he was ordering me like that? A gang leader.

I stare at the empty wall for a minute before realizing it; I look at the door, then back at the wall. What the fuck do people fire a bullet in clubs like that? I gulp, biting my lip. Were they really some kind of gang? Oh no, engaging with people like these was the last thing on my mind. Scratch that, I didn't want it in mind either.

I stood up as the door opened. He stared at me again; I look away as he made his way to me; I gulp and watch him take steps to stand right in front of me. He was now just inches away from me. I only came to his shoulder. His eyes watched me as I stood there, frozen.

"I-I am not scared of you, " He chuckled, bending down, making me step aside in shock. He smirked, grabbing the handle of the drawl next to him and taking out a First Aid kit.

I sigh. I thought he would take a gun out. "Hold this." I held the kit he handed me and creased my eyebrows.

Is he ordering me around?

I was about to keep the kit down and run out when he pulled a knife out of his boats, making me stop breathing. He sat on the bed, "Come here," His order made me step close, just a little.

"Hold it and tear the shirt, I can't pull it over my head "I was just shocked. Holding the shirt and pulling it apart as he cut through it, revealing his wound.

I gasp, putting my hand on my mouth. I had never seen such a severe wound. He should be bleeding." Are you going to stand there or dress that wound?"

"M-Me?" He raised a single eyebrow.

Much of a 'duh' expression.

At this point I was more scared than angry, so I grabbed the first aid kit and started dressing his wound. I had nothing to cut the bandages, and I started looking around when He scared me by holding the knife right near my eyes. He then moved his eyes to his shoulder.

He just handed me a knife. "Don't even think about using my weapon against me. It's not going to work anyway "I patched up the wound and clenched my jaw.

"Let me leave," I said standing away with the knife, He smirked,

"No, now hand me the knife "I point it at his neck.

"Just -Just let me go, I am not a threat to you so let me go " He stood up making me back up.

"Hit me then," He said. I kept stepping back until I finally hit the wall.

How cruel, He knew I couldn't hit him; That I wasn't brave enough to do that, I am a coward.

"Please, just let me leave, "I beg. He stepped really close. The tip of the knife hit his chest, right in the middle. "I will hurt you," I stutter.

"Try me," He whispered.

"I will, "I spoke slowly.

"I know, " He whispered back. But his eyes kept me captive. I was breathing heavily, my stomach doing weird flips.

"Why are doing this?" I asked. My hand was grabbed swiftly while I was turned around, my back now pressed tight against his chest, his hand on mine while I held my one hand with the knife to my neck.

"I can't let you leave, Eve." I struggle, but I couldn't. I stepped on his foot, but he didn't budge. I elbow his stomach, making his hold on me loose, but he grabbed my waist in no time, pulling me into him again.

"S-Stop touching me!" I yelled.

"Well, stop acting like a baby, "I groan.

"Let go you dirt bag!"

"That pissed me off Eve," He said. I did not expect a harsh bit to my ear. I whimper, pulling away, but in vain. The sudden shocks in my body shot up from my leg straight to my stomach. I moan out of reflex, making him chuckle.

"Stop it!" I said, making him take the knife from my hand and leave me. I glared at him as he took his belt off. I could only step towards the door, unfortunately, it was locked.

"I have some questions for you. You won't get to leave till I am done, "He said, walking into the bathroom. As soon as he left, I fell on the bed. The sparks didn't stop. I was feeling hot, my cheeks felt like they were on fire.


"Is Eve your real name?" He asked. I roll my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me," He sounded so serious.

"I assume you already dug in my info. Why are you asking me, anyway?" I stated.

I freeze as he clenched his jaw, walking to me and grabbing my jaw, " Answer my question straight, Eve, I am not joking around. "I bite my lip, looking away. To be real, I was just scared of him.

"Now, why did you run away from your home?" I knew this was coming.

"I can't, I-I just..," He stopped me.

"You don't have to say it. But we might have to keep you with us. We cannot risk shit right now," I sigh, looking out the window.

"But why?" I stopped breathing as he grabbed my cheeks.

"I am not keeping you here because we think you are a spy. I am keeping you here because I want you to be here. And I am not letting you go anywhere, not yet," He said, catching me off guard.

"What?" I asked, and he chuckled. His chuckle just made me touch his cheeks. But I wasn't stupid.

"Do you have anywhere you were supposed to go?" I hesitate but shook my head negatively.

"So you are staying with us till then."

"But-" My voice broke as I saw a gun in his hand. He was reloading it. He noticed my voice crack and looked up at me.

"I won't kill you, Eve. That's the last thing on my mind. "

But it is on your mind, right? Killing me?