| Run To the Lake |

I smiled as I see Sofia waving over towards me and Tyler as we got in and walked over towards them. They sat over the edge of a lake with Fishing rods hung aside. "Hey!" She greeted. "Hi " I said grabbing her extended hand and sitting beside her. While Tyler sat next to me," Any Luck catching the fishes?" I ask.

"Yes! She showed me the tub full of fishes. "I was amazed, "This looks fun, but you let them free or "I look at Tyler. " No we let them free "I nodded feeling good for them, not that I love fishes. "You want to try catching one?" Tyler asked and I chuckle. "Huh? No I'm good." He laughs.

I moved my eyes to see Olivia snuggled up with Ace. That explains they are probably a couple. I looked at a distance to see Hunter walking towards us with a crate of beer in his hand. I look back at the lake and sigh, "Thanks man" Said Frank as he gave one to each to them. Tyler grabbed two from the hunter and handed me one after opening it. I take it from him and look at the bottle.

I stare at it for a second before tasting it. My eyes shut close at the taste. It was just weird.

"What's wrong?" Tyler asked I shook my head telling it was nothing but he looked at me in question, " Eve, you have never tried beer before?" I open my mouth but I was caught up in reply. "I mean, I never got to try it "I said.

"You never had a beer before? "; "You haven't had alcohol? Ever?" Sofia and Tyler questioned me at once. I lick my lips and gave a shrug. "Wow. Your parents were that strict?" Sofia asked, " I wasn't allowed to go to parties in my college years so yam. Never had drinks with alcohol like that "I explained.

"Whoa, talk about restrictions. Drink up than kid. There's always a first to everything " I heard Olivia and I chuckle, taking another sip. I glare at Tyler as he laughed at me. "I have never seen anyone twenty years old having the first sip of alcohol before "I roll my eyes.

"Yak yam, well you just did "He nodded smiling." Who wants some mom's! "Blake yelled."Hey I bought those. Give me those! "Tyler yelled running after Blake to grab his mom's I giggle when my eyes shift to Hunter. He was staring at me. I stopped my smiling and watched him look away.

What did I do now? I ask myself

I feel my cell vibrate in my pants and I took it out to see an unknown number so I decline it and I heard Olivia scream. I snapped my eyes towards her and laugh as Ace had her in his arms trying to throw her in the lake.

I kept my phone on the wooden chair nearby and pushed my jeans up so I could dip my legs in the water. I walked at a stone near the bank and sat down watching all of them play around. They looked so happy making me smile and look away. I wanted to be around them, but I kept my distance. I don't know how I could stop myself but I always felt like I was an extra around them.

It soon started getting dark Olivia came a sat next to me so she could dip her legs too. After a while Blake called us back to the car so we could go have dinner. "Eve watch out "I looked at Tyler's direction and saw Blake holding a big worm to my eyes making me scream and back up. Olivia laughed and everyone chimed in as I started walking away from Blake in fear.

"I am sorry Eve, I had too!" I chuckled at his childish behavior and groan as Sofia mimicked my expression. "Not you too!" I whine making her grab my shoulders from behind and drag me to the car as I grabbed my shoes from the ground.

We all got in the car except Hunter who brought his own bike. With Frank and Sofia at the front, Olivia, Ace, and Blake in the middle while I sat at the back with Tyler. He took his phone out showing me pictures he caught of everyone and I cracked up at how funny they looked.

It took us fifteen minutes and Franks pulled up the car near a huge diner. I got a bit worried because I didn't have enough money on me but I don't eat much anyway.

Hunter got there before we did booking us a private room. I always wondered if these people were rich but they hardly showed it. I knew they were when I saw their way of living without showing it. It's some obvious signs.

I smiled as Tyler gestured me in and we sat while the waiter got us water. Tyler excused himself to the men's room while we looked through the menu. "Eve, do you like seafood or will you prefer steak "I bite my lip." I don't eat much honestly "She waved her hands around." Seafood or steak and chicken "I sigh choosing the second option. "Cools. You'll love it here "I chuckled nodding.

Suddenly my random thoughts popped and I remember my phone. I pat my jeans pocket and well, freaked.

"Shit" I curse. "What?" Olivia who was next to me asked and I open my mouth but closed it. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"No, Nothing I just forgot my cell at the lake." She raised eyebrows. "Where did you keep it?" Blake asked. "On the wooden bench. It's alright I'll go get it " I said about to stand up.

" No, wait. The gates to the lake must be closed by now. Plus it's a fifteen-minute ride till there. "I shrugged." Well, I can catch a cab it's alright. I'll be back in a minute "I said but Sofia stopped me." Its okay Frank can you just get the car " I was about to say no when Hunter stood up walking towards the door of the room.

"I'll go "He said looking at me and nodding towards the door. I look at Sofia and she gave me a smile. "Go on the. Bike will be faster you won't get stuck in traffic as much either "I nodded excusing myself.

I saw Hunter stop to talk with Tyler. He smiled and I waved him a quick bye before going out. When Hunter sat on his bike and gestured me to get on I scratched my head wondering what will I do I fall off getting on that bike.

I got successes getting on without making a fool of myself.

I got no warning as my body slammed on his back as he drove off. I tried taking my hands off the side of his shirt but he was way too fast. I wanted to tell him, ask him to slow down but I couldn't.

Of course.

Thank my inner debate on tying my hair up beforehand. I wonder which type of nest it would be at the end of this ride.

When we made to the lake I suddenly forgot how in the world I got on the bike in the first place. Just watching in pure confusion on what I should do when he parked and got off making me embarrassed.

He looked at me and suddenly grabbed my waist by both his hands lifting me off, my heart stopped. I wrapped my hands on his shoulder for my dear support ignoring the major tingles on my body. "Thank you " I said as he set me on the ground. I felt his fingers slipping off my bare waist.

Yes I was feeling fire inside my body but I played it cool. "How are we supposed to get in? "I asked but he didn't reply walking ahead. I frown running to catch up. He walked to the right of gate and I look back thinking where we were going.

"Hunter " I called as darkness greeted the back streets, He glances at me once slowing his pace for me to catch up. We walked for a minute or so coming near a back entrance with no one guarding. My eyeballs popped out as he climbed on the gate with average height.

What is he doing?

He jumped off to the other side then looked at me. "What?" I asked. "Climb "He stated. I look around climbing on the gate and tossed my legs to the other side about to jump on the ground, I gasp as his hands wrapped around my waist, again helping me get down.

I could feel his exceptionally warms hands on my waist, I could feel their roughness. I was freaking. My hands form a fits as he sets me down. His chest touching on my back for just a moment. He pulled away as I turned around and looked away.

I couldn't move or I didn't want but I started walking towards where we previously sat. I didn't question him about us being caught; He seems the least bothered by it. When I spot the bench I run towards it and grab my cell giving a happy sigh.

"Hey!" My heart started beating fast, adrenaline kicking it fast as we both heard a voice. Hunter's eyes snapped towards the guard at a distance. "Oh no "I couldn't finish my own words as my hand was grabbed and we both started running like crazy.

"Hunter He is coming!" I shout softly when I spot him running after us. I knew for sure that we were done. I leave a small cry as we reach the back gate. A squeak left my mouth as he hoisted me up on the gate and started climbing himself.

He was fast jumping to the other side and grabbing me. "That-" I couldn't even finish as he grabbed my waist. "Run "He said making me run. He ran past me as we heard another guard running right us from behind. He grabbed his bike starting it.

I got on quick and again with no warning he took off making me catch his torso. I looked behind us to see we had lost the guards; my heart was beating so fast. But I couldn't help leaving a small laugh.

When we finally made it to the diner we got off his bike and just stood there. Suddenly my laughter cracked through. I couldn't believe I actually enjoyed that. I laughed remembering how we ran and was beyond surprised with I saw him smirk and look away.

He started walking towards the doors ahead of me while I fixed my hair and walking slowly. I see him stop at the doors and open one holding it for me to getting in. " Thank you " I said. Almost whispered due to loss of breath. When we got back the dinner was already served, this time Tyler had to scoot for us to sit. I end up between Tyler and Hunter.

I never did mind, I just felt weird.

"You guys were faster than we thought "I started chuckling as people looked at me confused." Yak? "I stopped laughing and had sip water. We dug in the dishes which were delicious; I ended up having more than I thought I would.

The night was the best fun I ever had.