| New Friend |

Tyler tapped on my hand, and I opened my eyes . "we are home " He said and I realize I had my head resting over his shoulder so I sat up straight moving away in shock. He laughed it off getting off the car. I take his extended hand to get down from the car and thank him for spotting Hunter walking out of the house and looking at me.

" Eve. Do you wanna come in for a small drink?" Olivia asked, and I shook my head, " No, I can't " I said walking in and looking for Frank and Sofia. " Hey, Thanks for the dinner, you guys are so sweet. I am super full and sleepy. " Sofia smiled opening a bottle of beer and drinking it. " Stay for a drink, " Tyler asked holding a bottle to me but I denied it. " I am really sleepy. But thank you so much. Good night " I said waving once and walking out.

I saw Hunter outside leaning on his bike and sipping on a drink, so I walked to him. He looked at me and suddenly I got all fidgety and nervous " Thanks for -", " You don't have to " He cut me off. I smile nodding.

" Thanks anyway, good night," I said not looking back at him and walking to my room. I lay on my back staring up above. I took my cell out opening my messages.

" Where are you, Eve ?"

I switched off my phone closed my eyes and fell asleep in no time.

I woke up at six in the early morning. I couldn't go back to sleep so I took a bath left my room and walked out into the garden. It was a bit cold in the morning. When I walked through the garden, I spotted a small path behind the trees filled with light fog. I walked through the path to see multiple farms on the other side. It was beautiful.

When I walked on the moist road with my hands around me to warm myself all I could think about was the peaceful surrounding. It was so cool and calm, so different from the life I used to live.

I soon realized I had to get back since I must have walked for an hour or so. When I got back, I see Sofia picking some flowers. She looked at me and rose her eyebrows. " You're up early " I smiled. " Ya, I went on the turn. I hope it's fine If I walk behind there " I said pointing where I came from.

" Oh, It's beautiful back there isn't it," I nodded watching her pick some roses.

" My father gifted me and Frank this house when we got married. It was all weeds and grass growing right over here with dry sand." My mouth hung open. " You guys are married?" I asked, and she chuckled. " Well, aren't you a tad bit late in realizing that " I blink twice watching her walk to the house.

" Well common! Don't you want some breakfast? We are gonna leave in two hours " I nodded walking behind her. I was just wearing my simple thigh-length dress when we all sat for breakfast then Sofia reminded me to change into pants before leaving.

I didn't see Hunter walk in and sit right next to me while I dug into my bread, butter, and yummy jam, But suddenly a wave of happiness pass me when he sat on the table. At least I can say he doesn't completely hate me anymore. " Oh, hey there," Olivia said passing some bread to Hunter. The only people on the table were Olivia, Sofia, Franks, and Hunter. " Where are Tyler and Blake?" I ask.

" Oh, those two and Ace don't wake up as early. ," I nodded.

I walked out of my room in my pants and a crop top. I saw Hunter and Frank loading the boxes on a pickup truck. " Whose truck is this?" I asked helping Sofia. " This baby belongs to me, " said Ace. Patting its back making me laugh. " Ya, I love her, " He said smiling.

" Of course you do," said Olivia, " Should I come with you guys?" She asked. " We can handle it." Sofia said " But if you have nothing better to do, you should. It's fun! " She continued. Olivia gave us a cheeky smile getting in. I chuckle.

"See you later," Frank said giving Sofia a kiss. I wasn't surprised when Sofia took the wheel, Frank was gonna drive us initially but he had a client call in early. While on the way I question Olivia, " What do you do Olivia ?" She looked at me, " I am a chef ."

Oh! I did not see that coming.

" I taught Sofia how to make bread or doughnuts or Turkish delight. I taught her everything basically. She sucked at cooking " Shade.

I chuckled as they both started arguing. " Bitch, I still cook pasta better than you, don't forget that, " Sofia replied. " So, is it your holiday season or? " She shook her head. " Nah, I used to cook entirely at my restaurant, but I now just manage it. I only cook for the higher end of customers. " I nod.

It took some time to set up the place, and it was shocking how sweet the people were. Customers and fellow neighbors who set up their own little shops. I had never in my life been to a market. But I loved it. I did not expect us to go home with empty baskets. "Is the market open tomorrow as well?" I ask packing the boxes and store them in the truck.

" Ya of course. And there is even a night market on Saturdays. Of course, I would love to sell on both days but I don't harvest as much." She was really hard-working.

It was four in the evening when we got back, stopping on our way to have some ice cream. " Sofia, we didn't sell the raspberries, " I ask, " No way, I love raspberries. I keep them all to myself. " Olivia gave a sigh. " We should make a jam out of it, " Sofia nodded.

The boys were all at their work when we got back. Sofia got a call from work and left. I wasn't sure If I should stay in the house and was about to leave, but Olivia brought us some snacks and asked me to stay. We ended up watching movies until we both fell asleep on the couch.

"Olivia? Hey, wake up sleepy head " I heard someone say. I was just too tired, so I didn't bother opening my eyes. There was a minute of random talk when I realize I was sleeping on their couch and I sat up opening my eyes. My breath caught up as I saw Tyler and others looking at me. " H-Hey, Sorry I fell asleep. We were watching TV, " I explained, standing up when I felt a blanket slip off me. Someone put it over me. That was such an internally happy moment, " Its fine Eve. We were just preparing some dinner. " Sofia said. I smiled picking the blanket up and setting it on the couch. I was about to walk to the door but was stopped.

" Why are you leaving? We are gonna have dinner now. Sit " She said pointing at the table. I smiled sitting down

I wanted to go for a late-night walk but I didn't. I stare at my cell phone screen. Thinking about whether I should reply or not.

"I am fine, You don't need to know where I am. Tell mom I love her and really miss her "

I reply. Not a minute later my phone started vibrating making me jump. I cluck my tongue in irritation. After declining the call three times I finally pick it up the fourth time.

I heard his voice after so long, " Eve? Hello? Eve says something goddammit " I sigh.

" Why did you call ?" I ask. " Because I miss you. Where are you ? just come back home. I will do something about the situation, I promise " I shook my head laying on my bed.

" The moment I come back home my life will be hit with misfortunes. Understand my problem for once. Don't, I repeat Do not call me. I am keeping myself from blocking you out of my life because I love you. Because I care. So stop, I'll text you later " I said hanging up on the call.

While Eve was sound asleep in her bed Aaron was busy searching for his enemy's daughter. " Sir, A camera near the gas station picked up something, We aren't sure if it's her. But we can go ask. " He nodded. " Ask around for a while. She won't go that far its only been a week. Make sure her father doesn't find out about this. We have to get her before he does " Ruth stood near him clenching his jaw.

While Aaron had his back to him Ruth couldn't help but get rid of the footage he found. Where she was clearly seen getting on a bus going to a town just hours away from them.

I sigh sipping my coffee while I sat on the porch observing the plants growing around the little house. I look at the garden when I hear someone walking. It was Hunter. I bite my lip facing him.

He was shirt-less. His bronze skin shined in the early morning sun. As he picked up some logs of wood his muscles pop and I die right there. I closed my eyes and frowned. Why was I swooning over a guy who clearly didn't like my presence?

"Eve ?" I jump looking at him. That was the first time he called my name. "Morning " I replied with whatever came into my mouth. I saw his eyes move down and come back up on my eyes. "Morning," He said walking back to wherever he was working. I smile walking back in.

I am happy at least he replied.