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"Finally !" I gave a sigh standing up and feeling dizzy. I was on the ground planting for more than an hour now. I clean up the mess and walked in the kitchen to clean my hands. "Hey Eve thanks for the extra help " Sofia said putting her cell on her ears and I smiled. " No problem. Hey Sofia, where can I find a supermarket ?" I asked and she hung up on a call she was initially talking on.

"What's the matter ?" I asked her as she left a frustrated sigh. " Its nothing, I got a work call, urgent but I ordered some things from the nursery and that man is about to reach the place I asked him to. " I frown.

" I can't be in two places at once" I immediately jumped in to help ." Well, I wanted to go get somethings for myself. Maybe I can pick your things up " She gave me a disappointed smile, " I wish sweetie. You can't drive can you ?" I shook my head. " I ordered a lot of soil, you will need a car. Plus you don't know the roads here " I bite my lip leaning on the counter.

"And everyone is busy ?" She nodded getting a call and ran upstairs. I sigh sitting in the chair sipping on my cold coffee when she came back downstairs. " Eve! Tyler is coming ! you can go with him. I am leaving but Frank told me Tyler will be in five okay ?" I nodded standing up and walking her to the door.

"Remind him to take you to a supermarket okay " I nodded.

I walked to my room and changed into shorts and grabbed the envelope Sofia gave me. I wish I could convince her to take it back when she gave it to me.

"It is just fair for me to give you your share of the money. You helped me and you will not reject this. You earned it. "

I can't call myself broke because I had enough money. But I was gonna run out eventually. I did not at all expect her to hand me money like that. I am happy, at least someone seems to appreciate something I did.

When I heard the honk I grabbed my wallet and stuffed some money and ran out to the gate. I expected to see Tyler but my heart almost jumped when I saw Hunter inside.

"Hey, I thought Tyler was coming with me" I asked. He leaned on the passenger said where I stood and opened the door. " He is working " I bite my lip getting in. It was quite in the car. We didn't speak It was weird that I didn't feel uncomfortable. I felt like we could sit in silence and be happy with each other.

When I realize we at the gas station that I passed through the day I ran away from Aaron's club my mind went a panic mode. They could be searching for me all day long . Every gas station has a camera. I took a deep breath as we passed it and just a minute later Hunter stopped the car.

What are the odds that they see me here? I hope none.

After getting the stuff in the car we were all good. " Do you mind taking me to a supermarket? "I asked, "No" He said turning the car around and speeding towards the road.

I didn't want him to come inside with me, " I will be back in few -"He got out before I could even finish. I closed my door following him. I had to buy some lady stuff, I frown walking in.

" Um, I'll -I'll go buy my stuff " I said leaving him at the first aisle.

I have never shopped with a guy before. I grabbed my stuff with some snacks and when I was back Hunter shocked me, He was holding on a cart filled with things and a pack of chocolates in his hand. I gulped looking at the stuff inside.

Well damn, this man knows how to shop.

I wanted chocolates too, So I grab some adding them to my basket. He eyed my hands and looked at me. " You can just dump em in the cart " He said putting the pack back and grabbing another.

"Oh, it's my stuff. " He rose his eyebrow. " Are you done then ?" I nodded smiling. When we were done I checked the items but Hunter added his items before I could pay for mine.

"Don't worry I'll pay "

Oh, "You don't have to," He said nothing. Well, I can't argue with him I didn't even know how much my stuff cost. So I asked the lady to pack my stuff in a different bag.

"Thanks for paying Hunter. Here I'll pay you back ". He opened the car and put the bags in ." No need. It's fine " I sigh. I feel like a brat. Why?

"No, it's not. Why don't I get you some ice cream in return ?" I asked. He gave me a weird look and pulled off the driveway.

What ? was he angry? Well shit.

I couldn't conclude if he was angry or not but I can say he was a fan of ice cream. Five scoops of five different flavors were a big thing, While I sat there with my one scoop of chocolate.

I let out an internal laugh.

"Do you like ice cream that much ?" I ask. " Ya " He replied and I nod trying to hide my smile. "That's nice " I said. We sat in silence looking out the windows.

"You like the flavor chocolate ?" I look at him and our eyes locked for a good three seconds and I broke away, " Well, who doesn't. I love it " He nodded, " Are you traveling countries ?" He asked, " No " I reply looking at my cup and slowly playing with the remaining ice cream.

"Then why did you stay at Frank's house ?" I lick my lips. " Because I couldn't find anywhere else to live " I could tell he was staring at me. I became so nervous. " Did you run away from your family ?" I look up and yet again was caught in his stare.

"Well, I-I can't say I volunteered, I-I " I stammer badly in the rush of trying to explain myself. "It's okay, I am sorry " He said standing up after taking his last bite but I grab his hand.

" I wanted to let it out but I couldn't trust anyone " He slowly sat back down, " You don't trust Sofia ?" I shook my head, " NO, of course, I trust her, I just couldn't bring myself to say it".

He nodded, suddenly taking my cup and eating the rest of the ice cream. "It was melting " He said having the last bite. I chuckled ." How can you eat so much in such a small time?" He shrugged, I laugh closing my eyes. Resting my elbow into the table and supporting my face over my hand I stare at the window ahead.

" My family isn't sweet and sour like most. I was caught between saving my sanity and bending to someone's orders for someone's desire so I decided I rather just run " He was quiet for a while.

" I didn't understand a thing " I laugh again and look at him. His eyes were so dark. That's the first time I notice his lashes were long, "Will you explain ?" He asked I sigh.

"I never took a single decision in my entire life. I was tired of the constant ways my father shaped my life as if I was his toy. So, ya "

"So rather than standing up for yourself, you run away " He said. I chuckled, " It isn't easy when he mentally abuses you into thinking your incapable for even eating your meals "

"Did he - hurt you ?" I shook my head staring back in his eyes and bite my lip," No " Hunter's phone started ringing and we realize we were sitting here for an hour or so.

We didn't speak for the rest of the day. But when I closed my eyes on my bed I made sure to let him know he should not let anyone know about it.

When I opened my eyes it was eight in the morning. I had gotten two texts but I ignored them. When I walked out after taking a shower Sofia called me to the garden to pick some lemons. "So, did you get what you want from the market ?" I nodded. "Good, now common I'll teach you how to make nice warm bread.

When I saw Hunter at the gate and excused myself. Sofia headed inside while I walked towards him and greeted him a good morning. " About yesterday " He spoke before me, " I won't tell " I smile and nod once. " Thanks. Umm .. have some breakfast " He looked inside once.

" No thanks " I frown nodding and walking back in.