| Carnival |

I walked back into the house and saw everyone having breakfast, " Where is Hunter ?" Olivia asked. "Oh he just -" I look behind me to see him gone. " He must've had his breakfast early " Tyler said chewing his food. I crease my forehead sitting down and having my tea.

Sofia and I were making some bread when Tyler walking in the kitchen," Are you busy this evening ?" He asked leaning. "Umm - "I look at Sofia but she was busy talking on the phone.

" I do have to work a little, do you need help with something ?" He nodded, " Well not help. Just someone who can give me company " I smiled in confusion. " In what ?" He smirked. " Will you be ready by six ?" I blink, " Oh ! What ?" He walked outside.

I sigh getting back to doing my stuff.

I pruned the rose plants and grabbed the roses adding them on the vase in the living room and took the rest to keep in my room. Putting on a simple pink dress and remember I have to go shop. Wearing the same dress in the same week use to be a no-no for me. But I did choose this so I sigh and shrug my shoulders.

When Tyler knocked on my door I grabbed my cellphone and walked out. " Hey, are we doing some work? Should I change or this is fine " He smiled, " You look cute, Let's go "


He brought me to watch a movie, I did not accept that. " I wanted you to come with me, I hope you won't mind a horror " I chuckled shaking my head and walking inside with him. The movie was great, I was so happy. I laughed as he cracked a joke helping me out of the car. "Thanks for making my evening better Tyler. I'll bake cookies for you tomorrow! " I said.

"Woah, yum. Don't forget. I'll come to see you tomorrow ." I chuckled watching him drive away. Tonight he was called home by his mother for dinner. I smiled walking in and gasp and I see Sofia leaning on the back door of the house. "Sofia you scared me " I whispered. She smirked. " I see you blushing " She sang walking in and sigh rolling my eyes.

" These are beautiful " I said touching the lavenders. " They are. You don't know much I struggled in growing these all plants. It takes a lot more than what you think " I nodded. "Also, Olivia got a surprise! " Sofia said as we walked inside. " Really ?" I ask . " look! Carnival tickets! I love carnivals " I rose my eyebrows grabbing one from and looking at them.

"What's wrong ?" I look up," I have never been to one " I said looking at the ticket in awe. " Oh, it's okay! I promise you will love it. It will take three hours to get there so we better go get some new clothes. It ain't an ordinary carnival ." I nodded looking at her.

" Eve, are you coming with us for some shopping ?" I nodded smiled. " Cool. I'll get the car " Said Olivia. Sofia seemed too excited but so was I.

"What time are we gonna leave ?" Sofia asked as she drove, " Ace told me we have to leave by Three at noon. The sooner we get the better. It starts at six. " I hummed.

" I'll call Hunter and tell him to get his car. We can't all fit in Ace's car plus I also got a ticket for Thea " Sofia nodded, " Ask him if he wants to come or we can take my car "

"Who is Thea ?" I ask, " Charles girlfriend. He'll pick her up at the high way so we basically need three cars. He will probably drop her off and stay the night there."

" Does Hunter not like carnivals ?" I ask assuming the way Sofia told Olivia to ask Hunter about it. Olivia chuckled. " No, he hates these things. He is a fucking loner " Sofia laughed. " Hey. Don't talk about Hunter like that. He helped you so many times " Olivia roll her eyes, " I know. I wish he could be a little social "

After we were done Hunter called. Olivia was sure he wouldn't come with us but he gave us a piece of unexpected news. "I can't believe he is coming " Sofia smiled. " Probably because you are going" Sofia said looking at Olivia, I frown. " What ?" I asked. " Oh, he is my brother. Cousin " Olivia said and rose my eyebrows. " Oh, okay " I said understanding.

I finally bought myself some clothes and felt like a human. I have been attached to shopping like crazy but Unlike before I reminded myself to avoid the useless purchase.

"Stopping smiling like that " Olivia said but Sofia didn't stop. " Nope, I am just excited. Haven't been to a carnival in three years " I chuckled. " Also, Eve wear something nice. We gonna go have a fancy dinner, take pictures ..I could go on and on about this " I gave them a cheeky smile and stopped in the middle of opening the car door.

" Sofia " She hummed taking my bags and tossing them in the back. " Thank you so much. You to Olivia. I love you guys " I said looking at both of them. " Aw, have you never been to a carnival ?" Olivia asked. " I have never been to these places. It was just my college and my house before " Sofia sighed.

"It's alright. We'll have fun. Common " She ushering me inside.

Since Olivia and Sofia insisted I wear a dress I wore a cream pink colored dress that I had bought today itself. I did not realize the neck was a big deep to reveal some cleavage but I didn't mind. This dress was a reminder to me, how I was never allowed to express myself in my house. How I was always told what and what not to wear in that house. The dress was up to my mid-thighs. It flowed from my waist down. I felt so pretty in it.

I clip some strands of my hair up and let the rest flow down. Applying some makeup and grabbing my small wallet and cell phone I walked out to the living room when Olivia and Ace sat.

"Looking good ." She said and I chuckled.

"Let's go " Charles said waving at me once and I smile.

I saw hunter leaning on his car and he looked at me I wave. He just stared. "Tyler you wanna come with me ?" Charles asked. " Are you gonna pick Thea up ?" Blake asked he nodded. " Then we'll go with Hunter, common Eve " Tyler said grabbing my hand and sitting at back while Hunter took the wheel and Blake in front.

We left by Three-thirty. The songs kept us company while I daydream most of the ride. Apart from Tyler's jokes and Blake's stories Hunter didn't speak. He only answered when he was asked a question. I wonder if he hated coming.

"I didn't get the cookies you promised Eve " I look at him, " Oh ! Sorry, I'll make them tomorrow " I said and he laughed. " Of course ".

"What cookies ?" Blake asked. " Oh it's just between me and Eve " Tyler said winking. "It's not fair. I want some cookies too" I laughed ." I'll make some for everyone " I replied.

When we reached our destination my legs were cramped but as I stepped out a cold breeze pasted me and I shivered. Charles was the last one to reach. Blake and Tyler were first to go and hug Thea. "I missed you guys so much. Olivia thanks for the ticket babe " She said hugging everyone.

She noticed me and smiled. " Hey, I am Eve " I said she, and she smiled back. " Thea, Sofia told me about you " I nodded, " So tell me has she been harassing you, poor child ?" She asked wrapping her arms around my shoulder and I laugh. " No," I said.

When I saw what a carnival was I stood there in awe. colorful lights everywhere. It was cold but it was nothing compared to the excitement I had inside me. I promised myself to enjoy it to my fullest.

We first played a lot of games, I didn't expect there to be so many food stalls. Hell, I didn't expect anything.

After two hours of having our fun, we all sat to have some snacks apart from Hunter who was somewhere around for an hour I think. Ace and Olivia were doing their own thing. And Blake was missing for fifteen minutes. " Should we leave for dinner in ten ?" Frank asked looking at his clock. It was about 8:45 by now.

" How many days is this here ?" Sofia asked ." Three I think, They close at ten " Sofia nodded having her sweet corn.

Blake suddenly ran to us and chuckled sitting down having some beer. " What's up bro. Where were you at ?" Charles asked. Blake sighed. " I got a chick. Super sexy. I cannot believe this, she is like fucking cool! I don't think I am coming home tonight " I stare at him with wide eyes as he chuckled with Frank.

" I gotta go back. I'll see you guys tomorrow " He said standing up and giving us a flying kiss. " He is whipped " Frank spoke softly drinking his soda and Sofia chuckled. " Hey, I am gonna go to the ladies " I said standing up. " No wait, I'll come with you " Thea said. And we walked towards the restrooms.

" You all are really close " I stated, " Oh you must not know, right . Actually we all go way back. High school mates " I blink in surprise " Wow, that's way back " I said and she hummed.

I was waiting outside for Thea when I saw a man look at me. I suddenly got self-aware and started looking elsewhere. There were multiple people but I was now scared because I saw him advancing towards me.

My heartbeat rose as I saw two more men with him and I step back. I almost froze when I saw a man I recognized. I had seen him in the club once. No way he could be.

I look behind me to see Thea and I grab her hand. She froze looking at me. " What's wrong ?" She asked. I shook my head leaving her hand. " We should go " I said but didn't move until she did. I stayed close to her as she saw them eye us.

When we saw everyone else I stay close to them but looked at the guys staring at me. I didn't realize everyone leaves for their cars. I was scared, I jump as I heard my name being called. I turn to see Hunter.

" Eve, Let's go " He said. Everyone was far away and I look at them. What if they just follow me. "What's wrong ?" I heard his voice near my ear and got goosebumps suddenly feeling cold.

I saw him look at the guy and turn at me. " Let's go " I said turning around but didn't hear him. And when I turn to check him he was walking at those guys. I gasp running back at him. " Hunter !" I yell as he hits two guys and grabbed one's collar.

" He has been following you around for an hour. " He said and I almost cry out as he punched him.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him back. " Let's just go. I said looking at them as they struggle to stand up.