| Drinks and Regrets |

" Did I scare you?" I shook my head softly pursing my lips keeping the basket tight in my hands. As his eyes looked up into mine and I bite my lip.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I was looking for cutting pliers" I nodded keeping my basket down and head near the back of the garden.

"Here. " I said handing them to him. When he just stood there was another second I lick my lips and think of talking about something. " Uh - anything else?" I ask, he nodded stepping closer, I leaned back a little however his lips caught mine faster.

A surprised sound came from the back of my mouth as he pulled me close.

Very Close

I immediately gave in, resting my hands over his bulky biceps while he tilted his head and suddenly his tongue was tasting mine.

I was soon in the clouds with my mind flashing me numerous colors.

The involuntary moan snapped me out of my daze and I pulled away softly. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly to show disappointment.

I bite my lip and in my reflex push my head in his chest making him chuckle softly, my heart swelled as I heard his soft laugh.

I am amazed at how his voice was rough yet his little laugh sounded so soft.

"I have to go," I said, he nodded, "Eve " I look back, With his one hand caressing my waist he said, "I will be going for a drive tomorrow with the guys, You can come if you want" I nodded smiling "I will think about it " and he let go.

That noon I helped Sofia with her work, I volunteered to help her paint one of her friend's room. I loved decorating rooms, It was fun. Her friend was sweet, We finished getting three walls painted by the evening and headed back home.

"Thanks for the help Eve" I shook my head, "I love these things. I use to redecorate my own room 10 times a year " She chuckled, "You have a good eye for decor, If you like it why don't you work with me on it? You can get some extra money too " I rose my eyebrows, "But I am not a professional like you " I said.

"You'll be under me as my assistant, Think about it " I quickly beamed up, "Of course, I wanna help "She smiled nodding," Cool. Let's go make dinner for the hungry Idiots " I laughed.

When we stepped out the car it was colder than yesterday, "Woah, there is fog in your garden " I said and she hummed. "We have to take most of the tomatoes out tomorrow they rot if there is too much moisture " I nodded getting in, The winter wasn't even close and It was pretty cold here, "Does it snow here ?" I ask and she shook her head.

"Hardly but it does get really cold, We will install a heater in your room" I helped her get some things for dinner as she talked, "You don't have too I can manage, " I said. " Trust me, Eve, you'll need it " I blink.

Does it really get that cold?

We all were having dinner expect Tyler. When I asked about him Olivia said he already had his dinner and was out drinking. Tyler had not spoken to me ever since we came back from the carnival, Although he was present for lunch, I wonder If he was having a bad day?

I look at the jar filled with cookies I made and sigh, I made them especially for him. But I did not get the chance to hand them to him.

We all sat talking for about 30 minutes and I start taking the empty plates to the dishwasher. "Eve, you don't have too, We can do it ourselves. Why don't you go turn on the TV " I smiled keeping the plates in the dishwasher and walking to the living room, I turn the TV on sitting on the couch and searching through the movies on Netflix.

"What do you guys wanna watch ?" I yelled from the living room.

We decided on a movie and sat comfortably on the floor with my legs spread. I nervously play with my fingers as Hunter sat next to me on the floor. I ignored my desperate need to get close and rest my head over his warm chest.

I wanted his hands around me so badly, I slapped myself mentally and focused on the movie.

I see Frank get some bottles and glasses. "Eve you gonna have whiskey ?" I blink confused, "Ya sure" I stretch the words unsure if I could drink that.

He nodded pouring some amount in glasses and adding ice.

"It's Eve first time ain't it ?" I chuckled. "Yes" replying and looking at Sofia laughing, "You can drink to your content then" I smile feeling embarrassed.

When I a sip my eyes shut close at that weird taste, "Okay get her some coke." I frown as Sofia added coke to my whiskey and I stare at her. "You can have it with coke we usually prefer it just like that" I nodded staring at my glass and having some.

The night went on with us talking over stupid stuff while watching a movie in the background. I did realize one thing, I hated the taste of beer and I hate the taste of whiskey but I am absolutely in love with the way it makes me feel.

That feeling of letting loose, feeling sleepy yet relaxed was something I really like, I felt good. I laughed at the stupid jokes that they made without acting nervous like I always do.

"Hey, you want me to fill your glass ?" Sofia asked and I look at mine.


"Um- ya sure " My voice sounded lazy, But I didn't mind another glass. She filled my glass only half the way, "She seems sleepy" Someone said and I had my drink, By now my ears hardly picked up any sound, My head felt heavy and my body was acting sluggish.

I finished the drink and smile looking at Olivia laughing at me, " Oh dear, She looks happy " I heard her, "Yep I am " I replied, I did a good job containing my movements as my body constantly slipped over someone behind me, But then I gave up leaning back just a tiny bit to rest my head over a shoulder and close my eyes.

I was awake, However unable to move, I was feeling so sleepy and my head was now pretty heavy, "Is she asleep ?" I could hear Olivia and Frank, " Maybe she drank a lot, We should take her back to her room "

I heard nothing after that but did feel like I was being lifted into the air. I laughed, "Wow " I exclaimed with my eyes still closed. Then I probably fell asleep


It was hard, It was very hard for Aaron to keep his anger in. Of course, he could just let that girl go and move on with important stuff in his life. His mistake of threatening her father had now backfired.

Her father was affiliated with the police. He had his own name set among most of the cops and detectives, Now that Aaron lost that man's weak spot he was very much vulnerable. He could get caught by a word from that man, Other than having the girl on gunpoint he had no other choice.

So there he was, on his way to where she was seen last. With the anger boiling inside him, a pang of hunger for money and saving his dark business.

On the other hand, Eve's father was in depression, Never speaking about her unless there were any traces found by the police or the men he recruited to go search for her.

He was selfish, he knew it very well, for that he deserved this dark time, but he was a father, after all, Seeing his daughter in danger only made him hate himself.


I took a deep breath stretching my body and yawning loudly. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes open, when I was brought back to reality and I froze.

I was not in my room.

Of course, I freak, Looking for the door and looking around to see if anything was familiar and I spot a table with an antic flower vase on it, I remember seeing that in Hunter's bedroom when I was giving him some snacks the other week.

I look at the window, the curtains were drawn back letting a light ray of sun shines inside. I pushed myself to stand up and adjust my dress which was way above my panties. There was no one in the bathroom. So I stepped to the door and opened it.

As I turned the door I gasp stepping back when Hunter barged in with a huge plate filled with pancakes and fruits.

"Hunter" I acknowledge scratching the back of my head.

"Good Morning" His rough voice somehow made me clench my thighs together, "I was in your bed, how ?" I cross my finger. I did not wanna be the girl who barged in someone's room drunk and slept like it was my bedroom.

"It was cold yesterday night, we still have to install a heater in your room. So I carried you here" I bite my lip nodding.