| Small Talks |

I was not in my room.

Of course, I freak, Looking for the door and looking around to see if anything was familiar and I spot a table with an antic flower vase on it, I remember seeing that in Hunter's bedroom when I was giving him some snacks the other week.

I look at the window, the curtains were drawn back letting a light ray of sun shines inside. I pushed myself to stand up and adjust my dress which was way above my panties. There was no one in the bathroom. So I stepped to the door and opened it.

As I turned the door I gasp stepping back when Hunter barged in with a huge plate filled with pancakes and fruits.

"Hunter" I acknowledge scratching the back of my head.

"Good Morning" His rough voice somehow made me clench my thighs together, "I was in your bed, how ?" I cross my finger. I did not wanna be the girl who barged in someone's room drunk and slept like it was my bedroom.

"It was cold yesterday night, we still have to install a heater in your room. So I carried you here" I bite my lip nodding.

He placed his plate over the table and poured some water in a glass, "I slept on my couch" He said sitting on it, I gave a nervous smile nodding, "Thanks" He hummed, "Wash your face and have some breakfast".

"Ya," I said walking to his door to get out and leave him to have his breakfast when his hand stopped me. I felt that electric shock of pleasure as described by every girl when he touched me. I was cold, his hands very warm. Of course, I loved it, "Not there, Here" He said pointing to his bathroom.

"I brought you the breakfast, I already had mine" My mouth opened but I didn't say anything. "Oh, That was nice of you," I said walking in the bathroom and closing the door shut. Immediately turning to a mirror which only showed my reflection up to my shoulders, It was high up for his height I assume.

Leaving a sigh of slight happiness when I looked good, I washed my face and mouth brushing my teeth with the toothpaste on my finger because I hated eating without brushing my teeth. But I couldn't walk away from that breakfast he so sweetly brought for me.

When I walk out he was waiting for me. When I had the pancakes I moan out driving his attention from his phone, "You liked them?" I nod stuffing them in my mouth and adding more syrup, " Good" He replied, " Did you make these Hunter?" I ask.

"Ya, I make breakfast sometimes when Sofia sleeps longer" I was stunted, Hot and makes food, Did I hit a jackpot?

I stopped chewing and analyzed my self. I shouldn't say that He wasn't my boyfriend, Nor do I know if he really likes me. But then again, when we kiss it seems like he really does like me.

"Eve" I hummed looking at him. "Its nothing." He said. His eyes lingering over me for some more seconds before he turned to look in his phone. I had some water and cleared my throat. "Hunter, Thank you" He looked back at me and gave a slight smile.

I couldn't help myself from giving him a kiss on his cheek.

I leaning on my hands and sitting over my knees which face him. When I leaned away he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"If you thank me like that every time you'll get breakfast in bed every day" I laughed but soon was stopped with a soft kiss to my lips. "Sofia's expecting you to help her" He suddenly blurts out making me freeze. "Oh no, I have to help her" He stopped me from standing up.

"She just woke up" I sigh nodding.

"I should go now," I said taking the plate in my hands.

"Eve" I look back before opening the door. I found him just a step away from me. "Four o'clock " I didn't understand at first but remember his invite yesterday.

"Okay," I said as he leaned in pressing his lips on my ear. "Good" He whispered opening the door for me, My blushing red face raced out the door to get away from those hot flashes I was feeling.

"Thanks," Sofia said and I hand her a cup of coffee. "Oh my god! the tomatoes !" She yelled shocking Frank. "I took care of it don't worry," I said and she leaned back on the couch smiling. "Thank you, sweetie "

"Hey by the way, will you come with me to a client's house today? We gotta move the furniture and paint " I stop doing whatever I was doing. " Uh, What time ?" I ask " Just around three. We should be done by five" She said. I look down nodding.

Well, I guess I will have to decline Hunter.

I didn't have his number, nor could I just tell him because he was out working, He might just come to the house to pick me up but I would be at someone else's.

"Just this one is fine I think, I hate moving furniture," Said the women laughing.

I pull my lips away nervously staring at Sofia with my wide toothy grin, "Hey Sofia, Can you call Hunter and tell him we will be at someone's house. We both were gonna get some work done this evening"

She frowned. "Oh ! I am sorry you should've told me earlier Eve I wouldn't have taken you with me " I wave my hand," Oh no, It's fine I wanted to help. " She nodded pulling out her cell and dialing Hunter. After a talk, she hung up.

"You should've told me you guys were going out " I just smile, " Well you needed me," I said and she rolled her eyes. "Yes, it doesn't mean you cannot just tell me that you have your own plans " I nodded going back to painting the wall.

When we were done I grabbed my bag and leave Sofia to talk with her client. My heart stopped as I saw Hunter. He was leaning on a car, his eyes on his phone. I stood right in front of him. The gates of the house separating us.

When he looked up I just knew he was angry by his way of turning his eyes back on his phone screen.

"Hunter, Why are you here?" I ask. "To pick you up, you should've just told me you had work I wouldn't have invited you" I shook my head grabbing his hand and he turned to face his bike.

Giving him a small explanation which hardly helped lighten his mood I sigh, "Well common sense of asking me for my number Eve." I frown looking down.

"I am sorry" He didn't reply. When I grab his sleeve and tug on it slightly he, looked at me. "I really wanted to go, But I had to help Sofia as well," I said and he nodded. "Hey, you guys haven't left?" Sofia asked walking out the gate, " We are leaving" He said getting in and I opened my mouth to say something but didn't know what to say. Looking over at Sofia who walked to her car ad smiled waving back at me.

It was just so heartwarming that he came all the way to just pick me up.

"Hunter" I call and he hummed turning the car around and speeding down the road.

"Are you mad at me?" I ask.

"Obviously" I sigh leaning back unable to understand what I can do to make him not be mad at me.


We were on our way to a diner where He was going to meet Blake and the others so we could head-on with the drive. "Hunter, Are you still angry?" I ask, pinching the sleeve of his shirt and he shook his head but his focus was on driving. I pout whining and he gave a sigh. "I am not, next time tell me where you are so I can come to get you" I nodded leaning a bit and kissing his cheek.

"Is this your car?" I ask He replied with a nod. "Nice, "I say. "The bike I have belongs to Frank. I don't always use my car. A bike is convenient.""Oh, Where are we going?".

"Outside the town. It takes two hours. It's a hilly region gets foggy, We usually go to the small open diner at the hills to get some coffee or booze to drink."He explained.

When we reached the point where everyone waited for us, well for Hunter. I saw Tyler.I had not seen him around so I smiled walking to him. "Hey, you hardly come to the house these days. Busy?" I Ask while Hunter talked with Frank. "Ya I am," He said. Unlike before his happy face he always showed around was gone. "Hey, is everything okay? You don't seem that -" He cut in.