| Strawberries |

"Outside the town. It takes two hours. It's a hilly region gets foggy, We usually go to the small open diner at the hills to get some coffee or booze to drink."He explained.

When we reached the point where everyone waited for us, well for Hunter. I saw Tyler.I had not seen him around so I smiled walking to him. "Hey, you hardly come to the house these days. Busy?" I Ask while Hunter talked with Frank. "Ya I am," He said. Unlike before his happy face he always showed around was gone. "Hey, is everything okay? You don't seem that -" He cut in.

"I am really tired that's all." He said and suddenly walked towards the car getting in. I saw Blake walking towards me and I give a wave. "Hey Eve. How's it going?".

"Blake, Is Tyler not well? Why is it acting like that?" He shrugged.

"He isn't really in the mood to talk with anyone right now" I didn't ask any further as I can be intruding to meddle with others situations like that. But I was worried about Tyler.

"You want a drink to go Eve?" Hunter asked. "We gonna stop by Mcdonals in an hour," Frank said. "We can go through the drive-thru, get some snacks," He said and Hunter shrugged walking to the car.

"How come Olivia and Sofia didn't come?" I ask Frank as we both walk to the cars.

Frank smiled looking down while his hands fold. "It's a guys thing. We do it once in a while." I blinked looking at Frank.

"Am I intruding?" I said but he laughed shaking his head and hands. "Nah. Hunter wanted you to join us. That doesn't happen always. " He said winking.

I closed the door and looked at Hunter. "What?"He questioned my stare, "I am curious. Why would you act like you didn't like me when I first met you?"

"I don't like new people. I don't trust them" I rose my eyebrows. "Put your seatbelt on Eve. We are gonna speed up at the mountains" I did as he told me to. "What made you trust me ?"He glances at me once. "I- you tried to be nice to me. Even though I was acting like an ass" I chuckled. I wanted a kiss, really bad. But he was driving. When we stopped at a red light I jumped as his lips gently touched my cheeks for a second.

"You are the first girl I liked in such a small span of time" I blushed. "How many girlfriends did you have?" I asked in a nervous voice.

"Just one." I nodded. I figured he didn't wanna talk about it since he fell silent. "Did you like the cookies I made? I saw you eating them this morning" He nodded. "They were tasty" I smiled."That's good," I said. We decided to crank up the music for the rest of the ride and we reached a Mcdonald's drive-through. I ordered my stuffed and Hunter ordered things which I believe three people would consume.

"What? Are you ordering for three !? " I asked laughing and he chuckled taking the bags and putting them in the back seat.

It was funny that he ate so much yet I could see his toned stomach and body being perfect.I munched on the fries occasionally feeding him some as we reached a cold hillside where we stopped. "Where are the others?" He closed his door shut bringing the carry away bags of food towards the front of the car.

"They went all the way to the top of the mountains. This is my personal favorite spot" I smile and shivered at the cold weather bringing my hands around myself for some warmth.I hear him close the back of the car and bring me a jacket. " I figured you won't have warm clothes with you." I smiled thanking him. "Let's eat," He said grabbing my hand pulling me to the front of the car and hosting me up to sit over the Bonnet, I chuckle.

We talked, a lot as we ate. I ate some of his food too. Because the cold made me more hungry. "Told you, you will eat more" I laugh. "Yes yes, very true"

He licked his finger then walked to the back seat. Suddenly I feel the fuzzy feeling inside me. I licked my lips and shivered as a chilling breeze passed me. I could see my breath turn into a fog from my mouth and breath out in the air loving it.

"Are you cold?" He asked walking to me with a basket. I shake my head but he extended his hand to me. I get down as he leads me to the back of the car. "I'll throw the trash." He said I see him disappear for a minute and I opened the basket to see strawberries and raspberries and I squeal in delight.

"You brought strawberries," I said smiling as he got in the back seat with me after turning up the heat in the car. "Ya." I thanked him with a kiss.

That was not enough. When we both forgot the fruits in the basket. His hands traced my legs pulling me over his lap and taking off my jacket while and I tremble with his touch.His hands traveled from my waist to my stomach, up to my chest. His fingers wrap around my neck squeezing it softly as I grind softly over him.

I gasp as I feel a gentle squeeze to my right breast. He pecked my cheek pulling my shirt up and kissing me over my bra.

My eyes closed on their own as I dip my head lower biting my lip at the lovely feeling. His hand pulled away the bra biting right over my nipple. I squeak as he bites me.The aura around had changed from warm to sudden Hot and we craved for that physical attention so much.

"Hunter" I whimpered as he sucked the skin near my nipple, my hands holding his face and grabbing his hair as my legs clenched around him.

I jump turning to look behind as we both heard a honk. "Just cars passing by, " He said chuckling softly making me laugh and hide my face in his neck.

I took small bites of the yummy strawberries while still sitting over his lap. This time both my legs to one side. " Don't you think your parents must be worried about you?" I looked him dead in the eyes, His face showed me questions.

"The wedding wasn't the only reason that I ran away actually," I said chewing on the fruit. He pulled me closer. "I'm here to listen," He said and I smiled kissing his lips lightly.

"I remember trying to slap myself for what I did, I don't regret running away one bit, My sister-" I paused eating a raspberry," Got pregnant at seventeen. She was crying. She got depressed because her boyfriend didn't want the child. My mother found the pregnancy kit in her bedroom."

"What the fuck ?" He exclaimed making me laugh. " My father isn't really fatherly. He would go crazy. He wouldn't let us be near boys, imagine his face if he found out. He eventually did. My sister. Mary was really depressed, so I took the blame. I told him it was just a test. But he was ready to throw me out the house"

Hunter carefully listens, "After a big fight, lots of crying. He said as soon as I graduate he will marry me off to this guy. He was the worst. I have never been so disrespected in my life by anyone else but him. Dad isolated me. He wouldn't stand near me our relatives found out and would talk so badly about me I was embarrassed to my death by my father. He said I deserved it"

"Why was he acting like that? You said you weren't pregnant" I smile sadly leading on his chest. "It's okay. I was okay with it. But after all that I went through my sister didn't give me one apology, Not one thank you. I did all that for her. I fell in depression for her while she continued her life as if nothing had happened and recovered after having an abortion. "

I laugh my tears off whipping them and looking out the windows."Mom, she knew but she won't help me, I- " I gasp crying. "I just had to run away. It was better" I feel him push my face in his neck as I cried. " That's fucked up shit" He whispered pulling me in closer."Stop crying. It wasn't your fault so stop crying".

" I hate this", I said sniffing in and rubbing my tears with the kerchief he hands me. He chuckled pecking my head. " I wanna snuggle more" I whispered pulling my self to hug him and closing my eyes. He laughed further soft. "We gotta get going, everyone else is already on their way home" I frown.