| Hometown |

"You should go pack up Eve," Sofia said as I help her paint the wood. "I am done packing, Plus we leave at night, I have the whole day to help you," I said, "Where are you going?" Frank asked and I almost dropped my jaw when he walked over, bare chest, holding a wood plank over his shoulders.

"Thank you," Sofia said walking over to him. My eyes blink down at the ground at his buff figure and I chuckle at myself. "Hunter is taking Eve with him" Frank looked at me and I nod.

"Well, good he has someone with him for a long ride" I sigh going back to painting as they both discussed the rest of the work.

I took a long bath after three hours of working. And laid on the bed browsing through youtube for sometime when I felt like calling Max. After all, I did hang up on his last time, He hates it.

One thing I like about Max. He didn't ask too many questions. He knew I was fine, He understood my problems better than anyone else. Even if we had a bad history together, I trusted him. He did not ask any questions about my whereabouts this time. Just asked me if I was safe.

I did ask him to let my mother know that was doing good; I wished to go back, but continue my life differently, Unlike how I use to live, I wanted to study more and work to become better.

That marriage knocking at the door of my life as soon as I graduated was a punch in my face, I hope I get over it.

After a couple of minutes of remembering my memories, I get to work.

I made sure to clean the room and sweep the floor. After all, it wasn't mine.

I smile at Hunter as he parked the bike get off and walking inside the house." Done packing?" I nodded. "Sofia insists we have food before we leave so we made some snacks for everyone" He nodded, his hands hovering over my waist for a while.

"Ya?" He asked walking to the table. I smiled at Tyler and Blake. Everyone was getting busy. Olivia had returned to the city with Ace for work. Charles was with his girlfriend.

"See you soon" I smiled at Sofia. Hunter didn't say much, just gave a hug to Sofia and Frank before getting in the car. "Bye," I said getting in and smiling at them.

"Shit, we are gonna be lonely as fuck now !" I heard her yell as we pulled out the front gate. I chuckle watching them and turning my head to the front.

"It's gonna get cold and foggy as soon as we head towards the mountains" I smiled. "I love the weather" He nodded. "It's the best in this season".

The roads were wet, dew over the trees, and thick fog surrounding the roads. The sky was grey, there was a slight chance of snow. I let down the glass of the window and shiver slightly as the cold air burst in with the high-speed wind. I could feel the cold breeze run across my cheek and making my skin cold as Ice.

I closed the window and rubbed my hands together as Hunter turns on the heater time by time. After some hours we pulled at the McDonald's to have some fast food.

I grin opening my burger as Hunter came back with a glass of water and sat next to me putting his hand around my shoulder.

"You want coffee?" I shook my head. "Thanks," I said and dug in.

"I used to go on long drives with my family, this road came frequently." We talked and relaxed for a while and decided to get back on the road.

"You never learned to drive?" He asked getting and after closing my door, I shook my head. "My father didn't let me" He chuckled. "Then what did you father Let you do?" I laughed.

"He was strict", "Ya, I know" He replied. I bite my lip, suddenly his lips touched mine, But before I could bring my thoughts together to kiss him back he pulled away starting the car.

I gave a pout but he didn't notice.

"Does your family know that you are possibly bringing a visitor?"

"Well ya, They know I am bringing someone, but they don't know the rest" I blink and blush.

Halfway towards his house, he got a call from his mother.

He seemed a bit confused, but eventually, he hung up after speaking a few things. "What happened?" I asked. He sighs taking a sharp U-turn and speeding on the way.

"My parents had to go over to another town, one of my relatives just passes away" my mouth opened slightly.

"Don't worry, he was a very old uncle of dad. I don't even know him" I frown. "Gotta go to my aunt's house to pick up the house keys"

I nodded.

I was amazed as I saw the house. I wasn't big, nor was it flashy. It was just beautiful. There were trees surrounding their house. The walls covered in flowers.

"My mom planted these with her brother. Welcome to my home" I smiled taking his hand as he closed my door guiding me towards the doors.

A sudden bark made me jump, and a smile graced upon Hunter's lips as he peeked over the pillar and laughed.

"Aww, did you sneak out!?" He said and I saw the cutest puppy. He was fluffy. So so cute.

"Oh my," I said getting close. "This is a daisy. She always sneaks out the window somehow" I smile staring at him play with her. "Come on," He said picking her up and opening the door.

"If you run out again mom is gonna be grumpy," He said kissing her and I pat her head. As soon as Hunter let her down she ran inside the house towards the end of the hall and disappeared.

"You wanna freshen up? Mom and dad aren't gonna back till tomorrow. " I nodded. He took me upstairs and opened the guest bedroom and I blink twice.

"Wow. Mom is a hoarder" He whispered as we both stared at the boxes and furniture filling the room.

"What a lucky day," I whispered a 'what' and he smirked. "You have to sleep with me now" I blushed as he pulled me softly towards his body. "Do I?" I asked resting my hands over his chest and he chuckled. "If you don't wanna then I can sleep downstairs." I bite my lip as he kissed my cheek and walked down.

"Come, I'll make some pizza for us" I smiled taking his extended hand.

I had to change into my long sleeved Sweatshirt because as soon as the sun went down the evening became chilly.

The house had a beautiful backyard where a small fireplace was set. I really wished we could sit there.

But the dense fog had covered the entire ground. Even the windows were cold.

So we settled on having the pizza inside as teh TV play some random channel.

"You talk to her ?" My eyes lift up to his and my mouth stops chewing the food. The sudden though of 'her' ..

"Who ?" I ask. "Your sister..I have seen you talk to someone. I assume a family member"

I dont talk to any of my family members

But even if I missed my mother. Missed my father even..I did not miss her. She could've done so little to help. But for everything I did for her. I got nothing in return.

My eyes drop and I take anothe bite of the pizza.

"I dont have any respect for that girl in my heart. Nor do I think she exists for me anymore"

The sudden brows rose from him had me take a sip of beer to avoid any more questions.

"Alright..what did you think would happen when you ran away ?" I shrugged.

"My initial thought was to go to my aunts house..she lives in Chicago, but I met Aaron-" I pause.

"My father had his men look out for airport gates..and It was just..a big mess. I was gonna go her, infacy she was expecting me. But now that I am basically missing, give my father some work to do "

He laughed out loud for complete 15 seconds.

"Why do you wanna make him wor like that ?" .

"Revenge. I guess, no father would treat a chikd of his the way he and his family treated me just because I was "pregnant" " I said raising my fingers to gesture the quotes on my past word.

I felt my tears swell up near the eyes. I ddint even realize one falling right on my hand. Hunter stood up walking to me from the otherside with a concerned face.

"I am such a turd" I whispered.

"No..you are not " He spoke soft. His harsh voice which I was very accustomed was now very soft.