| Introductions |

He laughed out loud for complete 15 seconds.

"Why do you wanna make him wor like that ?" .

"Revenge. I guess, no father would treat a chikd of his the way he and his family treated me just because I was "pregnant" " I said raising my fingers to gesture the quotes on my past word.

I felt my tears swell up near the eyes. I ddint even realize one falling right on my hand. Hunter stood up walking to me from the otherside with a concerned face.

"I am such a turd" I whispered.

"No..you are not " He spoke soft. His harsh voice which I was very accustomed was now very soft.

His hands pulled me in for hug and he rubbed his hand up and down my back comforting while I stare at the floor ..just blank. With no thoughts.

"I can hardly remember the last days at home. Because all I did was cry and sleep. Day and night. Can you imagine. People accusing you like you are a criminal ? And then suddenly I am getting married because , I am a women ?"

And women have no life other than getting married if they are pregnant randomly ?

"I have never seen such a strict family in my life " he whispered. I hummed sniffing.

"I have a big family, and I hate them all. Becasue all they get to do is talk about each other behind each others back "

He chuckled.

"Are you done with this ? Wanna sleep ?" I nodded . He cleaned up and walked over to me.

I was still in tears. Because I misses my mother. I missed my luxury life. I missed my small garden. I missed my branded clothes.

"Lets go" he said tugging on my hand but I just sit there. I heard him sigh once adn suddenly I was picked up in his arms.

My hands wrapped around his neck and my head rests over his shoulder as he carried me upstairs.

"I miss my clothes.." I whispered and he gave me one of the precious laughs of his again.

"Then why didnt you bring them with you ?" He said setting ne down on the bed and walking to his closet.

"Because I couldn't have my bag heavier. I had to climb the fence if get out the property of that house "

He turned around glancing at me once and turning back.

"Exactly how big is your house ?"

I didnt know the technical square foot , length , breath, area or whatever it is. I never Wondered.

My face turned in a confusing expression.

"It just big.." I said laying down. "Big and quite. Like dead"

"Like dead ?" I turned my face tand suddenly he was near me.

His hand cupped my cheeks. And his lips laid on mine ever so lightly.

"Here. Take a shower, do you want ny hoodie ?" I nodded.

"Thank you" I said grabbing it from him as he pecked my cheeks.

The hot shower helped me relax my aching body which was the result of a long drive.

I had a pair of shorts. But i didnt feel like wearing anything but that thigh length hoodie I got.

I rubbed my eye and got under the warm covers. My heart almost popped put my chest.

Hunter was almost naked. Only in his shorts. His one hand behind his head while the other flipped through the TV channels.

I had seen him without a shirt working. But this was different . Very different.

His muscles popped out.

I gave my lip a bite gitting comfortable three inches away from him to give him space.

"This TV doesn't even have Netflix. "

"Well, why would it ?" I asked. He put on a random movie and turned over resting his head on my chest.

His hand fell on either sides of my body trapping me.

Trapping the tingling feeling inside me. And making my stomach feel weird..uncomfortable. But in a good way.

"Hmm, well sometimes my cousin comes here to spend the weekends since his house is almost empty all the time "

I couldn't move. But I like it. I could feel his hair teasing my jaw. But I like it. I could feel his fingers inching near my chest but I liked it.

"Why? Empty " I ask .

"His father is a doctor. Night shifts, his mother, my aunt is a flight attendant" I was shocked.

"Thats a out there combination" I whispered. Hunter chuckled causing a tickle to go near my chest and neck.

"Ya well they don't speak much to each other. Good for them. Unlike my parents..who are always fighting. But can't stay away from each other " .

I smiled.

"Your room is really beautiful" I said.

It was decorate with a house plant in the corner. A small a couch at the end of the bed with a console table out front.

The windows were long, the bed was cozy. And there just something warm about the room I couldn't put my finger on.

"Well its like this because I font stay here. I use to make a trash can out if this place ans mom always used to throw me out in the backyard to mow the lawn . So I remembered cleaning my room"

I laughed.

"Your mom was very creative" he muttered somsthing which I couldn't understand.

"Hm ?" I ask. "You look good in this " he said pulling the string of the hood attached to it.

"Thank you "

We stared at each for a minute..or it felt it.

"I really, feel like kissing you "

I could feel my neck heat up.

"Then kiss me" I replh, the back on my fingers running over his stuble.

"Not just your lips, but your body "

I could visibly see my legs close at that sudden gush of heat between them.

My lips laid on his as he lift himself slightly above me.

I needed him. I wanted him hands near me. As I moaned into a rough lip bite given to me I could feel his hands pulling my hoodie up and running his fingers over my skin.

"Do you wanna do it ? Do you want me to stop ?" I shook my head.

He pulled the hoodie over me kissing me deeply.

"Your skin, its so soft" I chuckle as he ran his finger across my stomach. I held his hand making him stop.

"That tickles" I whisper.

"You are really ticklish" He commented giving my waist another tickle, "I am sorry if it hurt" I bite my lip shaking my head.

"It didnt hurt that bad..I'm fine" he smiled kissing ny neck and yet again I was melting. His lips formed into a soft smile as he gazer in my eyes which I looked away from timidly.

"Okay" he replied.

We laid there for more than an hour just looking at the beautiful view his room had from the huge windows. This house gave me Autumn vibes. It was a mixture of orange, cream. Beige and warm tins of white.

It was warm. His bed was warm, his chest was warm. I felt warm. In my heart.

That warmness shook lightly as he moved out the bed leaving my naked body partially expose. I cover myself up getting inside his covers as soon as the cool environment touched my skin.

"Wake up, my parents will be home in a bit"

He said getting in the bathroom leaving me to myself. My eyes looked up at the ceiling, wondering around and I saw crystals. Three. Quartz and amethyst.

I smile staring at them as I heard Hunter walk out.

"Hey, don't be lazy now. Get up" I sigh searching for my clothes but the floor although had a small pile if them I could not find my shirt.

"Here" he said handing me a grey bathroom with towels.

"I already set the water to hot, I'll be down ya " I nodder as he walked out. I eye my luggage sitting in front of me and get my things.

I could not stop staring at my breasts, my neck, My lips. Some spots red..my lips felt like he was kissing me just now.

I didnt feel like getting out if that bath. But I had too.

The sudden stomach drop that I felt when I thought about his parents. He had not filled them in on me. They did not know. Sometimes parents don't like strangers in their house.

And What If they asked me what I did? Where I lived.

The moment I stepped down the stairs the bell rung, My heart skipped a beat and I stare at the down as Hunter walked in front of it.

"Hey!" He greets me as I stare at a set of similar eyes, I see he got his face from his father. His mother looked very much young, so did his father.

"I hope you don't mind a guest," He said and their eyes set over me. I gave them a nervous smile as they glance at Hunter.

"What? who is this?" His mother asked.

"This is Eve. Umm, the girl I told you about" His mother stares at me and a sudden realization hits her face.

"Oh, Eve? oh yes, I remember, Hello. Welcome" She said taking my hand and shaking and I smile brighter.
