| Feel |

"Wow, never thought he will introduce a girl to us, welcome Eve" I chuckled as his father shook hands with me. They were such graceful parents.

They never asked too many questions. They were very comforting to talk with. Judging by their talks they were very simple people.

"I hope you don't mind the mess. I am not a cleaning person" I chuckled at Joan. His mother.

"Oh no, I find the house quite beautiful. Um, hunter showed me the gardens. They are really pretty" She smiled as we both helped in cleaning up.

"I find you both very good together too" I smiled.

"Thank you" She smiled walking out of the kitchen.

We had dinner together. I was too embarrassed in front of them, I didn't speak much but I felt comfortable.

"Excuse us, I'll take Eve to see the Teal Lake" I look at him and he stood up taking his plate to the sink.

"Ahh, We use to go fishing. It is known for its view at night" I tilt my head at the information and smile. I have never been to a lake at night, this was something new.

Suddenly his mother stood and walked over to him whispering something to him and snapped his head at her and smirked.

"So, What do your parents do Eve?" I look at him and now I could feel Hunter's eyes on me.

"My father is in the import business. I don't understand much of it. My mother was a writer for a news company but she stopped ever since had my sister" He nodded smiling.

"And where are you from?" I didn't really mind telling them, not as it would ever come back at me in a negative way, So I told him my city and area's name when he nodded.

"I have been there for work a couple of times. And what are you doing so far away from your family? It pretty far."

I got stuck.

"She is traveling. She is tired of studying so she decided to come to see her friend here" I sigh relaxing as Hunter covered for me.

I had told him everything, It was difficult. But It was for the best for him to know why I was where I was, What I was going thru. And how I could put his life in danger if, people found out where I am.

He was, of course, confused. Shocked. But. In the end, he said something I could never expect, That he didn't care but all he wanted me to know was he really liked me. And cared for me.

I woke up with light traces of fingers moving up and down my thigh. I smiled stretching just slightly and curling a little more, my eyes squit at the sudden sunlight which fell upon my eyes as the curtains moved due to the sudden wind.

I bite my lip as I feel kisses on my cheek, as the lips rest on, my cheek for a while before they move to my neck making me slowly let out a soft moan and shiver at the sudden bite. His hand which lay across my waist now moved to take the sheet off my breasts as I stay sleeping with my eyes closed.

I could feel his gaze on me as he slowly unraveled my skin under the sheets revealing my breasts, his lips kissing me there and I bit my lip harder as he suddenly bites me.

"Morning baby" His raspy voice made me open my eyes to see me right in front of me. As his hand grabbed me while his lips softly pressed kissing on mine.

"Hi" I whispered turning around pushing my face in his chest and giving a tired sigh.

I heard his soft chuckle as he kissed my head rubbing his fingers on my forearms as I try to go back to sleep when he suddenly gave me bad news.

"We need to leave in an hour or so" I groan.

"I wish I could live in this house forever," I said, I had fallen in love with it overnight and couldn't pass the thought of leaving from here. Unfortunately, it belonged to his parents.

"I am happy you liked it" I smiled turning around and sitting up. Letting the covers fall off me while I held on them over my chest. I felt his hands trace down my back and I smiled.

"I'll go help your mom make breakfast," I said walking in the bathroom and taking a quick shower before walking out to see Hunter, His amazing half-naked frame standing in front of me as he looked out the window.

He smiled looking out and I look out to see his parents coming towards the house from a walk.

"I envied them so much when I was young," He said and I loop my hand around his bicep, but he undid it pulling me closer.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because-" He chuckled pausing and glancing at me, "Look at them, They are always happy. Fighting like kids and just loving their lives. I wasn't like them, I was so serious all the time. I missed the young teen life that everyone looked back and laugh"

I give a pout. "Why are you so serious?" I ask. Kissing his cheek slightly and letting him pick me up and set me on the table beside us.

"I was just, scared of wasting my life away if I didn't study and become poor" I laugh.

Suddenly realizing how spoiled I was. I never thought about my future so seriously as he did, I never thought about studying and making a life of my own. I was so spoiled because of the family I grew in.

I didn't show this sudden wave of inner thoughts on my face. My smile remained as he kissed my neck., His hand tracing my collar bone and down to pinch my nipples when I jump and groan in the sudden wetness that pools between my legs.

"Shower" I softly yelled point my finger straight at the bathroom and getting down.

"Morning," I said setting the coffee machine and greeting at the same time as I see Hunter's mom walk in.

"Oh hello, Let me make you a nice breakfast" I smile. "I can help," I said cracking some eggs and helping her, "You know, This might sound very offending but-"

I look at her with a sudden frown and confusion.

"But- We would really like him to settle down in a year. I need to see him getting married and have a family, I hope you think of your relationship with him as a serious one" I stayed quiet. A million thoughts ran across my head as she went back to her work.

I couldn't help but think of a future. What if my dad came to her to snatch me away from him. What if I had to leave because of Aaron. What if anyone got hurt because of me.?

What if Hunter just, gave up.

"Ready?" I look at him and nod as he stuffed our bags in the car and said his final bye to his parents.

"Sofia called," He said pulling the car out the driveway and I hum. "Why?" I ask.

"Apparently there was someone there to see you, she just asks when we were getting back" My heart stopped. As I turned my head to him and clenched my jaw.

"Who? Did she give a name?" I asked, He said no.

"You think your father?" He asked, I shook my head, "He doesn't know where I am" I said.

I was on edge after the ride when Hunter suddenly stopped the car. I look at him and frown. We had stopped near a nature park right before getting on the highway. He helped me out.

"Let's take a walk ya?" I smiled and we walked into the park after paying for the tickets. There weren't many people around, Since it was early morning, and it felt like it might rain sometime soon.

"I won't let your father take you away from me if you don't wanna go," He said grabbing my face and a sudden peck on my lips was followed by a small smile. "I really really like you" He whispered before I could speak and reply because my heart melted at his sudden confession is lips laid on mine.

I moaned into the kiss and squeaked as he bit my lower lip.

"I-I" I whispered as he frowns and looks at me. His hand tilted my chin up to look into his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I don't wanna go home, they -they pushed me out and -" He suddenly hugged me tightly. My hands stayed over his chest as I felt like I could never be happy if I did o back home.

"But I miss mom-" My voice cracked. It was raspy. I soon started crying in his arms as he rubbed his hand up and down my back. His lips laid soft kisses over my head and cheeks.

"It's Okay. I know" He said.

"Hey-" He said pulling back and pushing my hair out the way.

"If you do come at the point when you have to decide something like that, I'll always bet there with you. I don't care what you wanna do next. I just care about you" I sniffed and nodded.