| Manipulated |

"Uh- Sir?" I stare at him as he glares at me. "Ring the doorbell" He ordered.

"Okay stop. I got it-", "You sure?" The guy asked. "Ring the damn doorbell"

"Seriously Stop it, I got it! You are powerful and you have people to do your jobs. Just let it be!" I beg him as he laughs at my words.

"This is like a movie, no? I am liking this" I grabbed his hand with the phone and tried to get it but I couldn't. The sound of doorbell ringing caught my attention as I heard a soft women's voice

"Ma'am your name is Sofia Grey and your Husband is...Frank?"

I freaked. "Okay stop it, I got it. I got It!" I whisper yelled as Max sighs.

"Yes, what is it?" My heart was pounding at what Max would do next.

"Tell her you were inquiring for the garage he works at and leave" Max spoke making me rub my chest and stare at the phone in fear.

"Oh, I was just asking for the garage Frank works at, I heard about it from the gas station"

"Oh! It's about fifteen minutes away. Just go left then straight" I heard her say.

"Thank you"

I stare at Max and he tilts his head up in pride as the door closes. "Was that all sir?" Max replied with a yes and hung up.

"Now, let's go. I am super hungry" He said taking off my veil and grabbing my hand pulling me out of the car.

He disgusts me, The man I trusted, I honestly loved as a friend was acting like a pathetic creep!

Everyone turns their backs on me, no one in this family seems to give two shits about how obvious this marriage looked, Forced. But they seemed to love Maximilian. He was all they talked about. Because he wanted me, and now he had me. And there was nothing I could do about it.

Everyone loved it. Seeing me in a cage like that.

Warning :

[Non-Consensual scene]

I grabbed my dress lifting it up so I could at least walk properly when Max coiled his arm around my waist very tightly. "Stop touching me!" I whispered as I saw Amber and My other cousin at the faraway door we were supposed to go through.

"Behave. Remember what just happen in the car. You better not piss me off" I never replied. He took his tie off and tossed it to someone before sitting down.

The rest of the night was loud for me. I ate the dinner because I was hungry, But drank more alcohol than I could handle. "Slow down, You'll get too drunk" I heard Max whispered as I grabbed the whiskey and took another sip.

"Start controlling me from tomorrow Max, It's the wedding night, Not the day after getting married" I softly spoke, my last word almost turning into a slur. I saw him let out a deep sigh as he suddenly noticed something and his eyes turned cold hard right in front of him.

I make a weird expression and look ahead but could only see loads of people drink and talking. A warm fabric fell over my shoulder. I noticed him covering my shoulders with his jacket.

"I don't need this, I'll go get a cover up-" I said trying to take that thing off me when he squeezed my shoulders. "Stop it," He said. I blink looking away and pulling the Jacket near me.

"I am not trying to control you. I am just being helpful" He said. I look at him once before drinking the rest of the whiskey in the glass. I look at the server and ask for another.

My life was gonna get ugly, I might as well drink up.

"You are gonna get a bad headache, tomorrow baby, This is the last one"

"Cheers to my shitty life," I said taking another sip of my seventh drink. The next hour was a blur. I saw my cousin dance with her father and got really jealous. My father left the father-daughter dance in dark.

"I really wanted to dance more with you," Max said

"Fuck that," I said leaning back as I felt his arm behind my head.

"Okay, Let's get you outta here," He said as he helped me stand up, The party went on as others congratulated us while we walked towards the door. "Uh- Eve?" I could hardly see. I only felt an arm around my waist. But my heart warmed up at the soft hand which pushed the hair over my face back.

"Take care," mom said. "Sorry mom" I whispered almost stumbling back when Max picked me up and gave her a nervous laugh.

"Wait no-"

"Let them leave" I heard that old man's voice and I closed my eyes letting my head fall on a shoulder and I went blank.

I felt the car take a sharp turn and I opened my eyes to the lights of other cars, My dress was killing me. I wanted to take it off right there. I frown lifting my head and saw Max glance at me.

"Awake?" I groan grabbing my heavy head, I was still drunk. I still felt like everything was spinning. I couldn't process things properly. I could only hear Max ask me if I was okay. But I didn't care about giving him a reply.

The next thing I knew I was picked up by Max and he was walking inside a very bright hall.

"Thank you" He said and I heard a women's reply, "No problem. Your room is ready" I heard some other things while my head laid on his shoulder, my body exhausted and sore. I didn't wanna wake up. I just wanted to sleep.

I heard the door close and felt a soft mattress under me.

"Eve, get up. You need to change" I didn't care anymore. I was so sleepy.

"Just fuck off Max" I muttered trying to move but I couldn't, That damn dress was in my fucking way.

I opened my eyes to see him take his watch off and then unbutton half his shirt. "Don't blame me for this then" He said and I gasp pushing him back very weakly.

"Stop acting like I am forcing you, Eve! You need to get this off. You'll suffocate yourself"

"I can do it myself" I started sitting up and the entire room started spinning but I stood up and walked towards the bathroom door. As I grabbed onto the sink to make sure I didn't fall I tried my best to get the zip undone but I couldn't.

"Just let me do it" I step back almost falling.

"You can't touch me without my permission" I stated. I suddenly felt his hand grab me by my hair and push my head up to look at him.

"Shut up and let me help you out of this," He said forcing me to turn my back towards him as he pushed my hair away. I stare at the mirror as he undid my zip and pulled my dress down. I stepped out of the dress as he grabbed the dress and dropped it outside near the bathroom door.

I gulp covered my chest which was only covered with the strapless bra.

"I'll leave you to that then. Don't lock the door. I don't want you falling" I look away as he himself closed the door leaving me alone.

I struggled to wash my face and take a quick shower trying to get the sticky feeling and glitter stuck over my shoulders off me while making sure I didn't just fall back and kill myself.

"That would be embarrassing," I said.

I really didn't care about anything at this point. As I wore the robe over my naked body and just left my hair wet patting it a few times with a towel.

I fell on the bed feeling myself spin with the room when I see Max disappearing in the bathroom. I didn't wanna sleep. I was scared. I was just, worried.

Max poured a glass of water setting it near the table beside me. He suddenly past his hand through my waist making me sit up without asking me and forcing me to drink that water.

"Stop doing this, I am not gonna have sex with you" He didn't say anything. His hand pushing the glass on my lips and forcing the water down my throat.

He sets the glass down and rose his eysbrow. "Oh ya? Can you stop me in the state you got yourself in?" I sucked in deep breath as he turned the lights off, Suddenly grabbing my legs.

"I am gonna scream Max, I swear!" I yelled as he pushed my hands over my head pinning me to the bed.

"Its a Isolated suite, Nobody's going to hear you"

"Someone will, let go of me" I said. I felt like I was going faint, I was weak. I couldn't push him off me. I left so stupid. Why did I think drinking would make me feel better? Did I really trust this guy and think he wouldn't do something like this?

"You can cause the deaths of so many people if you go against me" He whispered pushing my legs apart with his knees.