| Forced |

"I am gonna scream Max, I swear!" I yelled as he pushed my hands over my head pinning me to the bed.

"Its a Isolated suite, Nobody's going to hear you"

"Someone will, let go of me" I said. I felt like I was going faint, I was weak. I couldn't push him off me. I left so stupid. Why did I think drinking would make me feel better? Did I really trust this guy and think he wouldn't do something like this?

"You can cause the deaths of so many people if you go against me" He whispered pushing my legs apart with his knees.


"You are going to do this while threanthing me like that? Putting people's lives in my hands so You can have your way with me? You-are going to -" I involentarily suck in a deep breath and my heart started beating loud. I was frozen. Hopeless. I was scared. I could hear my heart beat in my ears as I felt my body go numb.

My body started trembling as my vision went blur. Hot tears flowing down my cheeks as I feel his hands over my cheeks.

"Fuck! Eve!" I heard him call out as I suddenly felt like I was going black and coming back.

"Fucken hell, If I knew you would get like this, I wouldn't have done that"

"But you still did..." I whsipered, My voice muffled because of my cries.

"Hey, I am not gonna hurt you. I promise"

"You already did" I let my shaky weak voice out, "I know. I am sorry. I just want you all to myself. I am sorry for that" I felt his hands around my back and behind my head and he pulled me into his head.

"I will kill myself", "No! You will not.I fucken dare you. That won't stop me from theartning you will things you never knew I could do Eve. You are mine. I only want you. The moment you decide to leave me, One of those people will die. Don't take my words lightly"

I heard him. I heard him loud and clear as he held me to his chest, his hand rubbing my back up and down causing me to fall asleep.

I didn't wanna wake up. I wanted this to be a long bad nightmare. But It wasn't.

I hope u like it so far. Thanks for reading.

The sunlight woke me up, as I felt my eyes move to open a headache made itself known. I blink twice before setting my eyes upon the open balcony. I groan as my feet started feeling sore because of those heels. The sudden feeling of my exposed shoulder caused me to gasp looking down and open cleavage and a bathrobe barely covering my chest.

I pulled the robe over me and covered my bare legs looking around when the bathroom door opened and walked out Maximilian.

I stare at him with pure rage as I feared for the worst.

"What did you do?" I asked, I didn't remember shit after taking a shower and falling on the bed. I had tried so hard to hold my tears in and the slight hope that my thoughts were too far off and too much thinking but I just, I was so scared. I was hopeless. My life was already over. And it wouldn't be surprising if Max turned out to be much more disgusting than he led on.

"You think I raped you" I flinched at that word. It was so nerve-wracking, Disgusting. He was so blunt while talking that I shifted my body up the bed, the slight gesture of getting away as far I could even if it was only a little.

The look I gave him made him stop at his track and just stand there. At the end of the bed with a weird expression and stare back at me. He soon looked away rubbing his wet hair with the towel in hand.

"I am not that disgusting," He said letting tossing his towel on the bed and leaving a sigh as he looked at me.

I looked down, I had nothing to say. I didn't wanna say anything. Nor did I feel like getting out the bed. I just wanted to sulk and cry all day. His bare chest came sie view causing me to look up at him. "What?" I asked. He leaned in making me lean back when he grabbed my jaw.

"You should get ready, We have a flight in four hours" I pushed his hand away with a confused look on my face.

"Flight? What flight? Where?" I ask as he opened the closet and pulled some clothes out wearing a button-up shirt.

"To our Honeymoon" I was disgusted. "You can go on your own. I wanna stay here" He chuckled t my reply making me angry. "Sure, So your father can bully your even more. You know what he said to me yesterday night before leaving?"

I just stare out the window. I heard him pull his pants up and suddenly sitting next to me with his hand on the other side of my legs caging me.

"He said he wanted a grandchild as soon as possible" I snapped my head at him so fast my neck hurt.

"Fuck No that's not happening, and if you think I will let you use me like that-mm" He pushed me towards him with his hand mushing my cheeks together and making me groan. "I don't like you acting like I did something really bad to you. I didn't. Although you and I both know I could. I still carry my sanity with me. About your father. I suggest you act well around me next time we meet him so he just leaves you and me alone. We cool?"

I tried so hard to push him away, But his rock-hard chest only got closer as closer. I gasp as he leaned in, I almost screamed as he pushed himself in to kiss me. I didn't want that, I didn't want his lips on mine. I did not like him. I felt so angry, Annoyed, The fact that we knew I belonged to him now. So I couldn't do anything.

His lips ended on my cheek as he tilted his head at the last second.

"Be good. And you won't have anything to worry about" He whispered.

"You are the one I worry about. No one else" I said softly. "Sure." He whispered.

"Let's get something straight, I am a bad person and you know it very well. So I'll just break the ice here. One, you try to leave. Your friends will probably get some bad days, your father will find out, and let's leave the rest to your imagination. Two, you are mine now. So I'll kiss you, hug you and touch you whenever the fuck I want, Three, The more shitty you act the more you will suffer. There, now you know. So get your ass up and be ready in an hour"

"You sound so cringy and disgusting right now," I said.

"Ya, for someone who hates me for being straight to facts, I can understand." I huffed getting up and going right into the bathroom. I mentally slapped myself for not getting my bad in with me. I had to go again and get my clothes, so I finished up and wore the bathrobe again walked out to see the window now close and the curtains are drawn.

I was alone in the room now. I look at the door and try to open it. Of course, it was locked from outside. What did I expect, I wasn't thinking of running away but I just felt like an animal locked in a cage at this point.

I was wearing my shoes where the door opened.

"You ready? " I stood up grabbing my bag.

"Maximilian" He looked at me. "Stop locking me up like that, I feel like an animal" I casually spoke while tossing my lipstick in the bag. He rests his hand on both sides of me over the table.

"You think I treat you like an animal?" His voice seemed so angry. It scared me. Because of the way he spoke, I had never seen that type of expression on him. I just fidget with things in my hand.

"No, It makes me feel like an animal" He nodded pushing himself away.

"Let's go," He said grabbing both our bags and walking out.

"Have you heard about the news-" I looked away, My chest was feeling heavy minute by minute, I was suffocating inside this huge venue. Maximilian continued his talks with his friends and family as I saw myself in the dark spot of the room.

Not one person seemed to give a fuck about his wife. Everyone was interested in him. Not me. I never saw anyone I could talk to. I was expected to smile and talk when I was being ignored by all. Mother did not come to this whatever type of party they held. My father only spoke a few words to Maximilian and never looked at me once.