| Greedy |

"I did this for you. Or would you prefer your father marrying you off to a random guy you never knew" I never looked once at him.

"You lied to me. You made me believe everything was fine. I didn't know I was surrounded by such greedy people" He gave a sigh grabbing my hand I was about to yank it off when his hold tighten causing me to cry out.

"Listen up Eve-" I held my painful cry back as he grabbed my chin forcing me to straight at him.

"I am your husband now. You better start acting the part of a wife or never expect me to act nice, I am done being nice. I did all this for you. I saved you from your own father-"

I pushed him back as tears cloud my eyes.

"Do you know how much It took for me to convince your father to not send you away with some other man we barely knew? Do you know how it took for me to save you from Aaron? Do you know how much effort I put into making it as private as possible for you. I did this all for you because I didn't want your father to punish you."

I never replied.

"And you have nothing to say-"

"Then give me a divorce and let me go. Let me be free Max! I am tired of staying here. I am tired of submitting to what my father says. If you did all this for me, if you care for me then please, Let me be free" He leaned back. His eyes looking away as I stared at him.

"I will give you whatever you want Eve, but not that."

I chuckled rolling my eyes. My laugh made me look at myself like I was mad. I was going mad. They were turning me crazy.

"You just want what you wanted long ago, You didn't do for me. God, be honest with yourself at least. You did this because you wanted to get back at me for running away"

I saw him clench his jaw and his hands turned into fists. Suddenly I was grabbed by my neck as his lips hovered inches away from mine. My stomach dropped as my hands froze right in the middle of pushing him off.

He had that look on his face. It scared me.

"So what if I did all this for myself? I am selfish, I wanted you. I got you. End of topic. You are my wife and if you keep behaving like a brat so be it. Get locked up in another house for the rest of your life again I won't care."

"Max-stop-" I whispered. His fingers dropping from my face to my chest as he hovered them over my chest. Letting them wrap around my waist.

"I will get to see my wife whenever I want" I whimper loud as he tightens his arm around my waist, so harsh It hurt.

"Stop it" I cry as my body fell numb under his hold.

"Let me tell you something Eve, Remember that guy? I send? To look after you when Aaron tried to kidnap you again? Yes," He nodded. I only stared at him with fear.

"He knows where your boyfriend is" My heart stopped.

"He knows your friends live now. That pregnant girl-"

"Stop it!" I yelled but he covered my mouth with the hand which was once over my neck. I muffle whimpers reached his ears but he did nothing as I struggled against his hands.

"You might think I am your father's lap dog. But to say the truth. It's the other way around. I gave him what he wanted to get you. I gave him the guards who stayed at your door so you didn't run away. I was also the one who tracked you down pretty easily. I was the one to order that guy to kill Aaron but someone called the cops so my plan my ruined"

He paused letting go and I took deep breaths as he rubbed my back. I was about to push his hand off me he grabbed my hand.

"I know where they live Eve, I will know if they move out of that house I will do everything if I want to. So-" I shook my head as he brought his hand up and cupped my cheek. Rubbing his thumb over my skin.

"Please, do make me be the bad guy"

"You can't get near them. They are involved with the police. You'll be thrown in jail if you hurt anyone of them-" He sighs dropping his head and resting it over my shoulder.

"Don't touch me-" I whispered as he rests his hand on my thigh.

"You know who I am Baby, you know which family I come from. Why would even bother saying that? You want me to give you an example?" He asked taking his phone out and dialing his number.

"Hey there Coby" I heard a soft yes from the other side as Max puts him on speaker. I shook my head at his ridiculous methods.

"You are stupid" I whispered as Max smiled.

"Where are that pregnant woman and her husband you saw at that house?" I clench my jaw.

"Sir there is no one in the house but the women." I gulp reaching out for the phone but he held it high and stopped me.

"Oh good."

"This is bullshit. He is lying, you are being an asshole and this is ridiculous!" I yelled getting his attention.

"Uh- Sir?" I stare at him as he glares at me. "Ring the doorbell" He ordered.

"Okay stop. I got it-", "You sure?" The guy asked. "Ring the damn doorbell"

"Seriously Stop it, I got it! You are powerful and you have people to do your jobs. Just let it be!" I beg him as he laughs at my words.

"This is like a movie, no? I am liking this" I grabbed his hand with the phone and tried to get it but I couldn't. The sound of doorbell ringing caught my attention as I heard a soft women's voice


"Ma'am your name is Sofia Grey and your Husband is...Frank?"

I freaked. "Okay stop it, I got it. I got It!" I whisper yelled as Max sighs.

"Yes, what is it?" My heart was pounding at what Max would do next.

"Tell her you were inquiring for the garage he works at and leave" Max spoke making me rub my chest and stare at the phone in fear.

"Oh, I was just asking for the garage Frank works at, I heard about it from the gas station"

"Oh! It's about fifteen minutes away. Just go left then straight" I heard her say.

"Thank you"

I stare at Max and he tilts his head up in pride as the door closes. "Was that all sir?" Max replied with a yes and hung up.

"Now, let's go. I am super hungry" He said taking off my veil and grabbing my hand pulling me out of the car.

He disgusts me, The man I trusted, I honestly loved as a friend was acting like a pathetic creep!

Everyone turns their backs on me, no one in this family seems to give two shits about how obvious this marriage looked, Forced. But they seemed to love Maximilian. He was all they talked about. Because he wanted me, and now he had me. And there was nothing I could do about it.

Everyone loved it. Seeing me in a cage like that.

Warning :

[Non-Consensual scene]

I grabbed my dress lifting it up so I could at least walk properly when Max coiled his arm around my waist very tightly. "Stop touching me!" I whispered as I saw Amber and My other cousin at the faraway door we were supposed to go through.

"Behave. Remember what just happen in the car. You better not piss me off" I never replied. He took his tie off and tossed it to someone before sitting down.

The rest of the night was loud for me. I ate the dinner because I was hungry, But drank more alcohol than I could handle. "Slow down, You'll get too drunk" I heard Max whispered as I grabbed the whiskey and took another sip.

"Start controlling me from tomorrow Max, It's the wedding night, Not the day after getting married" I softly spoke, my last word almost turning into a slur. I saw him let out a deep sigh as he suddenly noticed something and his eyes turned cold hard right in front of him.

I make a weird expression and look ahead but could only see loads of people drink and talking. A warm fabric fell over my shoulder. I noticed him covering my shoulders with his jacket.

"I don't need this, I'll go get a cover up-" I said trying to take that thing off me when he squeezed my shoulders. "Stop it," He said. I blink looking away and pulling the Jacket near me.

"I am not trying to control you. I am just being helpful" He said. I look at him once before drinking the rest of the whiskey in the glass. I look at the server and ask for another.

My life was gonna get ugly, I might as well drink up.