| Past |

"Because she is not yours she has never been, and you are not the man for her. I hated her because she was so ugly standing beside you. I realize it's not because of her face, she just doesn't fit in with you. If I have to take her side to get you away from her then I will do it" He stared at his mother with wide eyes as she looked away.

"Well fuck you then. I am not letting her getaway, I just got her back" He replied and I wrapped my hands around my body.

The memories hunted me as I stood there in front of this man who was once such a help to me. I realized he did all that just to get me back and lock me in his life. I was a doll to him. For him, I had no right to a normal life.

"You-" I whispered, "You just broke all the hopes I had in my heart. That you would be a better person. I thought you would respect me. But you never did. Just like my father" I stared at the ground as I finished.

"Your father hates you, Eve, I don't! You just have to be mine. I can do anything for you as long you submit to me"

Submit? submit!?

"That Maximilian, you will never get," I said.

"I wasn't ready too, but I know why he came back for you" I snap my head at her as she looked at me.

"What?" I asked when she looked behind me. I dare not turn my head around when two men walked past me and grabbed Maximilian. They were in formal attire but their badges made it obvious. They were cops. I gulp staring at them when I felt someone behind me.

Expecting a police officer, I fist my hands on my chest as my heart started beating harder.

What if he gets arrested for abusing me? Will my father doing something to me? Will he lock me up? Again.


"He hurt you?" I heard a voice I was aching to hear for all those months after I left that place.

I didn't know if I was standing in reality or my dreams. That voice I wanted to hear every night to help me case my nightmares away. That voice accepted me as who I was and gave me the assurance and an unbroken promise of protecting me.

He was something else.

It broke me when I thought about how I abandoned him at the hospital. Nit just him, Blake, Frank, Sofia, Tyler, Ace. Everyone thought I was a nice person. But I turned out to be a liar. I put everyone under the gun because I was stupid enough to underestimate my father and Maximilian.

I replyed a million times, how he would react when he woke up in the hospital and found that I was gone. I laughed at my pathetic self as I cried those nights.

The was something I didn't know. There were so many things I did not know about Hunter, I didn't even know how they knew the police. They just did.

I did not know how he found me. I didn't wanna know. I just wanted him to kidnap and lock me up with him. So I could apologize to him. And for everything I did. And kiss him.

But my thoughts shifted when I felt a cold shiver run down my back at his words. They weren't warm like I always found them.

They were just too evil.

I dare not turn to him as I saw his shadow come close. I looked at Maximilian as he yelled at the cops to let him free. But he was cuffed and they made him kneel to the ground.

"Say, Eve, did this man really hurt you?" his voice was so low yet it held so much anger and dark meaning behind it, I bit my lip at the sudden fear built up inside me. My legs started shaking as I wrapped my hands around myself.

I gasped as he turned me around, my eyes falling on his face. I stare at those eyes which I once found warmth in, today they were cold and furious.


Even his name felt different under my tongue. It was like I was questioning his existence in my life again. He looked or should I suggest, glared down at me, I could see the same question in his eyes, why?

How selfish I was, even after seeing the only man who gave me everything, I yet again thought back to my condition. What would happen when my father found out?

What will happen if he finds out about Hunter, will that man take him away from me?

He will probably try to eradicate his existence and push me back into a cell, locking me up forever. I didn't want that, I wanted freedom and Hunter gave me that. I wish I could fall into his arms and beg him to take me away but something held me back.

Oh yes, my heart, I did not wish to show him my face. I was someone who left him back there with no answers and went blindly with someone. I took Hunter for granted and I wanted him to forgive me. I was so ashamed of myself.

To avoid his intense gaze I looked down, his hands still holding my arms and holding me close, but it wasn't close enough.


"I search all this time, thinking you ran away. And I see you like this, You ran away to marry him?"

My eyes widen, I shook my head vigorously at that statement. I figure It would be too much to hide from him. I didn't want any more complications. It didn't matter whether he left me, I just had to let him know why I ran away. I wanted to know why he was here, how he found me. How did he find out about this?

He stood quiet as Max was yelling out behind us with the officers holding him back. My chest was burning and pounding heavily.

I took a harsh long breath, my hand's fist together as I avoid his eyes.

"My father and Max threatened me. It was either your life or marry Max, I choose him. I wanted to end it, putting you and your friend's life in danger"

"So you just got up and left. Leaving me with a pathetic necklace?" I froze.

"How did you find me?" I asked. My body almost shivered as he leaned in, his hands in his pockets, something I desperately wanted around me. His hair slightly touched my cheek as I closed my eyes at the sudden feeling in my body which warmed me and send sparks around me.

"I told you. You don't know what I can do or who I really am"

My frown deepens as I opened my eyes and stared at him. He grabbed my elbow pulling me into him. His lips came down to kiss me, as my body and lips waited in anticipation. Badly wanting that kiss, badly wanting the assurance and his touch. I wanted to feel safe again. Even if it cost me a lot. Even if he left me after finding out I married a man after all we had.

But that kiss never came. His lips stopped an inch away. My heart broke as he suddenly pulled away.

"I am really angry Eve. So much that I want to punish you" He said, his hand slowly wrapping around my neck.

This was the side of Hunter I never expected, he was truly disappointed in me. He was angry at me, I left like I was gonna lose everything now.

"Okay, do it," I said.

"I won't care if you leave me now. Because I know you came for me. I am sorry it disappointed you, but this was the solution I had to stop complications and I went with it. I-I will just -" I pause. His hand fell off me.


He just laughed. Pushing his hair back and looking at me.

"You are so stupid Eve. I'll punish you till you understand how much you made me suffer" Those words hit me like bricks, as my stomach turned upside down but somehow in a good way.

He said pulling me closer by my waist and kissing my neck. Shivered ran down my spine and I suddenly moan in sudden shocks. I felt like I would melt right there and fall into his arms.

He made sure to leave me hanging, as he pulled away with a neutral face void of any expression. He grabbed my hand pulling me towards the exit.


"Be sure to sign the divorce papers while you sit in that cell. I think that's about it" Hunter muttered in front of everyone as the whole family stared at us. I had no idea what or how they charged him with. But I was free. At least from Max.

I underestimated Hunter. I underestimated the people I met, I watched as Hunter spoke to the cops. It felt like they knew him. He turned to stare at me and bite my lip looking away. I didn't care what my father's face held this time. He stood there staring at me with such hate in his eyes. My mother never looked at me. Nor did the people who attended this family gathering.