| Free |

They were confused, some held the look or remorse as the word got out about Max abusing me. And some never believed it.

And some like my father just stared at me with pure hate. As they took Max away, Hunter opened his car looking at me, expecting me to get in. Everything was taken care of. That's what his face looked like.

So I look at my father, walking to him and taking a deep breath before speaking.

"There wasn't anything I could do to please you. I am sorry for that. But I need to leave. I hope -I hope you just let me go. "

"You are no daughter to me"

It hurt, but I smiled. At least I was free.

"Bye," I said with a glance to mother and stepped back. As my eyes fell on Max's mother I mutter a thank you before getting in Hunter's car and never looking up at them.

That was a dramatic end to things. It cracked me up but I just hoped nothing bad would come from it.

Hunter didn't speak to me through the whole journey back to the next city coming. It was agonizing, I felt my throat hurt and turn dry and I tried to keep quiet but spike up a conversation at the same time. We left to stay over at the hotel Hunter booked for the night and had an early flight. But I would never forget the conversation we had in the car we left that hall and my family behind.

"Hunter-"I pause. My hand stretched to touch his but I stopped myself. He was unusually quiet. I couldn't understand what I could say or do what if that offended him? He was already mad at me, angry and furious. I was shocked that I even saw him again, and now he had freed me of that horrendous marriage. I look down at my lap and bite my lip.

"Can you forgive me?"

I saw him glance at me through my peripheral view. He gave a sigh before looking ahead. My heart was beating fast, I just couldn't see anything for me in the future till now, and suddenly he walked in. It was all just a blur.

"I was never angry at you for making a decision. I am angry at you for never trusting me. Never letting me know what the fuck was going on. You know, it's like you tried a vacation and got back to your shit life. And I was a part of your break-"

"Hunter! Why would say that?" I yelled.

He just chuckled shaking his head as if he was disappointed.

"The least you could've done was tell me. You left me, in a hospital. Do you know how it feels to wake up your friends suddenly tells me you were gone? forever."

He was right, that was bitchy of me. But when you know you are never going to meet that one person in your life again. It's just best you disappear without telling them. It's easier. Or so I thought.

"I thought I would never get to see you again. My –My family isn't nice, not one person can be trusted, I-"

"I know" He whispered, "What do you want to do now Eve? I could just snatch you away from this city and take you back, but do you want that?"

Tears rolled down my cheek as my lips trembled. He pulled the car over and stared out front as I cried. Son his hand rested on my head.

"What do you mean by that? What do you think I want to do?" I asked him, my hands rubbed away the tears down my cheeks as suddenly everything came crashing down to me.

Suddenly his hand touched my cheek; his finger caught the tear right next to my lips. I could feel all my memories pooling in my head as his touch caused shivers in my body. I felt scared; that he would leave me that I would never have someone in my life who would love me. I felt my body begging for his touch but before I could say anything, he grabbed my chin pulling me towards him, and kissed my lips.

That feeling of his lips touching mine drove me into a blurred mist of ecstasy; I closed my eyes taking in the moment of happiness after a year. His lips softly kissed mine and soon his tongue coiled around mine. I wanted to pull away, to see his face that missed so much. But he didn't let me. As his teeth softly bit my lower lip as his hands wrapped around my face. I could feel myself tear up more as he pulled away.

"I came here to bring you back to me Eve. I don't give a fuck about anyone else. Hell, if I acted like the asshole I am. I could just kidnap you, but I wanted you to see who I am. You underestimated me and my friends."

"I am so sorry" I whispered sniffing.

"I am not the nice guy here, I can be the bad guy if it concerns you. I can kill for you and I wish I could. I just want you to remember that you are mine"

I sniffed as he pecked my lips once.

"But that doesn't mean I forgive you"

My heart dropped.

And for an hour after that, to the hotel near the airport, we fell silent and that silence was killing me. Soon, I fell asleep. The light sounds of cars passing by and some honks were the only thing I heard.


I opened my eyes to see a hotel entrance. My door was opened by one of the boys as they escorted us inside when I noticed two bags taken out from the back of the car Hunter drove. His hand wrapped around my back as I glance behind me and I look at him.

"You brought two bags?"

"Your ex-mother in law said they are yours"

I blink at him before staring at the bags as they were carried inside. I realized how she had a lot of people to do stuff for her. I never realized she could help me like this.

I stare at the large window and suddenly zone out until someone's voice pulled me out of my bubble.

"Is there anything else we can help you with?"

"No thanks, You hungry?" He looked at me and asked. I nodded softly and the man nodded as Hunter ordered dinner before leaving us.

The air between us suddenly thicken, the walls seemed to cave in on me as I stare at his back, he closed the door before walking in and closing the windows, I gulp looking down at the sofa at the end of the room as he texted someone before tossing his phone aside and walking to me. I opened my mouth say sorry one last time but grabbed my face and kissed me.

I moaned as he pushed me roughly to walls and his had wrapped around my neck, his lips kissed mine with such passion, I could comprehend everything that I felt. His hand around my waist, his finger around my neck squeezing it lightly, I could feel his chest pressed against mine as he bites my lower lip and licks the pain away. I felt my legs go weak and I tremble in his arms. With no warning, he hoisted me up with his hands under my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his torso while his kisses trailed down from my lips to my neck.

I gasp at the sudden feeling of pleasure washing over me and pressed my legs further into his hips, my arms wrapping around his neck as he pushed away from that wall and walked to the sofa sitting on it with me on his lap. His face was right near my breasts, it made my nipples feel funny. I couldn't stop myself from lacing my fingers in his hair and kissing his cheek.

"I miss you Hunter"

"You have no idea how much I suffered Eve"

I smiled touching his cheek and nodded. I laid a soft kiss over his forehead before looking into his eyes. They showed how he felt, he was angry but he was filled with sadness. The slight relief in his face as he held me made me blush in excitement.

I couldn't believe I was free.

"How, How did you find me?" I asked out of curiosity.

He leaned back on the sofa with his hands still on my waist, his thumb rubbing on me, occasionally his hand would trace till right under my breasts and stop there teasing me.

"We had the license plate of the car you left in, I worked with the police before becoming a rider and settling down with our car repair shop as a hobby. I had my own connections. Frank helped me get the footage of Maximillian's car taking you back to the city. Once we found out where you were, all we had to do was inquire."

I listened to him carefully, my face showed how I couldn't believe him at first but the realization set in. He told me once, not to underestimate him. He wasn't just a normal man with a shop and normal life. He had his own connections and a life I did not know of.