
| With Him |

"How, How did you find me?" I asked out of curiosity.

He leaned back on the sofa with his hands still on my waist, his thumb rubbing on me, occasionally his hand would trace till right under my breasts and stop there teasing me.

"We had the license plate of the car you left in, I worked with the police before becoming a rider and settling down with our car repair shop as a hobby. I had my own connections. Frank helped me get the footage of Maximillian's car taking you back to the city. Once we found out where you were, all we had to do was inquire."

I listened to him carefully, my face showed how I couldn't believe him at first but the realization set in. He told me once, not to underestimate him. He wasn't just a normal man with a shop and normal life. He had his own connections and a life I did not know of.

"Maximilian's mother was someone I never expected help from. She had her own private investigator following her son. He found out I was seeking him. I gave her an ultimatum, I take you and leave it all to her, her son exposed of his crimes or, I expose her son of abusing my girl and make sure he gets a chance of getting bail with my connections so he could make a new life somewhere else"

My mouth parted in shock.

"Of course, she chose the latter. So I had him arrested and made sure he got out in a month and leave the country, you are right, your family and his are powerful. But we have our own ways of dealing with them." He sighs leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

I had given him so many problems, I wondered if I could ever repay him.

"How can I repay you, after you went so far for me." He looked at me.

"Just be mine, my women."

I smiled leaning in, cupping his face, and kissing his lips.

I was yours the day we found our feelings for each other.

"Only if you kidnap me and take me home," I said and he laughed.

I stopped before entering the house, Sofia now with black hair...must've colored after I left. In front of her sat a tiny cute girl on the table while Sofia fussed around yelling at Frank about how she did not eat her food.

That kid turned to me, with her eyes fixed, making Sofia turn her head towards me and Hunter, who pressed his hand behind my back. Assuring me, it was going to be okay.

"Oh, my god! Eve?"

I gulp, smiling as she walked toward me, and her hands wrapped around my shoulder and I suddenly feel relaxed. Put my bag down and hugged her back. Not soon after, I saw Frank smiling and hugging me before introducing me to their daughter.

"Carrissa, this is Eve. Say hi,"

Frank said, picking her up, and she giggled, turning her head away. I touched her tiny fingers, making a hand-shaking gesture as she looked back at me and got distracted by the birds.

"I was going to take you to the cottage, but Sofia was worried"

"Cottage?" I asked confused but Hunter was already inside the house to set the bags down.

Sofia and Frank helped us in with the bags but not before a sudden second hug from her. She sighs rubbing my back.

"Hunter told me what happened- actually let's just not talk about it. Come in!"

I giggle like a teen girl as Sofia pulled me inside, Frank and Hunter shared a looked which I found suspicious.

"I miss you" Sofia wrapped her arms around me again and hugged me tightly as I chuckled hugging her back.

"You wanna tell her or should I ?"

I frown at Sofia as she grinned at Hunter and snapped my eyes to him. His soft lips turned up to a grin as he scratched his head with a smug look on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"You'll see when you get there."

After three hours of rest, we finally left the house with my curiosity at its limit. He would not tell me anything and there was definitely something they all were hiding.

All I got in reply was a neutral 'You'll see' whenever I asked what he was hiding. I grin as he drove us unable to think what he had kept from me. It wasn't long till we stopped and he got off his jeep and helped me out, we were only ten minutes away from Frank and Sofia's house. The area was full of lush trees and other beautiful cottages.

I stare with wide eyes at the cottage before us.

"I don't own it. I bought it on a loan and Frank helped, but ya we can call it ours."

"What the hell Hunter!?" I yelled as turned to him and he laughed.

"No, No-don't keep any high expectations. It's run-down, abandoned. It needs a shit load of renovations but the original owner agreed to make necessary changes before we can start renovations and all-"

He couldn't speak any further as I crashed my lips on his and wrapped my hands around his neck. I felt like no matter how close we were, I couldn't hug and kiss him enough. He pushed me into him and our kiss became slow, and soft and all I felt was love.

When I softly pulled away still in his arm I smile, "You don't know how happy you make me." He smiled kissing my lips again.


"Morning baby" His raspy voice made me open my eyes to see me right in front of me. As his hand grabbed me while his lips softly pressed kissing on mine.

"Hi" I whispered turning around pushing my face in his chest and giving a tired sigh.

I heard his soft chuckle as he kissed my head rubbing his fingers on my forearms as I try to go back to sleep when he suddenly gave me bad news.

"We need to leave in an hour or so" I groan.

"I wish I could live in this house forever," I said, I had fallen in love with it overnight and couldn't pass the thought of leaving from here. Unfortunately, it belonged to his parents.

"I am happy you liked it" I smiled turning around and sitting up. Letting the covers fall off me while I held on them over my chest. I felt his hands trace down my back and I smiled.

I snapped back as I looked at him. I almost felt myself dreaming.

"Marry me." I chuckled nodding while his arm was wrapped around my waist as I sat on his lap. Us drinking beer at the bank of the river.

"Say yes baby. I wanna hear you."

"Yes! I do, I want you." I whine pulling his collar and he laughed.

He leaned back looking up and I sigh kissing his cheek.

"Will you mind waiting till I finish I house? I want us to live in the house the minute we marry-"

"We- We will finish it together" I correct him and he smiles.

We lived in his apartment as we restored the house together. It was what I always wanted. A simple life with him. I watch him talking to Frank and others as they helped make new furniture and fix the plumbing.

My eyes shift to Sofia walking towards us with Clair. Frank gave her a quick peck on her lips before walking inside the house. She smiled at me and stood next to me.

"She is so cute," I said watching her play with her Uncle Tyler.

"She is just as a pain in my neck as she is cute." I chuckled at her.

"So, I always wondered-" She looked at me as I questioned.

"How did you two meet?"

She smiled looked down and sighs.

"That was a hella long story, us I mean" She said.


"I'll tell you over drinks tonight" She said picking Clair up as Frank walked out and opening his car door before grabbing Clair to buckle up in the back seat.

"Hey baby" Hunter's voice lingered around my ear, his breath teased my neck making me melt.

"Hi." I replied.