Chapter 9

Along the way Nico was pensive with a blank-eyed stare. This time Nico was almost like a person who had completely lost his sight.

"Who's the woman who's with Sam?" said Nico. "Is she a wife, Sam?" Nico thought hard. He's looking into all his memories of Sam. The man was none other than a friend during Nico's high school in Jakarta. Because after Nico graduated from school, the man had to continue his studies in the Netherlands. Sam is staying in Indonesia. Destiny brings them together in the world of work. Where Nico becomes Sam's boss.

"Sir, is Tuah okay?" said Jodi, to Nico's surprise. All the daydreams in Nico's mind were instantly shattered.

"I'm fine!" replied Nico. "It's just that I feel very sleepy," he said, resuscitating his body on a bench in the back of the car.

"Rest, sir. I'm not going to wake you up!" said Jodi at a glance at Nico and turned his gaze on the road in front of the windshield.

Nico nodded gently, then closed his eyes. Instead, it makes Nico's mind more crowded thinking about who the woman who was with Sam in the shopping center earlier. Thousands of noises crammed into the space inside his head.


Sofia glanced at the phone that was on the table. Sam's name was on the flashing screen. 

"Okay, that's our meeting today. Does anyone want to be asked?" Sofia swept her gaze on the employees who were in the meeting room.

The man sitting at the end of the meeting table raised one hand in the air. 

"Yes, Alex!" said Sofia, pointing her gaze at Alex.

"Is Mrs. Sofia sure she wants to sell tea plantations located in Bandung. The plantation is quite large, even very large. That plantation is one of the largest income contributors to the COOPORATION Company...!"

Sofia's face instantly turned sour. His eyes drew to Alex who was tight-lipped. "Alex, this is my company. So it's up to me to sell any asset I want. Isn't that right?" Sofia was inflamed, folding both of her hands in front of her chest, staring intently at Alex.

Alex swallowed his saliva. His intention to prevent Sofia from selling the company's assets seemed to bring bad luck to herself.

"That's not the case. Mr. Nico once told me, if the plantation in Bandung is the legacy of his grandfather. And whatever happens, Mr. Nico will never sell the estate," Alex said.

Sofia pulled one of her lips smiling sarcastically. "Alex, since when did you know my husband better than I did?" asked Sofia, dropping an unsheathing look.

The woman sitting next to Alek, several times giving Alex a code to silence, did not continue his remarks.

"Yes, Ma'am!" and Alex grew afraid to see an inflamed Sofia.

The cold-air meeting room felt even stiffer.

"Is there anything you want to say, Alex?" said Sofia, pulling her body on a bench.

"No Mrs!" Alex stammered, the white man seemed to be getting even paler.

"Oh, yes, to all of you who are here I warn, never interfere in my affairs, my husband's property, because now, I am the Chairman of my husband's COOPERTION Company, Nico Andalas, one of the successful entrepreneurs in Indonesia." Sofia placed emphasis on her speech, staring one by one at the faces of employees sitting in the meeting room with sharp eyes.

"And you're Alex." Sofia pointed her index finger at Alex who was sitting on a bench. "Please pack your belongings and leave this company. Because I don't like employees who like to organize me!" said Sofia.

Alex who had since bowed raised his pale face staring at Sofia who had risen.

"Mrs. Sofia, please don't fire me!" said Alex to Sofia.

"It's a warning to all of you, work with professionals at this company, because remember, you are only employees and I pay you!" she said, squinting at the employees who were still in the meeting room. Sofia ignored Alex who kept pleading beside her.

"Okay, Mrs!" they exclaimed in unison.

"Mrs. Sofia, please don't fire me," Alex begged Sofia who passed towards the door of the room.

The steps that walked down the hallway of the 25th-floor corridor came to a halt instantly. Sofia let out a long sigh, to subside the thunder that was inside her chest. Then look at Alex who was chasing him.

"Alex, as long as you know, I don't care if you've worked here in the past or new. Because all I need is a professional employee to work in this company, not the worker who organizes the owner of the company. Who are you anyway?" insisted Sofia brandishing her index finger in front of Alex's face, her eyes cynically staring at Alex.

"But, Mrs. Sofia! I just want to convey...!"

"Stop!" snapped Sofia, her teeth gurling with annoyance. His eyes rounded full on Alex. "Now pack all your stuff and leave this office!" Sofia pointed her index finger towards Alex's room. Then hurry away.

Alex is downcast with his shoulders moving up and down. A hand suddenly gently touched Alex's shoulder.


The face of the new employee wearing the veil stared pity at Alex. "You shouldn't have to say that to Sofia's mother," Raya said.

Alex snorted heavily. "That woman has already mastered this company!" said Alex with a squinting look at Sofia's already closed room.

"Already, Alex you can still work somewhere else," Raya comforted to a gentle nod by Alex.


Sofia roughly sat on a bench in her room. "Damn it!" swears Sofia annoyed. 

"There's nothing else I can take advantage of, except to sell plantation to save this company from bankruptcy. does he think leading a company of this size is not dizzy," grumbled Sofia massaging her dizzy forehead.


Some time Sofia just remembered Sam who moments ago made a call on his phone. Soon Sofia grabbed the phone from inside the pocket of the suit she was wearing.

"Sofia!" greeted Sam from behind the phone in annoyance.

"What's wrong, Sam?" replied Sofia, who had not had time to greet Sam first. His contorted forehead held back the annoyance.

"Sofia, you've embarrassed me. The credit card you gave me can't be used!" snapped Sam murmuring from behind the phone.

"What? How could it be?" Sofia was surprised. 

"Don't pretend Sofia, you must have deliberately given me this unusable credit card!" replied Sam. "You've embarrassed me, Sofia!"  snapped Sam, annoyed.

