Chpater twenty eight... Third year trouble

Going up a rank in military is very hard because in the ranks they have another ranking system, same with the one outside, for example the Leuja grade has from F-S, you would have to rank up from F to S and above to get promoted to Colonel and then thesame process, it was done that was so not everybody can just become a head general. The higher you go, the harder it gets to rank up so getting to somewhere like the Leutenant wasn't easy.

  The next day arrived and all first years were in the assembly ground, this time the dearly loved Sergeant was the one that came out,

"Congrats, I know it wasn't easy but you guys pushed through, so now it's time for us to announce the group with the highest points..." He brought out a pad and everyone looked excited to see if they won,

"First position goes to...." He paused to add suspense,

"Team... Catherine with 8000 points?" He said in shock and looked around to see who it was,

'I was sure that the day before the end of the exam team Carin was first and this team wasn't even second or third, so how?' He thought and went ahead to Zcheck the statistics and when he did, he almost dropped the tablet on the floor,

'Ten missionsZ completed, five B ranked missions, two A ranked missions and three C ranked missions?' He was still in shock and then a girl wearing the usual school uniform and a red bow on her hair practically jumped out from the back all the way to where the Sergeant was,

"Thank you, thank you, it wasn't easy you know, taking on two B ranked missions at thesame time but we did it" She said with a really light voice like that of a little girl while jumping in excitement,

"Who the f*ck is that" Someone from the crowd said and everyone nodded in agreement,

"Apparantly she registered late so the process was slowed but she came a day before the exam so she was added to a team that was missing a member" Sergeant Cobbs explained still in shock and then the girl jumped back to her position but before she reached she waved at Chris who just stared at her with a frown,

"Sad I beat you?" She rethorically asked giggling but that wasn't the real reason,

'This girl gives off a really troublesome and evil vibe' Chris thought feeling like ripping out her throat,

"Aaaany way, the second position goes to team Carin with 7625 points, third goes to team John with 6000 points and finally fourth goes to team Jake with 5125 points" He closed his tablet and started to walk away still in shock,

"You can all go back to what you were doing" He said waving his hands and left.

  After the little drama, Chris decided to go visit Wong and gist him about the exam,

"I never had a doubt" He said trying to hide his happiness, Chris explained what happened and also explained the Catherine incident,

"Be careful of her" Wong said,

'If she is what he described her to be then she must be related to that guy, this smells like seriousegla trouble' He thought stroking his beards. Chris went ahead to sharpen his skills by talking the dummies again this time defeating 27 before he was out of gas and decided to go back to his dorm room. As he was walking back, he could see two guys stalking him,

"Why must it be me?" He said digging his hand into his hair and then he turned back,

"What do you want" He shouted, guessing that they were already found out, they came out from where they were hiding,

"Our boss wishes to discuss something with you so if you'll follow us quietly..." One of the stalkers said holding Chris by the hand but then Chris hit his hand away,

"Don't touch me, if your boss wants to speak then he will come and speak" Chris said and turned around ready to leave but then he felt something hold him from the legs,

"Don't forget your place filthy first year" The stalker said in annoyance,

"Why don't we have some fun before we bring him to boss" The other stalker said and his hand began to glow green,

"Hey, isn't that those third year henchmen for that S ranked third year"

"Yeah, do you know both of them are A+ in the Leuja grade"

"Damn, maybe the Head general may have spared him twice but this two will woop his ass"

"I can't wait" people were commenting,

"Why can't people just have a normal conversation, must it be fight all the time" Chris said scratching the back of his head with no hint of fear on his face,

"He doesn't look scared, does he think he can beat both of them at the same time"

"Maybe he's just very brave, I heard he stood straight in front of the Head general and a Leutenant" Two spectators commented but then a smile appeared on Chris's face,

"Na, it's because I know that these two won't be a problem" He said taking a fighting stance with two fists in front of him and slightly above his shoulders,

"What's going on here" A light girly voice was heard and then an annoying person jumped in,

"You" Chris said with an angered voice turning his  fists towards Catherine,

"Calm down hottie, I was just passing by I won't interrupt your fight" She said with a giggle and stepped back to spectate as well,

"Take this preety boy" One of the stalkers said already about to hit Chris with his glowing green hand but then Chris dodged still looking away and planted a fist in his face sending him skidding across the floor,

"What the Actual f***" The other stalker with two metal pipes in hand said,

"Come on" Chris said running to the other and a second later a green ball hit his ribs causing him to stagger,

"Still up ayy" Chris said holding his side,

'Damn that was strong, I think a rib is broken' Chris thought wiping blood from his mouth still bearing a smile that soon turned upside down as many pieces of sharp metal parts were flying at him with speed,

'this will be tough'


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