Chapter twenty nine... Third year trouble (2)

Chris wanted to take out the Magneto first since his ability was more wide range therefore hindering Chris's movement but everytime he tried to get close, an energy ball would block his path,

'this is very annoying, they say he has no ability yet he had inhumane speed and strength, it has to be an ability' The Energy guy said running in for another attack and Chris did thesame but when they were about to clash, a long chain got in between tying Chris up,

"Got you" He said and threw a fist at Chris which landed perfectly but the chain hindered him from moving so the energy guy punched him again and again,

'oh no, I'm about to pass out, if I pass out, these people will die' Chris thought looking for a way out and then he started to hear a voice in his head,

"They tried to kill us, kill them, kill them, kill them " heard in his head, it repeated over and over again and for some reason, it was causing Chris's anger to rise as every punch landed until Chris bent his head towards the floor and his eyes started to glow red,

"This is bad" Chris heard and then Jason walked in with his hand on the sheath of his sword,

"Calm down Chris" He whispered into Chris's ear and looked hin in the eye,

"O... K" Chris said exhaling as his eyes turned back normal,

"So what's the problem, can't take them out" Jason said cutting all the chains on Chris's body,

"every time I try to hit one the other comes along to stop me, they make an incredible team" Chris admitted standing up straight with a smile,

"But so are we" Jason said walking towards his opponents casually,

"Fool, don't you know that a sword is practically metal" Magneto said trying to drag the sword away using his ability but failing to do so,

"This is made of a particular type of sun metal, to strong for the level you are in now" Jason said now running towards the Magneto while Chris ran towards the Energy guy,

"They can't take us on if we're together" Magneto said bringing his partner close to him. Jason first threw a fist with his left hand and when it missed he downward slashed at his opponents who simply used a metal shield to cover himself from the slash,

"Perfect" Jason said using then momentum to hit his opponent with his elbow and immediately after, Chris was seen jumping out and landing a perfect punch,

"Left" Chris said to Jason and from his left came an energy ball,

"Let's go" Jason said bending down and then Chris put one leg on his back, standing up he used all the strength in his body to launch Chris high in the air easily dodging all the energy balls and readied a punch filled with Ki and a dot of Tyr's excess energy, he landed like a missile causing a crater to form and dust to rise up, when the dust settled, Chris was seen standing with one arm bleeding and on the other end, Jason was seen sheathing his sword as his opponent fell to the floor,

"Let's leave here, we can talk about it later" Jason said and like a ninja he blended into the crowd and left without anyone seeing him,

"Not bad" Catherine said also leaving with a creepy smile that just rubbed Chris the wrong way.

  Jason was waiting in their dorm room along with their creepy roommate who always seemed to either be playing games sleeping or reading,

"You should really get out more, it's quite fun you know" Jason tried to start up a conversation but the guy just stared at Jason with anger in his eyes so Jason backed off,

"Jeez" he said and then Chris finnaly entered the room and laid oh his bed,

"That was stressful" He said with a tired voice and was about to crash until Jason cleared his throat,

"Oh yeah, those two just came up to me and said something about their boss wanting to see me and I didn't feel like listening so I tried to leave but then they jumped me" Chris explained and was about to sleep again when Jason started talking,

"Well, I don't blame you because this is now normal to me but be careful, their so called boss is the king of the third years and I don't think he would let you go so easily and thanks to you, he won't let me go that easily too" he said also lying on his bed to try and get some sleep, he was right, it didn't end there.

  In the third year building, the duo who were defeated by Chris and Jason were laid flat in front of one man,

"Couldn't even handle a first year, you deserve punishment" He said laying his hand on them the next second, screams could be heard, it lasted for about twenty minutes but for the people involved, it was like an eternity, but it finally stopped,

"Get them out of here, find a healer" He said dusting his hands and sat back on his seat,

"He will be dealt with" He said with a devilish grin.

  Meanwhile in a place very far away, two men stood opposite each other huffing and panting, one had blood all over but the other barely had any,

"You're very durable" The bloody one said getting up and smoke started to surround him while for the other a sword appeared in his hand,

"You might have beaten Manuel but you're no match for me" The smokey figure said getting ready to attack again,

"That's exactly why I'm gonna beat you" Oscar said but this time instead of his usual bored face, he was frowning,

'This ability, it's similar to his but different at thesame time and so is the feeling I get from him, could he be a relative, if so then this will be a bit harder than fighting that red haired guy, Exactly what I need' Oscar thought.


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