Chapter thirty three... Oscar vs 7th leaf

The man with a white mask was jumping from building to building and although few people saw him, it wasn't really an amazing feat anymore in a world where almost everyone had abilities.

  Meanwhile Oscar was currently on a computer searching for any news on the Red lotus when a guy wearing a robe and a hood walked in,

"I have info sir" He said and Oscar got off the computer to listen,

"I heard some preety shady stuff was going on in four areas in this city, one of them is a construction site, the other is a restaurant called 'the whale', the third is a big company that said to dabble in importing and exporting of goods, as for the fourth is the black market, who you're looking for should be in either one of those" The guy said and held his hand out,

"Thanks, here" Oscar said throwing over some money and turning back to his computer,

"Guess I'll try the restaurant first, I'm hungry anyway" Oscar said taking a puff of his ciggar and changing into a normal attire as wearing his usual plain white top with his military pants was a dead giveaway of who he was.

He arrived at the front of the restaurant, it had the logo of a Whale and it looked like a place were they sell only sea food,

"This brings back bad memories, damn you Kracky" Oscar said scratching the back of his hair as he went in. As expected they served mainly sea food,

"Sir what will you be having" The waiter said with a sad face and a scared face combined,

"What's up with you" Oscar asked looking at the menu and he didn't fail to notice an option which read, 'Vip area - $50,000' it was quite fishy and normally he would just have burst in there but in this mission his main goal was to find the missing soldiers and get information so causing a rukus wasn't the best idea,

"Can I get a description of the Vip area please" Oscar asked and everywhere went dead silent as everyone looked at him with faces of pity mixed with fear,

"Did I say something" Oscar asked looking around and the waiter's dad face grew deeper,

"Sir please follow me so you and my boss will discuss that" He said pointing towards a door,

'If I say no I might not get in without causing trouble' Oscar thought and then stood up,

"Sure" Oscar said and was led to the back of the restaurant where a man in suit was seen,

"So you want to gk to the Vip area right" He said and waved his hand immediately a hand chopped down on Oscar's neck probably to make him pass out yet nothing happened,

"Is this the Vip treatment" Oscar said with a smile and then the guy wearing the suit brought out a gun and shot at Oscar with a grin on his face, suddenly the bullet started to glow blue as it hit Oscar but yet again nothing happened,

"Well guess we'll have to do this the hard way" Oscar said boosting towards the suited man but then seven guys jumped in front of him, that didn't stop him in the slightest as he pushed pass flinging them away with his brute strength and was directly in the suited man's face,

"Now, tell me, do you know of any soldier coming around here" Oscar asked bringing out another cigarette,

"No, no, and even if i did why would I tell you" He said with fear in his eyes and then suddenly a choking burst aura left Oscar's body as his eyes turned purple and he brought out his normal sword from a ring and pointed it towards his throat,

"You will tell me now" Oscar said and raised his sword about to bring it down yet the guy still didn't talk although his eyes showed he was very close to passing out,

"So be it" Oscar said with a devilish voice and swung downwards but when it was an inch away,

"I'll talk" He said and Oscar stopped the sword but the shock wave from abruptly stopping it caused the man to pass out,

"Was that too much" Oscar said vacuum sucking his sword back into the ring and suppressing his aura,

"Oh well" He said laying against the wall and playing games on his tablet.

  Meanwhile, a guy with a white mask was seen not to far away on top of a tower,

"Where are you" He mumbled and then heard a bang coming from his left,

"Hmmm" He said with a smiled and jumping from building to building, he got in the restaurant and saw everyone panicking and Oscar coming out of the back. After having a Mexican standoff for about a minute,

"Who the hell are you" Oscar asked the misterious man wearing the mask then he noticed something that got him serious, a red flower design on his clothes,

"Th red lotus" Oscar said looking to get a reaction out of him yet he just stared back at Oscar with a creepy smile under his mask,

"This is were you die" He said and immediately ran at Oscar, he threw a punch that Oscar blocked with one hand but then he spinned and delivered a kick with the back of his heel yet again Oscar blocked with one hand and returned a punch of his own, connecting perfectly and sending the guy skidding across the floor,

"I thought you red lotus guys are supposed to be strong" Oscar taunted and walked towards him casually,

"You think that would be enough to defeat the fifth leaf" The masked man said standing up and then he wore a red bracelet and ran towards Oscar. He folded his fist and delivered a punch towards Oscar's belly,

'Got you' Oscar thought about to strike back but then blood trickled down his mouth and his stomach was pushed inwards almost touching his organs but then he kicked the masked man away and jumped away,

'What the hell, no punch can be that strong, it has to be something else' Oscar said and came to only one conclusion. This time he ran at his opponent and threw a fist and as expected he dodged and aimed Oscar's stomach again but this time Oscar grabbed the fist, suddenly he could feel his power dissappear and his density on his hand became like that of a normal human's,

"I guessed right" Oscar said with a smile