Chapter thirty four... New roomate

Oscar was receiving hits continously even though he knew his opponent's ability, it seemed like the bracelet he was wearing increases the human physical attributes drastically and his Anti-ability was killing out Oscar's own ability making it an impossible fight, it looked like dwayne Johnson fighting a child, yet the reverse was the case as the white masked man was getting in multiple hits on Oscar. A thing with Oscar's ability was that it also increases his strength and speed along with density,

'It's not like I can't beat him but suddenly loosing my powers and getting it back again is hard to get used to, it's like turning on a tap and abruptly causing it to stop' Oscar said cleaning blood from his mouth and standing up with a smile,

"You are very tough" Oscar said and his smile grew even wider,

"But that's exactly why you'll loose" Oscar said and slowly walked up to the man who had an obvious smile hidden under the mask, he ran past Oscar and threw a punch at the back of his head but then Oscar dodged and used the back of his fist to hit him on the face causing the mask to crack,

'I've figured it out, it's either one of three things, one he's sealing my ability but why at shouldn't be it because if it was, it wouldn't only last when he was touching me, two he was taking away my powers temporarily but thesame applies for this, and for three which is the most likely, he's just negating my ability, it makes sense since something like that would usually require physical touch of an ability' He thought and reinforced his body with Ki as he jogged towards his opponent carefully, as expected the masked man tried to grab Oscar with his superior speed but to his surprise Oscar hit his hand to the side and hit him straight in the gut, but afterwards stopped attacking. The attacker was furious so the threw another wild punch which Oscar parried and punched him straight on the face and then gave him an uppercut and again, he stopped attacking,

"You're toying with me" He said through the mask very angrily, little did he knew Oscar had just changed tactics. Out of anger, he threw a wild pumc which Oscar dodged and in an attempt the try and hit Oscar again, he threw a kick but then surprisingly Oscar ducked and gathered Ki in his fist,

"And down" Oscar said punching him on the face causing the mask to shatter and him to fly into the back room Oscar recently came out from,

"That wasn't so hard" Oscar said and went to check the guy but them ten guys jumped in all looking thesame in front of Oscar,

"I told him to be careful around you" He said but honestly Oscar wasn't listening, he was currently looking at a red flower design that was also on his cloth, and there was another outstanding feature whick was a tattoo on his neck whick had a 5 and then the red flower design beside it which he also noticed from his earlier opponent although his own was a seven,

"I guess my sources were right" Oscar said pulling out his normal sword from his storage ring getting ready for a fight,

"You can't beat me, you're not at my level yet" The new guy said with a smirk and Oscar also had one,

"I hope so" Oscar said which sounded strange in the man's ear yet his priority now was to get his comrade to safety and deal with Oscar so his words were not concerning to him.

  Oscar took a while to assess his opponent,

'He seems to have the Duplication ability, it was quite annoying while sparring with Sergeant Cobbs, although nothing I can't handle' Oscar thought looking his new opponent up and down,

"So you're the one who gave boss a tough time, I must say even though he was weakened for you to dof that, you're a worthy opponent" And then nine of the clones ran at Oscar and with a single Ki concentrated Slash, four of them died but then something strange happened, out of each of the dead clones came two now ones so in total now there were thirteen clones running at Oscar,

"Well this is troublesome" Oscar said readying his sword once again,

'This guy's not to tough, it's either I'll have to cut them down faster than they can duplicate or take out the real one which I guess is the one that didn't charge in' Oscar thought and went straight to work.

Meanwhile, back at the base, Chris and Jason were currently heading back to their dorm rooms,

"Why didn't you tell me you could use Ki" Chris asked Jason and as usual he replied sincerely,

"I didn't see the need to" Jason said and then paused just outside the room,

"I sense something unfamiliar" Jason stated putting his hand on the sheath of his sword and then he opened the door,

"Hey guys, I'm Kai" A guy was seen at the other end, he had a mowhawk hairstyle which was blond while the little hair on his sides were black, he was a very handsome guy with a calm aura around him,

"Who are you" Chris asked acting more calm than Jason,

"Sorry for just coming in like that but I'll have you know I'm your new roommate, Kai Parker, short for Kyle" He said with a slight smile and a nervous face yet Jason still didn't trust him,

"That was sudden, what happened to..." Chris paused realising he actually knew nothing about his old roommate, including his name,

"Well unfortunately, I heard he left the school and since me and my roommates were having problems, I made a request for muself to be changed and this happened, it seems like I dropped in a room weirdos" He mumbled the last part,

"Well...,...I'm pooped so I'm gonna hit the showers and then the hay, as long you aren't troublesome, we're glad to have you" Chris said and went into the bathroom and as for Jason, he felt more relaxed but something g was still bugging him,

'What's this second energy I feel, it's for some reason purple, could it be something like what's in Chris' Jason wondered but decided to let it go because he was also tired