Chapter thirty seven... Red lotus

"Now tell me all about your Red lotus play group" Oscar said but the guy just kept quiet,

"I'm not the kind of guy who will tell you something emotional and leave you to think about it, neither am I the kind to just threaten you or torture you" Oscar's sword began to glow,

"even the slightest movement of any part of your body except your lips and well, you know the rest" Oscar said grabbing another cigar from his back pocket,

"I will never tell you" The masked guy said and the next second Oscar's sword was swinging down towards his neck, when it was an inch away,

"Fine" He shouted so Oscar dropped his sword l,

"It's not like you can stop us anyway...,... Our aim is to get the phoenix from that boy so it can be absorbed therefore making us unstoppable" The guy admitted and Oscar just sighed,

"Do we really have to do this...,... If I must ask, why do you want to become unstoppable" Oscar asked,

"Because we want to bring back all the phoenix's from the other world to rain destruction down on the human race" He answered,

"hmm, pretty big goal for someone as weak as you, what makes you think you can do it, for a goal that big you must have someone stronger than me and your so called boss definitely isn't" Oscar asked with a worried face,

"You haven't seen his power yet that's why you speak like that, you will all be doomed, in fact it has probably already began, the destruction of the world has probably already began" the masked man laughed like a crazy person,

"Well sorry but you're not gonna see it" Oscar said and brought out his soul weapon,

"Goodbye" Oscar said and swung his sword down but then stopped noticing something,

"Just answer one more question, why would you betray your own people, sergeant Cobbs" Oscar asked and a shocked face was seen for the first time,

"You knew" Cobbs asked and covered his face in disgrace,

"Doesn't change a thing though, you're wasting time here instead of going to help your people" Cobbs said and Oscar just laughed,

"I don't have a single worry, my rival is currently taking care of things" Oscar said and then Cobbs started to laugh,

"A word of advice before you kill me, don't trust anyone" He said and then suddenly his head blew up,

"Jesus Christ" Oscar shouted and sheathed his sword back,

"But that smoke guy I saw earlier, he gave of the same vibe" Oscar said and then turned to the other guy who was still unconscious,

"well, if they're gonna attack the base, then might as well reduce their numbers" Oscar said and went to him, but as expected he blew up as well,

"Which kind of leader blows up their own people" Oscar said in annoyance and left the broken down restaurant.

Back at the base, Chris, Jason, Garry and surprisingly John decided to have a real life team friendly spar,

'I know I might loose but I should at least take one down with me' Chris thought and got ready with his new weapon, it was currently in a sheath so no one except from Jason who has been giving him lessons on how to use it, knows how it looks,

"Let's begin" Jason said and ran at Garry first, John on the other hand started to float in the air and raised plenty objects with him. Chris ran at John who responded by using his Telekinesis to throw the floating objects at Chris,

'I should at least take down one of them' Chris said focusing his power and then his eyes turned red while little heat waves were coming out of his body, he jumped and dodged the first object, and for the second he enforced his leg and shot it back at John who just shifted his head slightly dodging it,

"sorry Chris but I have to finish this and help out my... " Before he could finish his sentence, a sword with a long chain at it's end brushed his face and went straight for Chris,

'Perfect' Chris said and threw his leg at the sword, unexpectedly the chain wrapped around Chris's leg and he was swung towards John. John raised his hand ready to fling Chris away but then he suddenly boosted past finally removed the sword from its sheath and swung it at John's neck from the back, The sword looked like it wouldn't reach so John wasn't concerned but then it became longer like there were parts of the sword hidden within, the part covering it moved up therefore making the others inside to come out making the sword look something like a snake,

"Shit" John said and then put his hands up like he was flexing his muscles which he didn't have and then suddenly, something left his body and pushed everything close to him away, including Chris. Chris crash landed on the floor along with the objects John raised in the air earlier,

"I.. Can.. Still.. Win... This" Chris mumbled trying to get up but John was already close with a spear in hand, he threw it at Chris who was still having difficulties getting up,

"Grrrrr" Chris growled in anger and suddenly he disappeared from where he once was causing the spear to hit the ground,

"What the..." John said and then he could feel something close to his back, when he turned, Chris's sword had already elongated and was directly in front of him,

"I lose" John announced and the sword went back to its original state and it seemed like Garry and Jason were still going at it,

"Yo Garry, we lost" John said flying over to the two,

"Seriously, are you that weak, no offence Chris" Garry said and sat on the floor to rest,

"So, how do you think you're gonna do in the second exam" Garry asked and Chris just stared at him with a confused face,

"You don't really listen in your class do you...,... Anyway, the second exam is next week, I was told it had three stages, the first is a one on one match against people from other classes, the second a team match and I don't know of the third" Garry explained to the others,

"Well, I'm tired so I'm going to bed" John said and flew away leaving the others.


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