Chapter thirty eight... The exam

After a few days, the exam arrived and everyone was excited and nervous while for some specific overconfident bunch, they were relaxing instead of training, every first year was lead to a place that looked almost identical to a football pitch but instead of grass, it was just Tar and there was also a tall glass structure that was protecting the audience from any stray shot and it was obvious it wasn't normal glass as some scared students used their abilities on it yet it didn't even have a scratch. There also seemed to be a different set of seats above, specifically six, and as everyone entered, they could see the school most loved and strongest students consisting of second years and third years, and to everyone's surprise, Catherine, the one most first years refer to as the Bitch Queen, also the strongest second year student in the school who was also the most attractive, Jeremy walked in with his blonde hair blowing in the wind, the third person was a ripped guy that wore a military Jean and just a singlet instead of a top, he kinda looked like the head general but didn't have a cigar in his mouth. The fourth was a guy with black hair and probably everything else about him was normal, he was wearing the normal military school clothes and also wore a pair of earphones. The last two person had not arrived yet so their seats remained empty. Finally the teachers walked in and the announcer who was the gorgeous Miss Anders, the teacher for the elemental class,

"As you all know, this is the second exam, and although it doesn't determine whether you move onto the next year, it is important if you want to increase your Rank and it also gives you a chance to be chosen for a future faction by one of the big six" she said and as expected, Chris was dumbfounded so he looked to Carin,

"Huh, the big six are the would biggest faction, they basically control the world and also they are the world strongest people, some say they are even stronger than the head generals" Carin explained,

"Are they stronger than the Admiral" Chris asked and suddenly everywhere went quiet as everyone around him began to stare at him weirdly,

"sup" Chris said and they all just shook their heads and continued to listen to Ms. Anders explain,

"No, the Admiral is in fact one of the big six, and the strongest of all the six" Carin explained and started to ignore Chris,

"OK, now that that's done with, I'm gonna announce the first match" She said and brought out a white envelope,

"out of all thirty first year students, the first match will be between, Jack and Harley" She announced and flew back to where the other sergeants were sitting, allowing the referee to take over, after a while, Jack came out with a long staff while coming in from the other side of the arena was a girl with plenty short blades all around her clothing,

"Begin" The referee said blowing a whistle so they both went to attack each other,

"Hey, Where's Kai" Garry asked looking around yet he couldn't find him,

"Maybe he's preparing..." Chris paused as he could see Jack fall to the floor with multiple cuts all a lover his body,

"Winner, harley" The referee announced and immediately after, four people came in and took Jack out of the arena while Garry bore a frown,

"hey, what's up" Carin asked and Garry pointed at the girl,

"That girl came to my room last night rudely demanding for Chris's whereabouts" He said folding his hands. After Jack had been taken out, Miss Anders stood up,

"Next match is between Sai reaper and Kai parker" Miss Anders announced and then the two contestants came out, Kai unlike most didn't have a weapon, he just bounced in with his hands in his pockets, as for the other guy, it was someone Jason remembered quite well, he used a blood reaper which was basically a long chain with a sharp beak like blade at one end and on the other end was a small ball with sharp spikes.

Kai looked quite confident as he walked in and then he waved at Chris who also responded with a wave,

"Begin" The referee said and blew his whistle for the match to begin, a match which Jason and Chris were very interested in watching. Immediately the whistle was blown, Sai swung his blood reaper and Kai simply stepped to the side dodging it perfectly,

"Well then, dodge this" Sai said and started to do the same he did to Jason in their last fight, swinging the blood reaper around like a crazy person, it made it unpredictable yet Kai was easily following and dodging every swing, until finally, it scratched his skin, making a tiny droplet of blood to touch the sharp end of the blade,

"You're finished now" Sai said and raised the blade to his mouth but then shockingly, Kai got down on one knee and put his hands on the floor, suddenly he boosted behind Sai and used his own blood reaper to stab him through his belly from the back,

"Winner, Kai Parker" The referee said and for a while there was silence as most didn't see what Kai did because he was too fast for them but they eventually snapped back to reality,

"OK, the next match is between Tyler Grey and David Guetta" Miss Anders announced.

After a while of watching other matches and since his name hadn't been called yet, he decided to leave his sitting position and walk around the arena for a while until his name would be called, he went into the bathroom and began to use the bathroom,

"Hey, are you ready...,... We'll strike when Jason does" Chris could hear from around the urinal,

"Let's get some payback" He heard and two boys went to the door only to see Chris standing there,

"Shit" One of them said, suddenly his body began to glow green, Chris tried to bring out his sword but it was kicked out from his hand and a kicked landed straight on his belly causing him to almost pass out but he held his ground,

"What the f*ck" Chris mumbled and put his hands out signalling the two boys to come at him and they did, the one with the glowing green body threw a kick although it didn't even get close to Chris so he decided to try and run in for an attack but then he felt a kick straight on his nose,

"You can't win this, Jason is probably gonna be called next so you can't stop us" The other one said bringing a pocket knife and then stabbed it into Chris's Hand, Chris then looked at him but shockingly, it wasn't pain that was written on his face, sounds could be heard around the stab would and veins became visible around it as well, as if the inside of his hand was trying to break through the knife stabbed through it.

A random student was seen walking to the bathroom after he just lost a fight to Carin, when he was about to open the door, the door suddenly flew out of it's position and with it was another student with brown hair, he hit the wall and passed out,

"Whoa" He said and started to back away but then A student with black hair and strands if hair came out with a knife in his hand,

"Shit this hurts" Chris shouted and held onto the knife attempting to pull it out but it was too painful,

"Next match is between Jason Justin and Innu" He heard from a distance and then quickly removed the knife,

"AHHHH" He screamed and ran to where the stadium like building, the brown haired student looked into the bathroom and saw a guy's head in the toilet and he was obviously unconscious,

"What the hell is that guy" he said and left to go back to his seat.


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