Issue #9

"...the Weapon Plus Program. My gut is telling me that we need to go after them."

"But why?" asked Rogue "out of the three targets, we have the least information on them. We know where the ring leaders are for the Hellfire Club and have at least 10 leads for Essex Corp. We only have 2 people we can track for Weapons Plus."

"That's what makes them so dangerous to me though. This organization has been a US government organization for over 60 years but we are only able to get two leads after they broke away barely a year ago? That doesn't sit right," Kwannaon countered

Wanda then added, "It is also her power. Her instincts have allowed her to keep over 5 thousand people alive in the sewers for years. Even my father wanted to recruit her several times because of her abilities but she refused him."

Hearing the praise both women had for Callisto and the logic in their words, Rogue no longer had any complaints.

Jack smiled as he heard the women discuss. He already planned to follow whatever Callisto said but he also wanted the team to get along and think for themselves instead of blindly obeying him.

"So we are all on one accord then?" he asked the group

All of the women nodded in response

"Good. Both leads are in Phoenix, Arizona. We have 3 safe houses there that we can and will use. I will divide us up into 2 groups. Each group will have its own safe house while the third will be used for any captured targets and interrogation.

Callisto and Kwannon will be put in charge of gathering evidence and tracking the two leads. Me, Wanda, and Rogue will stay in another safe house to be of support when you both need it. Pack up a couple bags with a few sets of civilian clothes and spare uniforms. We leave in an hour."

The 4 women nodded. The group then left the debriefing room and headed for the elevators. On the way there, they saw several other Avengers, most of them giving the group dirty looks. This was especially true for Rogue.

Rogue and Wanda kept their faces toward the floor as they felt both ashamed and embarrassed by the looks that others were giving them.

Jack called out to them warmly

"Don't worry about the looks they are giving you. You all are Avengers. That makes you heroes and my allies. And if anyone tries to mess with my allies, I'll be sure to fuck their faces up a bit."

Rogue and Wanda both let out sighs of relief while several of the closest part time Avengers began to back away and keep a wide breath from the group.

No one wanted to get on Jack's bad side. He was close to several of the founding members, several of the strongest members, and was one of the strongest members of the Avengers himself. So even if they didn't like the newest additions to the team, none of them would dare show it anymore.

When they got back to their floor, Jack and the women split up. He entered his room and saw the pets of the Avengers in the living room and flipping through the channels.

'These guys are much smarter than I thought at first. I could probably read their minds but I am honestly want to be surprised a bit.'

When Jack reached his office, he saw a little blonde sitting in his chair and doing something on his laptop.

"Val. Does your mom know that you're over here?"

Valeria didn't turn away from what she was doing on the laptop as she answered Jack

"She's taking a nap. I didn't want to wake her up. Plus, a little birdy told me that you were leaving on a mission for a while."

Jack gave her an 'hmm' before walking over to the mini-fridge he had in the room and pulled out an energy drink for him and a small milk pouch for her. He put the straw in her drink before walking over to the desk and placing the milk next to her.

Seeing he got her milk, Valeria shot Jack a look of frustration due to him treating her like a child but she obediantly picked up the milk and starting sipping through the straw.

"Does that little birdy happen to have access to the security cameras in the main meeting room and briefing room #3 cause I'm pretty sure no one else knows," Jack said before giving her a small smack to the back of her head. "How many times have I told you not to hack into private networks?"

"Ouch!" Valeria grabbed the back of her head with one of her small hands. "I didn't hack into it. I found out Captain America and Nick Fury I access codes and used those to gain access to the cameras and audio."

Jack hit the back of her head again.

"If you're going to do something wrong, don't get caught at least."

"Yeah, yeah. How long will you be gone, Uncle Jack?"

Valeria brushed past her reproach and got back to the topic she wanted to discuss. Jack wanted to smack her in the head again but he was afraid he would give her permanent brain damage and make the world lose a brilliant mind.

"At least a week. At most, a month."

Valeria began to pout when she heard the answer. Jack had been away on missions before but most were straight up 'stop this crime.' He would rarely be on long-term missions like this one.

Seeing she was upset, Jack wanted to change the subject.

"Oh, yeah. How is your magic practice coming along?"

Valeria knew what he was doing but still went along with it. She didn't want to focus on something upsetting either. Plus, when she thought of her latest achievement, she felt proud.

"I'm doing great. I can perform the Patronus Charm 3 times in a row without failure now."

Jack raised his eyebrow at this. Even though Potterverse magic was the weakest in the world, it was still difficult for a newbie to use the more advanced ones. For Valeria to cast the Patronus Charm 3 times in a row at the age of 3, it proved that she was not just as science genius but also a magical one too.

"That's pretty good. Let's see what you can do."

The little girl nodded and began gathering magical energy at the tip of her finger. Jack did the same. Both then chanted "Expecto Patronum" before whiteish-blue spectral energy emerged from their hands and took the form of their spirit guardians/animals.

Jack's was a robin. The small bird began to whizz around the room at it sang its beautiful song. He was disappointed when he first summoned his patronus but after having it around for awhile, it began to grow on him.

Valeria's patronus was much more magnificent that Jack's. It was a dragon. Even though it was just a spiritual one that was only a baby, the majestic and tyrannical nature of the creature could not be hidden. When it and Valeria grew up, the girl might even be able to use it as an actual familiar.

Jack stroked Valeria's head as he praised her.

"Looking even better than the last time I saw it. I can really see the texture in the scales."

The duo practiced a few more spells together before Sue came to pick up the little girl. After she was gone, Jack spent his last 15 minutes packing. By the time he was supposed to meet with the others, he was all ready for his next mission.