Issue #2

"Good job, everyone. You guys seem to be getting a pretty good handle on your gifts. Go hit the showers and then grab a bite to eat," Jack told his students as he ended his class

{Jack. Please come to my office} the Professor's voice came out of nowhere

Jack was surprised that he was called by Xavier. Although he was late, he was not on the level of Wolverine who would complete ditch classes to buy rare cigars.

Not thinking too much about why he was called, Jack made his way to the Professor's office. But before he entered, he felt the psychic presence of several people he was very familiar with.

'They're here? Wonder what for.'

Jack walked into the office confidently and recognized all of those inside the room. Besides the Professor, Hank, and Jean, there was Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Jessica Jones.

Jack smiled at Jessica but his expression was neutral when he looked at the other two. Although Jack was close with Strange's wife, he didn't like the man himself. And his relationship with Tony was self-explanatory.

"So why was I called here, Professor?" Jack asked in a tone of impatience. Although he usually had a better attitude around the Professor, knowing he was on a secret team with Tony still bothered him.

"The Avengers are here because they have some questions for you about a crime, Jack."

Jack turned his eyes over to Tony and he nearly fired a couple of beams of cold energy at him. Any crime he had done, he made sure that he couldn't get caught. So whatever they were coming in there for, it was complete bullshit.

(This next part is very educational on American police interactions)

"So are you guys here as officers of the law?" Jack asked, ready to play around with them

Being a former police officer and detective herself, Jessica could already see where this conversation was going. But before she could warn Tony, he had already answered.

"Yes. We are federal law enforcement agents since we are members of the Avengers," Tony explained himself

And with this admission, Jack's fun could begin

"So am I being detained or are you just here, knocking on my door since I have experience in the area and think I might know something?"

"The latter," Strange replied

"Oh. Then we are done here. You can both fuck off!" Jack said before turning around and walking toward the door

Seeing that he was about to leave, Dr. Strange chanted a quick spell and sealed the door with red chains made out of magical energy.

"You can't just leave, Jack!" Tony warned as he began powering up his suit while secretly happy he might be able to take revenge on Jack.

Jack turned around and his smile became even more pronounced. They were falling deeper and deeper into his trap.

"Jessica, darling. Why don't you tell them about the mistake they are making?" turning his head to Jessica, Jack asked the only person in the room that actually knew what she was doing

Jessica sighed to herself as she saw the uphill battle she was about to go through. She had nothing but admiration for Jack since he was playing by the rules and still about to dominate them.

"You can't do that, Strange. You both have fallen into his trap. When he asked if we were here as officers, you said 'yes' which means we are. And when he asked if he was being detained, you said 'no'.

Being detained means that he has to remain here. But since you said he was not being detained and we just wanted to talk to him, that meant that he can treat us like any other person and just ignore us. So by you locking him in here, that is getting very close to unlawful imprisonment," the woman explained the mistakes they were making

Hearing her words and how Jack had placed the trap for them to fall into, Tony became enraged but had no choice to stand down. The leader of the Avengers couldn't be arrested for an unlawful arrest.

Tony had been put in charge of the Avengers 2 months before this when Captain America temporarily retired due to the grief of his former lover dying. Even after coming back within a few weeks, Tony remained as the leader of the Avengers.

"Our bad, Jack. But why are you being so difficult right now?" Tony asked, trying to push the blame on Jack

Jack continued to smile while Jessica just facepalmed.

'The longer we are here, the more ashamed I am to say I am an Avenger.'

"You know, when most officers say, 'you're being difficult', what they really mean is, 'This guy knows his rights and is using them properly so I can't abuse my powers. I need to make him feel bad about it so I can continue abusing my power.'

If you want to investigate something, you should properly do your job. And if you want to get me to talk, I suggest you learn your laws," Jack taunted

"Then let's just say you're detained!" Strange shouted, also frustrated by Jack.

'I have battled demonic gods and entire cults of people that believe in consuming babies but none make me as frustrated as him. Deadpool doesn't even make me as frustrated as he does.'

"Oh. I'm detained. Then can you please explain why you're detaining me?" Jack asked waiting for them to make their next mistake

"I don't believe that we have to tell you what crime we believe you have committed," Tony said as his AI FRIDAY informed him about this fact

Jessica did not give Jack a chance to rebut him but instead told him the full truth herself. It was clear that Jack knew his rights and if he were to say it, he would surely piss off Tony even more.

"You don't have to tell him what law you believe he is breaking but you do have to articulate the reasons you believe he has, currently is, or will break the law," Jessica reminded him

Tony looked at her in disbelief and he wanted to yell at FRIDAY but he couldn't at the moment. He had to focus on Jack.

"We believe you are responsible for a murder. The body appeared without any wounds and no known cause of death. They had just died. The same as that one spell you know," Tony explained

Jack actually began to feel pity for Jessica. She had to accompany two idiots and humiliate herself because of them.

"So did you detect my magical signature there, Strange? Or did any surveillance footage show me there, Stark? How about any witnesses? Cause the spell you are thinking of can be used by any third-rate spell caster," Jack explained

Both Tony and Strange could not say anything. It was true that all the things he mentioned were lacking and Strange knew that the spell that was used should have been able to be traced if he focused on the magical signature but he overlooked it when Tony mentioned that he thought it was Jack.

Unable to come up with anything else, the trio was forced to leave with the warning that they would come back when they had more evidence.

Jack watched them walk out the office door before he turned and looked at the Professor deeply. Both were his allies which made him wary of the man, even if he respected him.

With this farce over with, Jack went to the canteen to grab something to eat since he was starving.